MLM Recruiting: The 5 Types of Network Marketing Recruiters in a Home Business

It is amazing.

Every where I have the honor of speaking, I see over and over the 5 types of recruiters on MLM….and they all remind me of animals. Animals have a particular way of creating in their habitat what they need to survive and live on…and to become what nature meant for them to be…

Network marketers are a lot like that too…

Last week I was deluged with emails about the article on “Recruiting the Wrong People..”

My good friend John Milton Fogg emailed me and said he was putting that article up on his Greatest Networker site…

“Wow Dougie! I am stealing this article for my site! Catch me if you caaaannnnn! Great stuff!”

Thanks for the kind comments!


This week’s article explains a lot of WHY folks recruit the wrong people, and you may even see yourself in one of these Recruiting Animals that run rampant in MLM…

The 5 Types of Recruiters in MLM.
The first:

1) “The Snake”…

This is the type of recruiter that deceives and takes advantage of folks and is a cancer to this great industry… This recruiter has one focus….to TAKE and do whatever it takes to recruit you…including unethical things and practices…


Who knows, but they are out there, and it is a shame… A snake slithers around the ground silently and looks for prey…

Sound familiar? Know anyone like that? If you do…stay away from them as they are bad news…

2) “The Hyena…”

This is the person who simply cannot shut up during a recruiting meeting or call….they are focused on themselves and talk about themselves and like a hyena, run their mouths and laugh a lot all in the name of “look at me…and what I have done…”

Give me a break…


People come into this business for THEIR reasons….not yours… Keep the conversation focused on them and not you…don’t be like a hyena and dominate the meeting…

Don’t be like a hyena and look foolish to the prospect… Don’t be like hyena and constantly be engaged in bringing attention to you…

Keep your attention on them, and you will have a much better chance of recruiting someone…

For a HOT Training on Prospecting: “How to Create a Tidal Wave of Prospects”

3) “The Cow…”

The Cow is the “Lay around all day and do nothing and chew on CUD…” MLM recruiter… These folks are the less that ambitious people who wander around in MLM and chew on “Failure Grass…” and it ends up CUD….

Cows chew CUD daily…what does “CUD” stand for?

“Consistently Unproductive Daily….”

That’s what Cows do…they do nothing and get nothing in this business…

Brutal? Yes. The Truth? Absolutely!

Are you a Cow in recruiting? Do you MOOOOO? (As instead of working, you end up watching MOOOOvies?)

That is called a CLUE!!!!! GET BUSY and quit chewing Failure Grass and CUD! Success Grass tastes 1000 times better!!!

The Busy MLM Worker.
4) “The Beaver…”

These are the folks that are teachable, and are eager to work and are excited about the business. They have a great work ethic, and a great mental focus, and they are into one thing:


They are into Network marketing to BUILD and build more…they like to build DAMS….

DAMS are what create success in MLM… The DAM of Belief… The DAM of Action… The DAM of Results… The DAM of Consistency.. The DAM of Prospects ….

You know what DAM stands for?

“Doing All Methodically….”

And that is what they do….ALL…what ever it takes, and they do it Methodically, step by step, daily, and never give up…They prospect, contact, present, follow up, get the decision, and train DAILY! Till they have built a DAM and resevoir of SUCCESS!

5) “The Eagle…”

The Eagle is a recruiter that is in a class all by themselves… They soar above the crowd when it comes to recruiting, and they are sharp and focused in their efforts…

They are totally professional, and have great Leadership skills…they are sharp in many ways and have great communication and building skills…

They recruit from a “what is best for you.. not best for me” standpoint, and always puts the prospect first and foremost.. The eagle knows who they want to recruit, and doesn’t bother with anybody else…

Eagles look for other Eagles, or those who aspire to be… Eagles search out for the BEST in people…and then when they find it, they know they have something to build on…and to recruit…

Eagles are head and shoulders above most in recruiting in their actions, consistency, attitudes, and work ethic…


Where are you in the 5 Types of recruiters? I hope and pray at least the Beaver…

The MLM Metamorphosis.

Many a Beaver has grown and evolved into an Eagle over time…

Where are you evolving to?

Your answer has just painted a picture of your recruiting destiny in this industry…

blessings… doug Firebaugh / Passionfire Intl

© 2005-2009 All rights reserved.

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5 MLM Recruiting Phrases that Paint MAGNETIC Word Pictures in Direct Sales

home based business

home business drawing

Home Business Success. 

Success requires many things.

Home based business is determined much by 2 words:

Word Pictures.

 One of the most powerful secrets to recruiting in Network marketing. 

Do you use them? 


Word Pictures can increase your recruiting ratio by 50% overnight!

Ok…what are they?

They are phrases or questions that create a mental image or picture of the prospect obtaining or creating what they want in their life, and then igniting it with Emotion. 


The power of this recruiting secret is in how the mental picture makes them FEEL.

You see, too many distributors DISPENSE, DISPLAY, and DISPOSE when recruiting…

We call it the “3 D’s of Mediocre Recruiting”: 

The 3 D’s of MLM Mediocre Recruiting.

1) They Dispense information.

2) They Display the program and products.

3) They Dispose of any real chance of recruiting the prospect because of the lack of MAGNETISM.



They are too focused on recruiting the prospect for THEIR reasons, not the prospects. And there are phrases you can use that literally will create a magnetic environment when you recruit in your Home Business.

I used these phrases for years, and many prospects were nearly crawling over the table to get an application. 

What are they?

These Phrases or questions simply paint a picture or help the person imagine themselves having what they want in life, and magnetizing it with FEELING. 

The “5 MLM Recruiting Phrases that Paint MAGNETIC Word Pictures”. 

1) “Imagine the feeling of….”

 Imagine the feeling of being in that house you were talking about…how would it feel? Imagine the feeling of having the time you want to spend with your kids…and spending all day with them in the park…

Would that be great? Imagine the feeling of owning your own home based business and having control of your life…what would that mean to you? 

2) “Can you see yourself..(being…doing…having…)”

Can you see yourself finally having the success you have always wanted and feeling incredible? Can you see yourself in Hawaii with your spouse and it costing you nothing? Can you see yourself having more freedom than you ever have had with a home business? 

3) “How would your life change if…?”

 How would your life change if you had more time to do the things you want? How would your life change if you had the financial freedom to live the life you want? How would your life change if you had more time to spend with your kids…quality time they crave? 

4) “What would it mean to your family if….”

 What would it mean to your family if you had more money to create a better lifestyle? What would it mean to your family if you were to be able to buy a bigger home? What would it mean to your children if you were at home working in Network Marketing while being with them? 

5) “Where would your life be if….?”

Where would your life be if you were to have a six figure income? Where would your life be if you had the money to do what you wanted, not what you had to do? Where would your family be if you could take them on vacations you wanted to, not what you could afford to? 

BONUS Question:

“Lets be Honest….Don’t you and your family deserve… the best life has to offer?”

Don’t you and your family deserve… a better lifestyle?

Don’t you and your family deserve… what you truly want, not just what you can afford? 

These phrases are Magnetic and : 

The Secret of “Already There” in a Home Business.


 They make people THINK! And what you are doing is putting themselves in a mental picture of being ALREADY THERE, and enjoying the life they truly want…and FEELING it in their hearts…

And then your job is simply to say… “That’s why we need to talk…I can help you obtain that in your life….and so much more…..with what I have discovered…in Direct Sales and MLM” 

(Discovered is a MAGNETIC word…HOT!!!)

blessings…. doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005-2011 All rights reserved.

MLM Cold Market Prospecting – The 5 Magic Words

home based business conversation

home business words

Do you ever do Cold market Prospecting?

I inhaled it when I was in the business…it was GREAT!

Yeah yeah…I know…

“Doug…you don’t know how hard it is out there…people are mean…and ugly to me…”

Well…gee…I never had anyone be mean and ugly to me before….(smile)…

I always knew that there were a lot of people out there who were looking for me…and I was looking for them….

A few weeks ago, I wrote on the subject of Net-Working, and how to develop leads within the cold market and truly Net-Work….like a Professional…

I got a HUGE amount of emails asking all the same question…

“How do you open up a conversation with these people you are in front of…” “How do you get these folk’s attention?  And my favorite…”How do you not stick your foot in your mouth?”…(smile)…

When info is free…people do ask…(smile…) There are so many ways to develop an engaging conversation with someone…but in the 10 years I did Cold market MLM recruiting, I talked to thousands of folks, and recruited a lot of people… but one thing I discovered…

The Secret of what Business MLM is really about.


We are in a business of Communication…and verbiage plays a HUGE role in the success of your recruiting…

I cannot believe sometimes when I do Personal Coaching how lame some folks approach people…a total turn off…and they wonder why this business isn’t working for them…

And on the other end, someone has the words down…but whose focus is so off the mark that they blow a great prospect…


Iit’s the SIMPLE things in this business that create the Staggering results…and once I found these words I am talking about…I laughed…and said… “How blind can I be?…(smile)…

You see, if you have been on any TeleFire calls, and have listened to any of our PCRs….you would know that we are in the MLM business of touching and changing people’s lives….but that can also be reversed…

The Culture Secret.


People in our Culture are programmed to HELP people and assist whenever they can….it’s part of our culture… For example…if a friend of yours called you up, and said…

“Hey Joe…I need your help on something…” What would be your instinctive first reply? 

“Sure! What’s Up?” And we all are programmed to lend a hand…. 


Even to strangers…

So….we figured out that if that was true…could we integrate it into our Recruiting Process?

And the 5 Magic Words of MLM Cold Market Recruiting” came about…

They can be used:

On the Phone… In a letter… In an email… Face to Face… On a cassette… On a Post card… On a thank You Note… On a Birthday card.. practically anywhere you communicate your business in the Cold market….

And understand…


The LESS you come across like you are recruiting, the MORE you will have their attention….

Simply…people like to feel appreciated and liked, and also worthy… When someone asks you for help, in a lot of instances, you can feel flattered simply by the way you ask…

And verbiage again is important…

The 5 Magic Words of Cold Market MLM Recruiting.
And what are those 5 magic Words….? Check these out millsriversdaschool .

***** “Maybe You Can Help Me…..” ******* 

Simple…but INCREDIBLY EFFECTIVE in Network Marketing Cold Market recruiting…especially when you are Net-Working LIVE and in front of people at a social function….

You will hear so many times as a response… “Maybe you can help me…” “Sure…what can I do for you…”? or…”I give it a try!”

BAMMO!!!!! You are now engaged in an initial conversation of recruiting with a cold market prospect…

The question is….what do you say next???? or in a letter? or on a Post card?? To not BLOW IT???

What value would it be to you to be able to double your recruiting in cold market with knowing how?

I did….quadrupled it….


By knowing what to say..

Blessings… doug Firebaugh PassionFire Intl htt/

© 2005-2011 All rights reserved

MLM Network Marketing Training Objections – The 5 Laws


home business objections

home business objections

Home Business Objections are interesting things…

They are needed in this industry to sharpen your skills, and to find out where you truly stand with your prospects… But….

Most folks FEAR objections, when there is really no reason to…


Objections are part of the success process in network marketing…

You need to understand that objections truly are part of the mix in creating the success in network marketing…and the more you understand the laws of the Objection, the more you will see how easy it is to fend them off and move forward…

What would it be worth to you to be able to “handle” any objection there is because you understand the Laws behind them?

Here they are:

The Five MLM Laws of the Objection.

1) “The MLM Law of Resistance.”

The more you try to resist an objection, the bigger it becomes. If you think about it, resistance is a futile thing in a lot of instances…and that goes for objections as well.

If you try to resist an objection, than what you are doing is telling the prospect that he/she is wrong, and c’mon…who wants to be told they are wrong? The more you throw your futile reasons towards the prospect to overcome the objection, the more entrenched they usually become…


The more you try to convince the prospect they are wrong, the more right they are in their own minds…

It’s human nature to be that way…just accept it and know that an objection cannot be resisted… that brings us to the second law:

2) “The MLM Law of Embracement.”

 If you don’t resist the objection, but Embrace it, the smaller it becomes and it loses it’s Power…

If you embrace an objection, and not resist it, but “restructure” it, you will have a much better chance of making the person see your side of the story…

You use what we call “Embracement Phrases”… Like:

“That is so good that you have thought of that…”

“I can see you are thinking about this, and I am glad you brought that up…’

“Great point! And there is another side to what you just said…”

“I agree with what you just said…and I know you will agree with this….”

Objections 101 - How to Handle Any MLM Objection

FEATURED TRAINING RESOURCE - Objections 101 - How to Handle Any MLM Objection

When you embrace an objection, you NEUTRALIZE it, and have a chance to create something positive from it…

Restructure the Objection with law number 3:

The Law of WBTO in MLM.
3) “The MLM Law WBTO.”

That stands for “What’s Behind The Objection….” With every objection you get, there is another “hidden” message that you need to try and clarify… You do that with a simple question….

“That’s interesting…what do you mean by that?”

“Good point…could you clarify that further for me?”

Every objection has another message behind it, and that message is the REAL objection, not what they have told you…

“I don’t have the money for this…”

Hidden message: My finances are not where I want them to be…can you help?

“I don’t have the time for this….’

Hidden message: “I don’t own my life…can you help?”

“I have seen these before and they never work….”

Hidden message: “I wish it would work, can you show me how?”

You see, most people would love to be successful in their life, but never see themselves being that way, and that belief brings on the Objections…you just need to show them how they truly can be, and you will help LEAD them there…(CLUE!!!!!)

4) “The MLM Law of Connection.” If you connect with the prospect and their objection, it will render it harmless in your presentation… If a prospect gives you an objection, and you can relate to that thought process…you must CONNECT with them on that…


“Boy! Can I sure relate to what you just said…”

“I can’t believe you just brought that up…I had the same idea too when I was looking at this…”

“You are so right at this stage of the game to think that…I did…and let me tell you what changed my mind…’

If you Connect with the prospect’s objection, then you just increased the odds of them connecting with you 10 fold…

5)”The MLM Law of Replacement.” With every objection that is neutralized, you must replace it with a reason to energize. If you have correctly neutralized an objection, then you must replace it with a reason to join you, and then energize it with an empowering phrase…

“As you can see, the real objective here is to create what you want in your life, and from your sharp observations, you know we can help you obtain it….”

The Secret of MLM Growth.

Turn every objection into an Objective for growth Ask a simple question…

“How would you like to change that in your life to where you would have more time….more money….more freedom…more control….etc…”

If you replace an objection with a strong reason of VALUE (CLUE!!!!), then you will find that objection will not surface again, as it has been replaced with a solution and desire to do better than what the objection offers your prospect’s life….(CLUE!!!)

“What if there was a way I could address that for you that showed you a different perspective that I have found is true…would that help?”

INFERNO Secret: With every objection you replace with a Reason…you are that much closer to recruiting the prospect…”

For a HOT Objections Training: “The Objections Course 101”

These are the 5 MLM Laws of the Objection…

Learn them and understand this:

INFERNO secret:

MLM Building Blocks.
Objections are only building blocks to MLM Success in your business…and for success in your prospects life…they are valuable to you, for growth, and also to draw your prospect closer into your recruiting power…..for your home based business.


doug Firebaugh / Passionfire Intl

© 2005-2011 All rights reserved.

Home Business Prospecting – 5 HOT Opening Phrases

home business phrases

home business phrases

Home business

requires GREAT comunication and GREAT conversations.

But they also must be MAGNETIC and draw the prospect towards you with powerful phrases. Many people use words and phrases that are weak and do not IMPACT the prospect at all.

That has to STOP.

NOTE: The Power of your Conversation will always determine the Level of yuur Elevation in this home based business profession.

In the Home based business profession, there are what are called the 5 Magic Words of Cold Market Prospecting…

“Maybe You Can Help me….”

I got more email about this than any other article in a  while.

All wanted to know…

Ok…What do you say?

This brings us to the Golden law of Cold MLM market Prospecting…

“Recruiting Starts after the initial Contact…”

What does that mean?

We found that if we didn’t try to recruit them right off the bat, but waited till the second meeting or even third, our ratio for success went up…


Don’t become an “ATTACK RECRUITER”….

Give your cold prospect room to breathe…and let a rapport start to develop a little…if that is going to happen…a lot of times, it won’t due to lack of any interest on the prospects part…

Wait till the second conversation to bring up your desire to seek them for your business, or who they might know…

This is only professional…and you are giving the relationship time to solidify….


If you jump the gun too quick, you will end up shooting yourself in the foot….

Here are the “5 HOT Phrases for Cold market MLM Prospecting…”…these are mainly for people that you will meet in the business community when Net-Working your business…which you should be doing all the time…

For a HOT MLM Training Resource: “30 Second Flat Cold Calling University”

The 5 Hot Phrases for MLM Cold Market Prospecting.

1) “I am a professional in the community like you…”

2) “I am introducing myself to …”

3) “I love networking with other professionals…”

4) “Maybe there is a way we could help each other…”

5) “Would you be open to some coffee sometime?…”

1) “I am a professional in the Community….” This states an important fact: You are one of them…..

And this will create the start of a CONNECTION right off the bat, and also establish who you are to the Cold prospect…from one professional to another…

2) “I am introducing myself…” This sets up an important paradigm… You are taking the initiative to introduce and meet people in the community, and you are a take charge type of person… And it shows you really want to meet folks…and it shows Leadership…(CLUE!!!!!!!)

3) “I love networking with other professionals…” This states one thing: You value other professionals as a resource… And you also show that you appreciate the fact that networking does work in the business world…and that as a resource, a professional has value to you and your business, and vice versa…

4) “Maybe there is a way we could help each other…” This establishes that you are willing to Increase and Improve your prospects business and life… And also you do care about helping people… plus you are showing Potential value right upfront…

5) “Would you be open for coffee sometime…?” This is the proactive part of it, and it simply gives them a chance to engage the budding relationship…or not. Most professionals do have an interest in increasing their business, so you will get some interest, and some time with them…but if they say they are not interested …

Be a professional…and thank them for their time and wish them well….and see if you can get a card for a thank you note to send them…

“May I at least have a card in case I run across someone who would want your services?…”

Understand…you as a network marketer should be out weekly meeting folks who may need your products and looking for you…but most don’t do that as they stay tied to one or two ways to prospect…

Multiple Lead Vehicles in Network Marketing.

Millionaires in this business have multiple lead generating vehicles working for them…all the time…

In your Cold market Network Marketing Prospecting….make sure…

You put yourself on the other side of the table think about how would you like to be approached…and treated?

Then do it….with these phrases or variations of them… and turn your Cold prospect into a warming up prospect…then a Scorching HOT MLM Prospect.

That will do more for your Home based business then you could ever imagine. HOT prospects are critical and often hard to find. UNLESS- you know how to set their interest on fire.

Use the priceless phrase on your cold market and you will see a huge increase in prospects in your home business.


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005-2011 All rights reserved

MLM Direct Sales Recruiting Through the Power of Conversation

home business conversation



The REAL secret to recruiting in Network marketing… 

f you think about it… 

The secret to this business IS Conversation, and it is something we all have done for a long time, and many have even mastered.  Then let me ask an obvious question here:

Why do people not use more conversation as a recruiting tool? 

Good question….

According to psychologists, we hold as adults around 100-150 conversations a day minimum…and these can be very strong recruiting tools if properly utilized.

Have you ever talked to someone and after they have walked away, you thought…

“Shoot! I wished I would have mentioned my company or product…?”

Well….nowadays, you really need to be more professional with your approach in conversations, and also in general…

People today get hit up a lot by telemarketers and less than professional mlm’ers, and you need to have a much more professional and focused approach that gets their interest when their defenses are down… 

That is why conversation is such a great tool…most people during a conversation is at ease and their defenses are at bay…not up…

The Power in MLM and Network Marketing of your Words.
INFERNO Secret: 

The power in your words and connection in your relationship can prove to be magnetic to many folks… 


If there was a way to ask something that would come across like you are not really trying to carry on a recruiting conversation but a caring conversation… 

Would you want to know about it?  Hope so!

There is a question that I have used, and taught for years that seems to really strike a chord with people…and gets them to really think… 

And the question is so soft that it usually gets a positive response…  When I used it, it rarely got anything but a continued conversation and interest…  What’s the question script?

The MLM Question Script.

1)”John….let me ask you a personal question that I have asked some other folks…I’m just curious…what is the biggest concern you have as far as where your future is headed?”  (Security…time…education for kids, retirement…etc)

2)”That really is important to you isn’t it?”

3) “Let me ask another question…if I could help you address that concern with a company and program that I have recently run across, would you take a serious look at it and see if it would be something that might be right for you?”  (usual answer is “sure”…) 

Then you simply move them into a conversation about your company, product and what else that is deemed appropriate… 

Easy?  Yep!  Does it work?  YEP!  Has it proven effective?  Absolutely! 

Will you try it?  Good question!!!!!!!!

I encourage you to try this “Conversation Recruiting” strategy and see if it works as good as it has for others… 

And don’t be surprised if you end up with a new person you have sponsored!


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005-2011 All rights reserved.


Home Business Training -Recruiting Beyond the Network Marketing Business

home based business recruiting team

home business recruiting team

Home business

professionals sponsor teams.

 They go out, talk to prospects, and then from those conversations, sponsor people into their business.

Some are distributors, and some become customers.

Recruiting in a home based business drives the growth of it often.

 Whether you are recruiting customers or distributors, recruiting must occur.  Most folks in this great mlm home business do NOT really understand the mechanics or the dynamics of powerful recruiting.

If there was a way that you could guarantee to explode your recruiting, and touch people in such a way that most would follow you to the moon if you went… 

Would that be of interest? 

Whether you are online, or offline….(and again, still, almost 90% of all recruiting takes place offline…)this edition will help give you an idea that literally exploded my business once I learned it….and I was blessed with a powerful recruiting ratio for years and years….

What is “Recruiting Beyond the MLM Home Business?”

Before we get to that, let’s go over what we at PassionFire call “The Empowerment Void” in most folk’s lives…..

What is that? 

Learn This next Axiom of Recruiting…and change your own life as well as others…..

Most people…go their whole life without once ever being told they could truly succeed, that they had it in them to do great things, and worse, no one has ever taken the time to show them they care enough to help or show them how…..

And most people today are STARVING for someone to help them get beyond where they are in life…in debt up to their eyeballs, and going on a treadmill of repeated mistakes that they just cannot seem to break…. 

They are looking beyond where they are now to try to do something with their life….  That’s where you come in…..

We teach that you must in recruiting touch a person’s heart before they will touch your application….People want to feel good about their life, future, and working with you… 

That is why you must “Recruit Beyond the MLM Home Business”…  That’s where their true interest lies….not working with you, as much as you working with them to help them get out of the “Rut Jungle” and rat race….

How do you do it?

With your Focus.

Focus on what the business can bring to their life… beyond the business…  You must bring to their life a Vision BIGGER than the business!!!  What would that be?

A Radical, Life changing, revelation so powerful they will never be the same Vision that motivates them to go on a life Changing Crusade!!!!….  or something so simple as…..

…The difference in their thinking it will make…  …the difference in their Personal growth it will make..  …The Increase in Self Esteem it will make…  …What it can bring to their life financially….  …

The Learning that will occur to help them in their Passion…  …What they can teach their kids to give them a better chance at having a great life…  …How their perception of what can happen in their life will change…..  And most important….

The Person they want to become…they WILL become…through the growth, maturing, and increase in ALL aspects of their life…through what they will Learn, Ignite, and Evolve into with your business…

Ask them…  “If you learned to handle people better…how would that help you in Life?”

‘If you became a more disciplined person…would that help you in Life?” 

“If you became a more Powerful communicator…what difference would that make…?”

The 5 Power Words to MLM Home Business Recruiting.

And the 5 Power Words of Vision in MLM Home Based Business Recruiting…”

“Imagine the feeling of this…..” (Name a Benefit…) 

“Imagine the feeling of People being riveted to what you have to say because they want to Listen due to HOW you are saying it…How would that feel?”

“Imagine the feeling of being in a Position to have the resources to help a great friend in need…How would that feel?”

“Imagine the feeling of knowing…absolutely nothing could stop you if you decided to do succeed at something…How would that help you?”

People would follow you to the moon if you are Sincere, Authentic, and Truly Care about taking the Time to help Put their Life on Track to Their Dreams and what they View as Success….(CLUE!!!!)

For a Powerful MLM Recruiting Tool: “The Entrance Recruiting CD”

Too many people are “Recruiting Beyond Their Bank Account”….they are focused on what that person can bring to their bank Account, verses what they can bring to that person’s life…(CLUE!!!!) 

True…Money drives a lot of the business….but would you rather CHASE the Money…..or ATTRACT it?(CLUE!!!!)

MLM Home Business Millionaires in this Business didn’t Chase the Money…it was Attracted to them….Through Helping others…(Yes, I know their are exceptions, and Mean Spirited people do exist.. but as a general rule…)  That is what Recruiting MagneTechs(sm) is all about….

Learning the Power of ATTRACTING Success, Not Chasing It….. 

And people are attracted like a magnet on steroids to a BETTER, BIGGER, and BOUNTIFUL Life…

And recruiting Beyond the Business in Summary is this…. 

Show How your Home Business can help people in their Life, with Results and benefits beyond the Home Based Business….

If you just caught what i just wrote….. 

Your paycheck will be growing beyond your dreams.

The fact that your paycheck will grow, and so will your teams, is one of the most powerful reasons to recruit beyond the business.

What IF your Success could be exploded form this simple concept? Then you would find the secret to MAGNETIC recruiting for a home business and a home based business.


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005-2011 All rights reserved.

MLM Classified Ads: The 10 Rules of Response for Classified Ads

Home Business OpportunityMoney down the drain.

Waste of time.

No luck.

Total bomb.

Does that describe your responses you have had with classified ads?

There are reasons that happens, including just bad copy in a classified or a bad headline…and that does happen to folks who don’t understand the psychology of running ads..

But we have found, after a lot of research and study, that there are 10 Rules to classified ads responses in MLM…and some are common sense, others may surprise you…

If you are working the cold market, and having little luck, maybe this will help, and open your eyes to why your response may be a little lacking in your ads, as there are some reasons you just can’t do anything about… here they are:

The Ten Rules of Response in MLM Classified Ads.
1) “It all depends on whose looking….

” Simply….there are weeks that there are not many people looking at the ads…and there isn’t a thing you can do about that.. If that happens, just understand it, and move on…next week will be better…

I ran ads that pulled nothing one week, and ran it again the next week and got a lot of calls…don’t be too discouraged if a bad week happens…and you get no calls…sometimes that is gonna happen…accept it and wait till next week..

2) “It all depends on whose looking and what they are looking for…”

So true. People may be looking, but if they are not looking for what you are offering, then you still may get limited response..

Continue on and know that the people you are looking for will eventually see your ad…maybe not today…or this week…but it will happen..

Again…I ran a ton of Network Marketing ads, and I knew there were people looking as they called me…but they weren’t looking for what I had to offer…most were looking for a job…

God blessem, move on to the next response…which there will be more…

For a HOT Recruiting Resource: “The Entrance Recruiting CD”

3) “Ads must be run consistently…not just once…”

Ads that run for weeks at a time have a better response in the long run then short run ads… I had many people I recruited tell me they looked at our ad for several weeks before calling, as they were curious to see if we would be around for a while…

Don’t be afraid to run an ad for weeks as you will get calls from folks who don’t call ads the first week they run…

Grabbing the MLM Prospect’s Attention.
4) “The first 5 words must grab their attention….”

The first 5 words in the headline, and copy MUST grab their attention… If they don’t….you lose them… And the first 5 words must create some form of curiosity, and compel them to pick up the phone and call…I have ran many ads that I didn’t realize the first 5 words were horrible…

Don’t make the mistakes i did, and if you want to know more about this, I recommend my friend Kim Klaver’s site:

5) “Asking questions will draw them into your ad and increase your response…”

If your headline is a question…and a HOT one…you will increase dramatically the response ratio to your Direct Sales ads..


It draws them into the ad, and creates some curiosity and compels them to call… Questions can be powerful and impactful to grab a person’s attention…use them and again…use short, provocative questions or statements in your headline…

“Has this ever happened to you?” “Maybe this is what you are looking for…” “I doubt it….” “Don’t tell me they have done it again…” Use questions or statements to draw them in…

6) “Hype is a repellant and pushes readers away…”

Simply, for the person you are looking for, hype is a no-no. There are many hypey ads out there promising the moon…but the kind of people that are attracted to that ad are not who you are looking for…

Trust me on this one…been there done that… The only people you will attract are short term “lottery heads” that think they won the lottery… Try it…you will find out…

Watching WI-TV in MLM.
7) “Think….WI-TV…”

Get them watching TV…of sorts…think…”What Is The Value..?” In your ads, you must put the value to the reader in it, and also what they will get out of your offer… People want to know if what you have to offer will increase, expand, enlarge, and empower their life…

All are a direct result of Value…keep it in the MLM ad and create VALUE in the minds of your readers.. And that will determine a LOT of the response ratio of your ads…

8) “Understand the Rule of TRASH”…

Simply…you’re going to get TRASH calls…people who are just kicking tires, and not interested in what you have to offer…and that goes with the territory.. If you are running ads and expect all calls to be interested…

What planet are you from? Probably 30% of your calls will be TRASH calls and you just smile and move to the next one…

TRASH is one of those pain in the rears about running ads, and yes, you can put a very focused ad in that will get rid of most…but you still will always get tire kickers with every ad… Sift through them and move forward to the next response…

Impact in MLM Recruiting, not just Inform.
9) “The Rule of Impact…”

You want your Home Business headline and copy to IMPACT and gain their attention.. There is a training we do called “The 10 Hottest Impact Words for Classified Ads…”…It is on our site……

I would suggest you look at it… Impact is a secret that will triple your response on ads…Impact…don’t Inform…and you will get a much better response…

10) “The Rule of Loss…”

The fear of loss is an incredible motivator in ads, and can explode your calls…don’t be afraid to use it.. People will move twice as quick for loss…then gain…it is human nature, and works all the time…

Again, there are questions and phrases that can create an enormous fear of loss, and compel people to call your ad…use them effectively and often, and your response will EXLPODE!

These are the 10 Rules of Response for MLM Classified Ads… Learn them, use them….and master them…to create responses you want and understand the ones you don’t want…

Mastery in this is the key…


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005-2009 All rights reserved.

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MLM Network Marketing Recruiting Failure: The 5 Biggest Reasons

home b ased business failed

home business failed

MLM/ Network Marketing Training -Recruiting Failure: The 5 Biggest Reasons

In MLM recruiting, there is a standard belief that you must understand…it is this


We get paid to do one thing, and one thing only…it will determine 95% of your paycheck…and that is:

Communicating with people.

I have said that before…and I hope you understand we are a business of Communication…with marketing blended into it…

With that in mind…

There are 5 HUGE reasons why people fail in recruiting in network marketing…and after studying and doing the business for nearly 12 years fulltime, I discovered there is a pattern that I saw that developed with people who were struggling with their recruiting, which usually is the majority of folks…

And I hope that you will look at these 5 reasons and see where you can change your focus and efforts to a more productive and effective style of recruiting….

Here are the 5 reasons for massive MLM Recruiting failure…

The 5 Reasons People Fail in Recruiting in Network Marketing.
1) “The distributor not talking to People…”

Yes, you read that right…amazing as that sounds…there are many people who lead people to believe with their words that they are actually recruiting and talking to people…

But they are not. they are busy at building a facade of a business and never really engaging the conversation and contact necessary for success… why?

Fear….of many things….but that is the biggest reason…and how do you overcome it? Find a recruiting partner who will help emotionally support you and help you…whether it is your upline or sideline…and work with them…

Yes, there are folks out there who truly are talking to no one, as they are scared…if you see no action happening with someone in your downline, it may be a “silent talker”….otherwise someone who talks about recruiting, but is silent when it comes time to recruit…

You MUST communicate with folks if you are going to have success in the marketplace…

Imagine…fooling yourself into believing you are truly working this business this way…NOT!

2) “The Distributor Not talking to Enough people…”

This is an interesting thing….there seems to be a comfort level with people that says”I have talked to xx number of people, and nothing is happening…so that means I can’t recruit because this doesn’t work…” again…NOT! I have said this over and over:


One of the biggest reasons failure occurs in MLM is Too many distributors spend too much time with too many people who have too little of an interest…

CLUE: talk to a lot of DIFFERENT people….it amazes me that someone can say they talked to a lot of folks, and in reality they talked a lot to a few folks…who have little interest…all because they don’t have to go out and talk to NEW people…

The Power of “New Blood” in MLM Recruiting.

In recruiting ….NEW blood keeps the heart of your business pumping….(CLUE!!!) Talk to ENOUGH people and talk to people ENOUGH…but don’t turn them off….

Go on to a new person, and see what happens with that person verses trying to force someone into the business who later will only leave with a bad taste…

3) “The Distributor not talking to the Right People”

Wasting massive amounts of time. That is what most distributors do when recruiting…and continue to do…they talk to the wrong people, and then bring in the wrong people…and then have a downline of mostly wrong people… Who are the right people?

People who light up and catch Fire when you show them this business, and then light other’s up when they talk…not someone who complains after only 2 days because the application is the wrong color…or the wrong size…or the upline is not doing enough to welcome them aboard…2 phone calls is not enough…you know the type…

There is what we call the “Recruiting IQ”…and that helps tell you if they are the right one..

.IQ stands for “Ignite Quickly”…and if they catch fire quickly…they have a great chance of being the “right one” to pursue… For a HOT Recruiting Resource: “The Entrance Recruiting CD”


To attract the Right One…you must BECOME the right one….

You must become who you want to attract into this business…through personal development and empowerment….

4) “The Distributor not Talking Right to people…”

This is a business of communication…and thusly of verbiage and emotion as well….


A lot of distributors are simply saying the wrong things to the wrong people with a wrong message…

The Power of a T.I.N.Y. Focus in MLM.
You must talk to people with a YOU focus…it is called the T.I.N.Y. Focus…

Their Interests Not Yours…

And you focus whether online or offline, on what interests them and do it Professionally…(CLUE!!!!) Nothing turns someone off worse than a self focused and self absorbed distributor who is only focused on recruiting a person for THEIR reasons…not the reason of the prospect… and the words they are using reveal a lot…

Me…me…I….I…me…me…I…I….me…me…I…I……me…me…you. That is called a MAJOR CLUE!!!!


You should say the word “You” at least 4 times more than the word “I” or “me”…

INFERNO Exercise: here is an exercise…

Try recruiting someone without using the word “I” or “me”….use we and us…and see how the prospect’s interests increases as you use YOU 4 times more than Us or We…

5) “Talking TOO Much to people You are talking to….”

Some folks have diarrhea of the mouth…and they talk…and talk…and they talk….and then talk…and talk….and talk……and by the time they finish… the prospects finished….

Don’t Dump on people!

Create a RECRUITING ENVIRONMENT (CLUE!!) that creates the prospect to do most of the talking…

Ask a lot of questions… Listen a lot of minutes… ask a lot of questions…


The Secret of the MLM Audience.
Most people LOVE to have an audience…but they hate to BE an audience….you BE an audience of one for massive listening to your prospect, and don’t create a “Sat Chat”….

What is that?

A Saturation chat….where they feel saturated with your MLM words and info, and feel they have enough information to tell you… No.

If you are going to be a HOT recruiter…you must CONNECT with your folks…and the best way to do that is to become an audience of one…

And ask a lot of “Magnetic Questions…”…whether online or offline…. what are those? Next week….


doug firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005-2009 All rights reserved

MLM – Creating a MAGNETIC MLM Recruiting Environment

home based business people

home business magnetic people

Many people in this MLM industry really try to sponsor and recruit folks….but simply never do…and they are not at fault a lot of times, as they are doing what they are taught… 

I have said over and over, I don’t have all the answers…and don’t pretend to…but I do have many due to 12 years of experience, giftings, and great mentors…

And I say this with all frankness, but a lot of folks out in MLM are being taught how to fail in MLM, not succeed…how to repel people, not attract…and no one seems to be noticing… 

I have the honor of working and personally coaching with a lot of people with PersonalFire…as well as TeamFire, and am absolutely amazed at how people are being taught to recruit and sponsor…

And I just shake my head…because they really think it can work! But more often than not…they find it doesn’t…. 


Who knows…most folks never focus on what REALLY matters in recruiting, only what is EASY to teach and get the new people out there hustling…granted there is nothing wrong with that, if you want them to fail miserably…as most do….

The $100,000.00 MLM Earner has a Question.
So last week I was asked by someone who earns $100,000 a month, what I thought was the reason so many people can’t recruit…and I smiled, as I said “YOU don’t have that problem…”…

He smiled and said…”No…but most do…”

So I thought about it, and came up with a very basic but HUGE problem that should be, but is never addressed, and is sorely needed in the recruiting process… 

And that is creating a MAGNETIC MLM Recruiting Environment. 

What is that? 

An Environment is what something exists and has it’s being in…it determines if it has life…or not. Just as our lives are determined by the quality of our earthly environment, so is the success of our recruiting efforts…

By the Recruiting Environment. It gives your Recruiting Efforts the Life of success…or failure… 

Our environment has Oxygen, among other things, which allow us to live…and the Recruiting Environment needs certain things within it to create a Magnetic and Powerful Recruiting Impact….it’s what we call “Recruiting Oxygen….”

What are those things?

The Three Recruiting Impact Factors in MLM.

1) HOPE. 

You need to create a sense of HOPE when you are trying to recruit someone, as HOPE is the Oxygen of the Environment. You need to create that Hope of a better life….of a better lifestyle….of a Richer and more fulfilling world for their family….and giving someone Hope where they have not had it before will Magnetize them to you and your business….

HOPE stands for:

Heading Onto (a) Path (of) Excellence

And that path needs to be something that is REAL to the person, and obtainable….if you create that part of the Recruiting Environment, your chances just went up 50% of signing them up…

INFERNO Secret: 

HOPE is GOLD in Recruiting….

For a HOT MLM Recruiting Resource: “The Psychology of Recruiting”


Along with Hope, you must create POSSIBILIIES for the individual with your company and program…the possibility of Increase in Money….The Increase in Lifestyle….the Increase in Recognition…and the Increase in Growth….and it must be a REAL Possibility that can happen…not just some pipe dream… 

You MUST show your prospects HOW it is Possible to obtain what they want out of life….with working with you and your company…You MUST get them to think these Magic words…

“This Could REALLY WORK!”

The Power of Anticipation in MLM.


You must create a sense of ANTICIPATION with your MLM prospect…how?  Simple…

INFERNO Secret:  “Can you imagine the feeling of actually having what you truly want in your life finally? And knowing it CAN happen working with me? Does that excite you?”  “What would it feel like?”  Paint with word pictures as we went over last week….


Your prospect MUST feel ASSURED that you will:  Work with them.  Be there for them.  Train them.  Help them.  Support them.  Lead them.  Believe in them. 

INFERNO Ssecret: 

The more sure they are you will….the more Network Marketing MAGNETIC you become….


You MUST create a sense of VALUE in your Recruiting Environment… 


No Value…..No Volume. 

People MUST see and feel there is VALUE to what you are doing…and you create that in this Environment by simply saying….  “What this brings and means to your life is…..” 

You MUST show them how you can INCREASE, EXPAND, ENLARGE, and EMPOWER their life and family’s life with what you have to offer…and that will go a long way to creating a MAGNETIC Recruiting Environment for your recruiting success…

If you GOT what I was saying today, then you will have a grasp of the very basics of the things that IMPACT and DETERMINE a HUGE part of your recruiting success…or failure…

MLM Recruiting Oxygen.

  Just as the environment determines whether we live or die…so goes the environment for your recruiting… 

If your Recruiting is suffocating… 

It may need a Huge Dose…

of Recruiting Oxygen… for your home based business.


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005-2009 All rights reserved.