mlm home business referrals
MLM Getting Referrals Tips.
Do you work referrals on a daily basis for your home business?
Do you even take the time to put a Referral Blueprint together for your network marketing business?
Have you ever GOTTEN a referral before for your work at home mlm?
Most people struggle needlessly in this profession because they lack the proper prospect and waste their time on chasing those prospects that are NOT who they should be talking to. I did that for a couple of years until my mentor opened my eyes to the truth about the matter.
I discovered that talking to the wrong prospect will always give you the wrong results and the wrong motion in your business.
WHAT IF you could get all the FREE Leads that are GREAT prospects and easy to connect to, as well as easy to recruit and market your products to? Would that make a difference in your home business?
I want to share with you before we go on a webinar/video course called “Referral Recruiting” that is happening Thursday March 28th and starts at 8 pm EST and is a THREE HOUR webinar teaching you Referral mastery with myself and Jackie Ulmer! You will learn the secrets of Mastering the Referral process and literally get dozens of new leads a DAY- highly converting FREE leads. For more info:
Why do people not ask for referrals? What is stopping them? These high converting leads are the most powerful leads you can get, and yet only 15% of the population ever asks for a referral. That means there is 85% that DO NOT EVER ASK!
What is THAT costing them in future business and future growth? You do NOT want to know as it would leave your head shaking.
WHY do people NOT ask for leads? From a psychological standpoint it is an interesting study. but there are three main reasons why that most do not ask for referrals. And you may recognize these reasons as most suffer from lack of referrals because of one of these three reasons:
1. Referrals SCARE people- but not the reason why you think.
Yes, you read that right.. Most people do NOT ask out of fear. And what they are afraid of is that the prospect will NOT give them any referrals. They WILL if you know how to ask for them. That is the reason why you MUST learn how to ask for them and NEVER get a NO!
2. Referrals are “Cold” and they will not want to talk to me- Fear of Rejection.
Again, Fear plays a part as the team member fears that the referral will tell them NO! BUT! You are borrowing the credibility of the REFERROR! And that makes the referral a “Luke warm” prospect and NOT cold.
3. Referrals are the LAST THING on your mind.
Sad but true. Referrals are not the most important thing in the world to people, and they simply forget to ask. They are more excited about getting a new customer that they do not ask. Most do not even ask friends for referrals! But your friends WILL help you with them if you KNOW how to ask.
That is why I encourage you to check out MLM Referral Recruiting! it will rock your world!
These are 3 reasons why you are not easily getting Referrals for your mlm network marketing home based business!
FREE mp3 download – “2103 Recruiting Secrets” with Doug and Diane Hochman
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