mlm recruiting network marketing
MLM Solution Recruiting.
Are you practicing Solving problems or creating ones in your mlm home business?
What if you could discover a powerful way to recruit that has proven to work but rarely anyone teaches?
How would that create an excitement to go out and talk to new home business prospects?
There is a Golden Law in Online as well as offline recruiting that we teach and it truly is all part of the process of understanding how to sponsor people.
What is that Golden law?
People are looking to be SOLVED not SOLD. People are looking for Answers, not Products.
With that in mind, then you have the beginning of a higher understanding of Network marketing recruiting. You will look at your prospect with a much different view. You will see them as people that are LOOKING FOR SOMETHING– versus YOU wanting something. Often the home business professional wants something from the prospect versus has something FOR the prospect.
There is a name for it, and it is an amazing way to recruit for your mlm home based business.
The name of the process is called:
“Solution Based Recruiting.”
This is where ALL your focus and efforts for sponsoring someone is put in one thing:
Solution based Recruiting has 3 powerful advantages:
1. It creates the conversation that the prospect automatically will connect to.
2. It PULLS the prospect towards the conversation as they sense you have something they are looking for.
3. It creates MOVEMENT in the prospect emotionally, as they think “Finally! Someone that can help me!”
Solution Based Recruiting involves taking the time to find out what kind of challenges that the home business prospects have and then help them discover through you, a viable and enduring SOLUTION for that challenge.
If they have a health challenge, then you simply talk to them about the Solution you are introducing to the marketplace.
If they have an income challenge, as many prospects do, you are introducing a Solution into the marketplace that helps solve that problem.
You get the picture.
How do you find their Great Challenge in their life?
If you are on facebook or google+ then look at their posts and you will see them talking about it. All you have to do is tell them you can help them solve that issue.
If you are talking to them face to face or on a phone call, then you simply ask them this powerful question:
“If you think about it, what is your greatest challenge today that you would like to get rid of?”
From the very beginning, you are SOLUTION FOCUSED.
This mlm recruiting secret has recruited tens of thousands of prospects and will work for you. FOCUS on SOLUTIONS for your mlm prospect and watch an explosion start to happen in your home business mlm recruiting.
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- “Social Recruiting Power”- over 50 recruiting secrets!
FREE Webinar on Recruiting 101- Watch it FREE NOW!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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