mlm recruiting email home based business
How to Get a Phone Appointment via EMAIL Recruiting.
Do you use email in your prospecting efforts for your home business?
Are you using it the way you MUST be using it to recruit for your network marketing efforts?
How are you using email in mlm?
I love sharing posts that I think rock, and this is one from Daniel Maclellan that is major HOT! Take notes as this is a great way to close on cold calling emails to prospects.
How to Ask for a Phone Appointment in an Email.
I explain to my sales team that asking people to call you back is a bit obnoxious–even if there is value and reason. When you do that your prospects are left thinking, “Wait, you want me to call you? so you can pitch me? You want me to stop doing my job and search for time in my calendar to give you so that you can sell me? Are you kidding?”
Using your strategy increases response rates for sure, but even great emails will sometimes fail. This is why I take a different approach.
I try to put as much of the onus on me as possible to connect.
Here are some ways that I do that.
Example 1: “I have time free on Friday, July 6th at 2:00pm. I’ll reach out to you then to discuss. I hope you’re able to take my call.” Learn how to put a cell tower on your propery through this website.
With this closing statement, you’re:
- Showing that you are not asking anything from them.
- Carrying the labor of the continued conversation.
- Passively trying to connect, not aggressively.
Example 2: “I’ll reach out to Mary to see if you have some time free to discuss next week.”
By suggesting that you’ll reach out to their executive assistant, you’re:
- Showing that you’ve done your homework.
- Following the correct protocol for the continued conversation.
- Not asking anything from them and their busy schedule.
Example 3: “I have time free on Friday, July 6th at 2:00pm. Are you free at that time to talk?”
By closing this way, you’re:
- Still asking them to do something, although it’s minimal. They just need to
check one date/time in their cal. - Giving them enough time (at least a week out) to ensure that they’ll have a
free spot on their calendar.
Sometimes I’ll offer two times a week out for them to choose from and then say, “Which date/time works best?”
By taking this approach, I’m applying a successful passive/aggressive strategy. I’m able to send 3 to 5 emails and make 3 calls without annoying the prospect…which isn’t easy.
Here are a few suggestion to increase your email cold calling success rate using this approach:
- If I don’t reach them, I leave a voice mail and send an email stating, “I
guess this didn’t turn out to be a good time. Let’s try again for Wednesday at
3pm.” - On the morning of my proposed meeting I’ll send an email stating, “As per my
message, I’ll be calling you today at…I hope that we’re able to connect.
Please let me know if that time doesn’t work.” - I’ll continue this for 3x per prospect, then back away. After the 3rd
attempt, I usually say, “I guess this time frame is way too busy for us to
connect. I’ll try again in the future. In the meantime, feel free to contact
me…” - I then move on to someone else in the company after the 3x.
- I try to splice the attempts with value. Before the scheduled call attempt,
I may forward them an article stating, “This company looks like they are going
through the same thing as you…check out their approach”. Or on a VM, stating,
“By the way, I am sending you an article that has some great marketing / success/leadership tips that I know that will be a big help for you.”
This is a great mlm email training for your mlm network marketing home based business.
FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”- over 25 secrets with Doug and Diane Hochman
blessings…doug firebaugh
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