mlm home business prospecting
MLM Prospecting Secrets.
Do you prospect for new network marketing leads?
Are you looking for a more powerful home business lead generation process?
How would knowing what has helped produce BILLIONS in volume help your home based business?
These are three very powerful mlm prospecting secrets. And I would advise you to take a look at them, and learn them, and use them. These mlm prospecting secrets are GOLD and they will help you in your mlm lead generation efforts.
MLM Prospecting Secret 1:
“Focus ONLY on what the prospect wants, not you.”
It is NOT all about you.
It never will be.
It is called a T.I.N.Y. Focus.
Their Interests NOT Yours.
Where your focus lies will be where your results are drawn towards.
If the prospect wants to talk about the product, shut up about the business. Talk product. Talk product some more. The tell them a business is connected to the product.
If a prospect wants to talk about her dreams- SHUT UP and LISTEN. Listen some more. And then tell her how amazing her dreams are and you would love to help her achieve them.
This is simple and to the point.
MLM Prospecting Secret 2:
“Prospect looking through the Prospect’s eyes, and not yours. THEIR Dreams are focused in THEIR eyes, not yours.”
Looking and Seeing are 2 different things.
Prospecting requires BOTH.
It requires you looking at what the prospect wants to do with their life, and CONNECTING to that Dream and destiny and you SEEING the fruition of it with your business and products in their life.
It requires you to START where they are, and LOOK at where they are, and SEE where they can go with your business.
Look through their eyes as far as where they currently are, financially, emotionally, family, socially, and career wise.
Start in their world, and then lead them to your world of home business success.
You are talking to the prospect ONLY to see what the prospect is looking for, and wanting in their life and YOU help them find it. Let your home business be the delivery vehicle for the solution and Power Magnet of their dreams.
MLM Prospecting Secret 3:
“Use words that they understand, NOT Network Marketing-ease.”
Many distributors talk themselves right out of a potential prospect because they use all the wrong words and all the wrong questions.
I have seen this so many times.
Someone starts talking about “downlines” and a puzzled look comes across the prospect’s face and they start glazing over.
Someone mentions “upline” and by then the prospect is starting to look for an exit.
THEN someone mentions “multi level” and you look around…where did they go?
NOT with you.
You cannot expect to talk Chinese to a Greek and expect each other to understand each other. It is the same with Network Marketing.
You must use the language that will get them COMFORTABLE and not require them to SORT THROUGH the babble to try and figure it out.
Don’t use the words like “downline” or “upline”.
A prospect probably will have no clue of what that is.
Use words they can understand, and feel comfortable with, like “Team”, “Support system,” and “Leaders.”
If you use these three powerful mlm prospecting secrets, you will find your mlm lead generation success exploding in your mlm home business.
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blessings…doug firebaugh
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