mlm downline team building
Are you looking to build a network marketing mlm team that STICKS and does not go away?
Would you be open to learning how to build a downline online or offline that GROWS and does not GO away?
Many people today in the home business network marketing arena do not build teams correctly. They build downlines that are shaky and not solid. And a shaky downline is at risk to going somewhere else if you are not careful.
I believe that building a team online still must have some offline time. I have watched mlm teams that are built soley online that never really lasted. The goal of building an mlm downline is to BUILD IT ONCE and not over and over as so many home business professionals seem to do.
But it will require looking for the right people on your team.
The reasons that distributors build their downline over and over are many. But the biggest reason is that most network marketing distributors are too focused on “the next recruit” versus BUILDING the NEXT SUPERSTAR.
Did you get what I just wrote?
You need to decide this:
If you are looking for the next recruit or looking for the NEXT SUPERSTAR in your team and working with them.
Yes, you must always be bringing in new personal recruits, but you must balance that with the power of “Superstar Building.”
Here is a Billion Dollar Tip:
What you focus on Building IN your team- ends up being ON your team.
How do you locate the future superstars in your home based business?
You must look for 4 things in your team:
1. New recruits that are VISIBLE and VOCAL.
Many future superstars are Visible and Vocal and want you to know that they are now a part of the team. I am not saying they have to run their mouth. I am saying they are on every webinar and conference call with a guest, and letting you know they are on. They want you to know you can count on them for guests and building.
2. New recruits that are CALLING YOU.
Future superstars do not wait on much. They just pull the trigger and GO. They call you and ask questions as well as ask for your help. They call you to let you know of the success they are having. They call you to let you know that they are available to help if you need them. And they call you to talk to prospects they have already talked with. In your mlm downline, this is GOLD.
3. New recruits that are sponsoring more than the average number monthly.
These are your workhorses. They sponsor more than the average, and do it every month. Your job is to work with those they have sponsored and get them in the training system quickly. Do not let their new recruits go untrained. Your new recruit may be training them. Make sure they are and working with them online and offline.
4. New recruits whose Success is being talked about by others on the team.
This is always a great indicator of the next future superstar- people talking about what they are doing in your downline. If you hear about someone – give them a call and congratulate them for their success and thank them for their efforts. Or you can text them, facebook them, twitter them, or whatever means of communication you see as right. Pay attention to them and call them “Superstar” to let them know they are headed that way.
Call out what you want to see in your group and let your people hear it. They will respond accordingly.
These are 4 powerful mlm downline building tips that will help increase and accelerate your building of your home business mlm downline.
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blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all right reserved
Mobile Recruiting- recruit 5 people a day from your phone! READ THIS.
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