mlm network marketing telephone success
MLM Telephone Secrets of Success.
How often do you us the telephone in your mlm network marketing business?
What do you SAY to the home business prospect when you chat with them?
Are your words working or are hindering your work at home business?
The telephone can be one of the GREATEST tools you have or can be one of the most FRUSTRATING tools you have-depending on how you see it and use it.
Many home business professionals have used the phone with great success.
Why does it work for SOME and not for others in network marketing?
GREAT question!
They have figured some things out, and that is the reason for this post. After researching telephone mastery and making 100,000 calls myself, we have found 7 MLM Telephone Secrets that we believe will make a huge difference in your business and results on the telephone.
Here are 7 of the most Powerful Telephone Mastery Secrets that exist:
1) “The Million Dollar 15.”
2) “Focus on Who THEY KNOW.”
3) “Focus on making them glad that you called and wanting to you to call again.”
4) “A short phone call carries Power, a long phone call often – Poison.”
5) “I have REALLY enjoyed this call- it’s been great –thanks.”
6) There are what we call “The Four Ns of the Telephone Call”
NICE= Now In Control (of) Emotions