blogging for home business magnet
Do you often wonder why your home business blog is not converting like you need?
Does your blog get traffic but yet for whatever reason prospects do not seem to join you or even opt in?
Do you ever feel like your blog is just a desert with no water?
There are a lot of folks in network marketing that have this issue.
Home Business MLM blogs are what I have been focusing on for a while as many folks are struggling with their blogs.
The reason?
Weak Copy.
It does NOT MOVE the READER to DO ANYTHING or even invite them to come back.
Your copy, or what you write, needs to be STRONG and Powerful like a Magnet that PULLS people back to your blog.
Here are 3 Quick Secrets of good copy for home business blogs.
1. Write from THEIR perspective FIRST, yours second.
You need to look through your reader’s eyes, and not yours.
What are they lo0king for?
Relate to that in your writing and copy.
What are they struggling with?
Write in that focus and let them know you understand and you have been there as well.
Create a SOLUTION for them and make it easy to embrace and engage. Tell them WHY this solution will work and you have been where they are.
CONNECT with their pain, and that will be YOUR GAIN.
2. Tell a Story that they can say, “Hey- that is ME!”
The more CONNECTED a reader feels to you, the more they will relate and come back.
Drive the connection DEEP and tell a story that will move them motivate them, inspire them, change them.
They will want more of that you got, and they will be back.
3. Paint a Picture of the Life they COULD BE LIVING in vivid, Detailed, 3 dimensional colors.
When you write copy, make sure that you PLACE THE READER in the land of LARGE LIVING and in LIVING COLOR.
Talk DETAILS and describe the life that you can help them obtain.
“Can you imagine sitting on the beach, 90 degrees, smell of coconut oil, sound of the waves crashing, people laughing, music playing, suntan oil glistening, you are at total peace and loving life, and you just earned another $2000.00 dollars today? THAT is the life I want to talk to you about…”
Use these tips.
Fix your copy.
These are 3 quick Fixes for copy on your blog and your home business mlm.
Social Network Marketing Secrets Told- READ THIS!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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