network marketing july 4th
MLM July 4th Feedom training.
What is FREEDOM to you in your network marketing home business?
What does July 4th REALLY mean as far as success in mlm and direct sales?
A professional in our wonderful profession understands that FREEDOM is what we all want. Our forefathers faught and died for it. They literally gave their lives so we could be free today. And your home business is worth giving it all you got like they did is it not?
There are 7 secrets to FREEDOM in MLM and Network marketing, And I want to briefly cover them in celebration of out July 4th holiday.
We are going to take the word FREEDOM and break it down.
“F” stands for FAITH.
If you do not have faith in what you are doing with your home business, you never will be free. You must have faith in the system your company has provided as well as the training and the vision. Faith must also be in YOU. You must have faith in your God given abilties to CRUSH IT and rock with the good times as well as the not so good.
Have faith that you WILL create financial freedom.
“R” stands for REACH.
Simply, a weak approach and REACH to tbis business is going to yield you weak results. Most of the time, a less then aggressive approach to this business shows a lack of belief in what you are doing and will shorten your reach a lot.
BELIEVE in what you are doing and let the force of belief ignite an agressive mindset to GO OUT AND MAKE IT HAPPEN.
REACH for what you want and what it takes to succeed in business. This will result in much more success then you could ever imagine. I am not talking about being pushy, but REACHING to help people help themselves. Don’t worry about your Reach being too powerful. That is not going to happen. REACH for your Freedom by reaching out to others and helping them obtain their freedom in life.
“E” stands for ENGAGE.
You must ENGAGE this business, not just try it. Trying it is going through the motions. ENGAGING is going through the EMOTIONS to put your business IN MOTION. Get PUMPED and ENGAGE the prospecting, the recruiting, the online social efforts, and all that is required for success.
Engage your HEART in all you do. that will create more FREEDOM in your life then you ever could imagine.
“E” stands for EXCELLENCE.
There is NO true FREEDOM without Excellence in everything you do. Your business must be built on a foundation of FREEDOM as well as as EXCELLENCE is your vision and approach.
Excellence is a lifestyle and a decision. It is a POWER that can transform the ordinary into the EXTRAORDINARY. Focus on Excellence and watch your business SOAR.
“D” stands for DEMAND.
You have a powerful success force inside of you. Demand from it. PULL from it. DEMAND the Big You to show up. DEMAND the results you want. DEMAND the skill set that is needed and then acquire it. DEMAND from your team the BEST each has to offer. DEMAND that winning be the only focus and the only result. If you demand the best from you, then you will see FEEEDOM coming towards you like a freight trin.
“O” stands for OPEN.
FREEDOM in network marketing is based on you OPENING new conversations, new doors and new possibilties. Opening your mind to BIGGER results is a beginning to FREEDOM. Opening your eyes to a higher success and more powerful result is a beginning to FREEDOM. Opening up the mind of your team to being number one on the company is the beginning to FREEDOM.
Open up your mind, heart, and eyes to the HUGE Success that lies before you, that leads straight to FREEDOM in life.
“M” stands for MORE.
There is MORE inside of you. Give it.
There is MORE that can come from you. Give it.
There is MORE thinking that you can do. Give it.
There is MORE belief in yourself inside of you. Give it.
There is MORE Success waiting to be unleashed from you. DO IT.
If you take these 7 secrets of FREEDOM and apply them to your business, as our forefathers took to to the battle field, your success and freedom will always be there in your network marketing home business in mlm.
Happy July 4th!!!!
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blessings…doug firebaugh
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