mobile mlm marketing and recruiting
For your MLM home business, one of the hottest words right now is ‘MOBILE.”
Add “marketing” to it for “MOBILE MARKETING” and “MOBILE RECRUITING.”
Mobile Marketing.
Mobile Advertising.
Mobile Recruiting.
Mobile Social.
Mobile Networking.
Mobile QR Codes.
Mobile Local.
Mobile Social.
Mobile SKYPE.
You get the picture. Mobile Marketing and Recruiting for MLM home business I believe will be much like the QR Code. It will be a GAME CHANGER for marketing and recruiting in network marketing. People today have G4 iphones and droid phones, as well as blackberries. They also have ipads, notepads, this pad and that pad. I have taught and coached Mobile Recruiting and marketing to our Private Clients for over 2 years and it has been quite dramatic in seeing our clients obtaining good results. You can too if you choose.
Mobile marketing and mobile mlm recruiting is in it’s INFANCY. It is NOT mature as a marketing model, and there is much to be learned and put together. But in the overall picture, Mobile marketing and recruiting for your home business could be one of the greatest tools and tactics that has come down the pike in a while.
What makes Mobile MLM marketing and Mobile recruiting so powerful for your home based business?
1. Mobile Home Business Marketing Accelerates TIME and Quickness in the Prospect’s Response.
The new technology will quicken the pace of marketing and recruiting. It will give you power of being able to do business in a way that will speed up your results as well as actions. It will give you leverage that you have not had before on your cell. And it will give you more CONNECTION with the prospect from the very beginning.
2. Mobile MLM Marketing and Recruiting will MULTIPLY your Presentations.
Mobile MLM Marketing and Recruiting will MULTIPLY your exposures of your business just off the sheer volume of possible exposures with the “4th screen.” Tt will allow you to do hundreds of exposures at a time but unlike “funnel marketing” or “squeeze pages,” it will be more PERSONAL.
Mobile MLM Marketing and recruiting will allow you also to have “instant presentations” that can also increase the number of exposures dramatically. This happens through the different actions that you take in Mobile MLM Marketing and recruiting.
3. Mobile MLM Marketing and Recruiting create IMPACT for the prospect.
Impact is critical to home business recruiting and prospecting. Mobile MLM recruiting will create a visual impact as well as EXPERIENTIAL Impact as most prospects will not know or be familiar with this kind of marketing.
Impact will come from your websites that you market to them on their phones. Impact will come from Mobile Local and being able to meet them in person. Impact will come from Mobile social as you create a social network of mobile prospects with Mobile marketing.
Impact will also come from QR Codes that may change everything about mlm mobile recruiting and marketing.
4. Mobile MLM Marketing and Recruiting can be put on Auto pilot.
This is one of the greatest part. Mobile mlm marketing can be put on auto pilot with software, and you walk away from it and count your leads. This is something that can change your ability to recruit nationwide- in hundreds of places and cities- all at the same time mobile wise.
This is a Game changer time and I do mean game changer.
Soon we will have a very extensive training resource on Mobile MLM recruiting and marketing. It will be out soon as well as the QR Code Recruiting resource as well.
I would suggest you GAME UP on the success tactics of Mobile MLM marketing and recruiting. The impact will be enormous in the next year on your mlm home business.
Social Recruiting in Network marketing? READ THIS!
blessings…..doug firebaugh
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