mlm home business
Home Business Radio Network.
How would you like to have a network marketing home business GOLD MINE of education and empowerment?
Would being able to tap into some of the most powerful minds and thought leaders in the home based business profession be of value to your MLM business?
How would you like 24/7 access no matter where you are or where you are working your home business?
Monday, January 30th at 3:00 PM EST:
The official launch of the Home Business Radio Network will take place, and it is going to be a GAME CHANGER for the home business profession This will be the start of one of the most powerful resources and media outlets that exist in the network marketing mlm business as well as any other home business you may work.
The Power of a home business everyone knows about. But there are many thought leaders today that can accelerate that power and enlarge your potential with their tips and secrets of massive success. Being able to tap into that type of mind and thought power is HUGE and will be a very powerful source for inspiration, education, and transformation.
The Home Business Radio Network (HBRN) has plans to launch worldwide with the flip of a switch with one of the most innovative, powerful radio software that exists today. Paul Saunders, CEO of HBRN and also the company that wrote the software for internet radio, says that “I have been in the radio industry for over 3 decades, and I have never been as excited as I am about the potential of the Home Business Radio Network. This is going to be a game changer in the industry, and will move the industry to a new level of professionalism that currently is not available. My partner and co-founder in this venture, trainer, speaker, author, Doug Firebaugh, an icon in the home business profession, is bringing some of the biggest names, and extraordinary talent to the network for shows and interviews. This will truly be something that will impact the network marketing, direct selling, party plan, social media marketing, internet marketing, affiliate marketing and any other type of home business that one may own. This will elevate everything and everyone that it touches.”
Saunders also went on to say,” Internet radio is the fastest growing media today. And we are excited to be a part of it, and we have much bigger plans than this, but it is a start. You will be able to listen to HBRN on any social media site with the widgets that are developed, and that includes facebook, Google+, twitter, LinkedIn, and others. You will also be able to listen to it on your iphone, droid, blackberry, ipad, notepad, samsung phones, and just about any mobile device out there, 24/7 with few exceptions. The home business profession and MLM network marketing profession is about ready to GROW UP into a whole new level of power and exposure worldwide.”
You can learn more about this amazing radio network at: Home Business Radio Network.
There are many big names that are part of this, and 3 of them that will have their own shows are:

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Nick and Grace Keohohou– Founders of the Direct Selling Women’s Alliance. They have nearly a half million direct sales women that are a part of the DSWA worldwide, and will have the show “DSWA – Direct Selling Radio Show” which will educate you and entertain you about direct sales, team building, leadership, motivation and many other powerful and life changing topics.

Ray Higdon
Ray Higdon, the number one earner for his company and one of the most powerful leaders of the New Generation of Leadership in network marketing, , has a radio show, “The Ray Higdon Show” and his show will feature every aspect of home business mastery and leadership. His show will focus on getting YOU to success quickly in your home business and life as well as many other topics.
These are just 3 of the incredible names that are a part of the Home Business Radio Network.
We encourage you to join us Monday, January 30th, at 3 pm EST at this location: Home Business Radio Network and join the celebration!
This will truly be a game changer for the MLM network marketing home business profession!
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blessings…doug firebaugh’
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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