home business mlm craigslist
Are you aware for your home business mlm that there are over 5 million people at any given time on Craigslist?
What would you do if you had 15-20 leads everyday for your network marketing business from craigslist- FREE?
There are millions of people that are trying to sell something they own, and in today’s economy, it grows daily. They are looking for connections via Craigslist.
Craigslist is one of those “hidden gems” in mlm online recruiting that many people seem to ignore. and if you understand how it works, and how you can prospect with it, it could explode your local mlm business and national.
MLM online recruiting and lead generation is a KEY element if you are going to have a successful home business using online lead generation. Craigslist is a perfect fit for any online lead generation success blueprint.
Craigslist is known for the ADS that it has, and these online classifieds are powerful tools to get your message out. But one of the most powerful tools it can be is a contact source for people SELLING things. People are selling their possessions to get more money.
Millions of people online selling things- to GET MORE MONEY.
THAT could be a perfect prospect for home business conversation thayt would show them how to catalyze more income coming to them via your home business.
What would that do for your MLM business?
It would rock your world potentially. And it would also help a lot of folks that NEED some additional funds and income.
How would you approach the person that ran the classified ad?
“I see that you are selling your car on Craigslist. If you do not mind me asking, I was wondering what was the reason? < reason> Well maybe I can help you in a way that selling your car never could. Would making 50.00 an hour make a difference? Let me take a second and share an idea with you that has really helped me get through some tough times financially…”
This is what we have taught our Private Clients to do, and they have met with some amazing people over the last 3 years. They have not only helped a LOT of folks that needed some additonal income, but also helped to reignite their dreams as well.
What are you waiting on?
Start checking Craigslist on your local area, and start connecting with people and see how you can help them with your Home business mlm!
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Social Media and Network Marketing combined for Endless leads?
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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