mlm getting started right
MLM Getting Started Right.
Who do you know in your upline that is a VIP for your mlm home based business?
Would you like a template that you can use to make SURE that you have the correct contacts for help in your network marketing business?
Would it make a difference to know WHO is WHO?
What we want to today is to give you a TEMPLATE for getting started right in a network marketing home business.
GETTING STARTED – Numbers and Addresses You will Need.
“Ok. How do I Communicate with the Company, and Who is Part of My NETWORK MARKETING Success Team?”
Go to the NETWORK MARKETING corporate website and copy the contact numbers. Put them somewhere you will have ready access.
NETWORK MARKETING Website address & email:
NETWORK MARKETING Home Office Address:
NETWORK MARKETING Reseller Services Number:
This list covers all aspects of the NETWORK MARKETING Corporate Office and the functions for the Reseller’s needs, from ordering, to Reseller support for you.
Next, you must know your Reseller identification number to communicate with corporate and to sponsor new Resellers.
My Personal Identification Number: ____________________________________
You also need to know your “Success Team,” also called your upline. These are the people that are part of your support team. It is like a “Board of Advisors,” or a “Team of Coaches,” who have been where you are looking to go.
This team will prove to be valuable in your NETWORK MARKETING business, as they have a vested interest in you. Find out who they are and get to know them. Call your sponsor, and Fill in their information.
His/Her Sponsor ___________________ phone___________email___________
His/Her Sponsor____________________ phone___________email___________
Superstar Sponsor _________________ phone___________email___________
A soccer team cannot play effectively without knowing who is on their team. That is true as well for a softball team, or a football team. You need to get to know who is on your team, and how they can help. Network Marketing and NETWORK MARKETING is a TEAM Business!
Here is what you need to do in order to GET INTO ACTION with this mlm getting started right template:
Get your sponsor to introduce you via a quick Three-way phone call to your NETWORK MARKETING upline team to learn a little bit about who they are, and introduce you to them, so they can get to know you. DO NOT BE INVISIBLE! Make yourself known to your Upline. Let them know you are serious about building a business, and they will appreciate that! Get to know your Upline Success Team!
This mlm getting started template will work with online as well as offline and social media for your mlm home business.
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blessings…doug firebaugh
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