Network Marketing MLM
has many people asking questions.
Especially today as the economy is still struggling and appears to be headed nowhere. Network Marketing MLM is one of the more popular options for bringing in additional income to the household.
Network Marketing MLM actually is a type of distribution of products that allows a network of inindependent distributors to sell and market products. They are entrepreneurs and own their own business. They purchase product s wholesale and sell them retail to the masses. This is known as Direct Sales or Consumer Direct sales.
But Network Marketing MLM is different as it has a twist to it beyond just selling and marketing product. Just like a Real Estate broker, who goes out and recruits real estate agents and gets an override off of their agent’s real estate sales, so goes MLM. The distributor, like the Real Estate broker, can go out, recruit a team of “distribution agents” and then get overrides off of the volume of sales that their team produces.
That is why it is called Network Marketing MLM.
It is a Network of Marketers that are recruited and built that eventually have multiple levels that the distributor leader can override and earn commissions on their product volume. It is a hybrid between Real Estate and traditional corporate America.
You get the opportunity to recruit a team of “agents” but yet you can build a hierarchy of reps that can go 5 to 500 levels deep much like a traditional corporation with sales people.
Network Marketing MLM also is a great way to move product to the masses inexpensively. It cuts out the middle man as well as requires not advertising . The form of advertising used for Network Marketing MLM is “word of mouth” advertising.
People telling people telling people telling people about you and your products. And through this network of conversations about your products, Network Marketing MLM thrives as a distribution channel for the market.
There is some controversy with MLM as some people just like any other type of entrepreneurial venture, can attract the wrong people. Although the number of bad apples in the profession is microscopic, they still show up on occasion and can create some negative vibes and results.
But today, most Network Marketing MLM companies are getting rid of these types of rogue distributors and tightening up their policies and procedures to disallow that type of unacceptable business practice. Most Network Marketing companies today will terminate anyone who violates their rules willingly with no questions asked.
The power of owning a home business in network marketing today is incredible. You can start your own business for less than 500.00 usually, and most compnaies have some form of guarantee. Most home business owners who choose Network Marketing MLM focus on selling of the products. That is smart at the beginnign as it will create some immediate income as the new distributor learns the ropes of the business.
Most Network Marketing MLM companies consist of 4 Things:
1. A Corporate Leadership Team with Experience.
2. In Demand Products that will sell.
3. A Compensation Plan that allows commissions to be earned by everyone.
4. Training and Education that will equip and empower the new represenative.
These 4 things are critical for any successful company. If you are looking at an MLM company, I would suggest checking for these 4 things to make sure it is a legiitimate home based business company.
There are many different types of Network Marketing companies:
Skin Care.
Weight Loss.
Make up.
Internet Sales.
Fitness focused.
Niche companies.
Children’s Toys.
Green Products.
Plsu MUCH MORE in product availability.
And most of the Network Marketing profession, according to most estimates, consists of 70% women and 30% men. Women do very well with Network Marketing MLM as they are natural networkers and nuture people. Many women today, as well as men, have become millionaires because of the potential this profession offers.
In summary, Network Marketing MLM is a business that is run by a network of independent contractors who market products for companies, and also can build teams of “agents” who go out and do the same thing. The leader who recruited the team is allowed to override the team volume and get a commission on every sale made. The potential for wealth in the Network Marketing profession can be staggering if done correctly.
After 25 years in this great Home Business MLM profession, if you are considering a home business I would recommend you do your due diligence and consider strongly a business in Network Marketing MLM.
For a powerful Step by Step Resource on MLM that will explode your Success: A HOT Start:The First 14 Days in MLM
blessings…doug firebaugh
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