Archives for March 2013

MLM Leadership – The ONE SECRET to Powerful Magnetic Leadership

mlm home business leadership

mlm leadership home business network marketing

MLM Leadership Training.

What is Leadership to you in your home business?

What is the most important part of Leadership and network marketing?

What is the least important part of Leadership in mlm?

Leadership often is talked about and bantered about, but many folks do not understand the essence of Leadership. Leadership is the focus of Team Building. Team Building is one of the most critical actions that you take in order to build a long lasting business.

Leadership is often the focus of trainings in the home business profession, but the essence of the training is more motivational than educational. There is a huge difference between training leaders and powerful Leadership Training.

They are NOT the same thing. If you understand that you can train leaders, but not give them Leadership Training, then you will have discovered the errors often given to Leaders in weekend trainings.

Understanding the essence of Leadership is critical but also the power of defining Leadership. If you were to define Leadership, how would you define it? Many people define Leadership in network marketing as directing and guiding a team. That is true, but there is a more focused definition that you can use that is applicable to what our profession is about.

If there was only one word to define Leadership in ACTION, this would be it.

Put simply, leaders are creators — they create something where there was nothing before.

They crystallize the future into a tapestry woven with the threads of dreams, belief, and action.

Leaders create magnetic direction, powerful influence, hope, possibility, and environments for growth that grow teams as well as leaders.. Leaders have the extraordinary ability to see the invisible — the art of vision. Seeing the Invisible in the mind and knowing it can be created is part of the mystique of powerful Leaders.

They take a thought, and by sharing it with others and asking their help, bring it into existence. They create compelling visions that people can believe in — in Network Marketing, it’s often that most important of beliefs which can change our lives for the better.

Do YOU have a Vision for your team and Leadership?

Change is a sister word to Create. Leaders are change agents — they create positive change in people’s lives. They know that change must occur to increase or expand anything. Change creates new directions and perspectives which are what Network Marketing is all about.

Are you starting to see that Network Marketing and leadership are blended so tightly, it’s tough to tell them apart sometimes? Leaders don’t just accept change, they embrace it for themselves and make it part of their message. The power of their approach is in the choice to embrace rather than accept.

Leaders embrace the change that is needed and act upon it immediately in their mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets” -over 25 secrets – with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

How to Start  Conversation with strangers Scripts

5 Reasons Why You Must start a Home Business

MLM Training – 4 Ways to Start a Social Media Conversation that PULLS People In

mlm network marketing home business

mlm social media conversations home business

MLM Social Media Conversation Tips.

Are you using social media for your home based business prospecting?

Is there a certain social site you like for your network marketing efforts?

Are you on facebook or twitter?

Social Media has been around now since about 2003 with Myspace and Plaxo. Both are still around today. But many people still do not understand how to communicate to their potential prospects in social media.

It is not rocket science.

Do what you know to Do – and master it.

It is much like what you do and say face to face, and if you stick with that general rule, you will find that your communication on social media will be an asset to you and a pleasure with others. It will PULL people towards you out of curiosity, and out of appreciation of your recognizing them.

Too often we have “Agenda Driven” Communication, and this is a huge mistake. You must be focused on the agenda of the prospect- not yours. It does not matter what you want in social media.

It is a “reverse communication” zone.

You reverse your message from being focused on you, to totally being focused on the prospect. It works out better that way.And people will respond to you in a much better and more magnetic fashion.

How do you start a conversation on social media?

Many people are on facebook, pinterest, twitter, and google+ , Instagram, LikedIn and Youtube today. But many still struggle engaging a powerful conversation that MOVES prospects towards you and PULLS them in.

How does that happen?

Here are 4 poweful Conversation Starters that really work in online recruiting in social media and will position you as a true Leader and not just another network marketer:

1.  “Wow. This post / picture is powerful stuff. And I truly appreciate you sharing that with us. Is there a place that I can plug into that you share more info like this?”

This will get anyone’s attention. You are flattering them in a way that they will want to connect with you and from that you can then start adding Value to their life with your posts and images. You can then share them, tweet, them, and pin them so they can see that you are promoting them. Tis will not only get their attention, but also they will appreciate you.

It lets them know you want to connect on a more powerful basis with them and learn from them which anyone will be drawn towards.

2. “I totally agree on what you just said. I have a question: Do you have an ebook or any type of resource that goes into this further?”

Looking to someone as a Resource is a powerful way to Compliment them and get them to start a conversation with you. It is also a great way to create a connection that they will want to stay connected to, versus just on occasion.

You need to become a Success Resource, but also create the conversation with prospects that they are also a resource for many.

3. “This has really made a difference in my thinking. You have a gift that is obvious. I would love to connect with you because you are the type of Leader I would like to share with some folks I know. Can we connect on skype?”

4. “I totally agree with you. This makes so much sense. I also enjoyed your series of videos, as it helped. I would love to interview you for a project that i am doing on Success and Leadership.”

This will gie you a chance to really get to know them in a way that will become more personal, and you can talk to them about Success and Leadership by asking questions. Then you can later ask them for help in locating some “talent” in their city they live for you. They will listen to what you have to say.

These are simple but powerful ways to connect and engage social conversation in social media or your mlm network marketing home based business.

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets” -mover 25 secrets- with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

The 4 Listening Habits when Recruiting prospects in MLM

Looking through the lens of Leadership Mastery and Team Building

MLM Training – What is at the CORE of Powerful Leadership and Team Building?

mlm home business leadership

mlm network marketing leadership

MLM Leadership Tips.

What part of Leadership plays into your network marketing home business?

How do you lead your work at home team?

What really is Leadership in your mlm business? Better yet, let’ ask a MILLION Dollar Question:

What Exactly IS this Thing Called Leadership?

Ok. Let’s start by asking this question for us to answer:

What IS Leadership?  It has been said that Leadership is influence. It is said that Leadership is persuasion. It has been said that Leadership is Vision plus Action. The definitions that are out there are many.

But in Network Marketing, there is one definition of Leadership that MUST be used and
embraced. This definition is truly at THE VERY NUCLEAR CORE of Leadership for
our profession. (We will cover a more technical definition in a bit.) What is
that CORE definition?

Leadership is a MOBILIZING ENERGY.

Read that again.

 Leadership is an Energy at the VERY CORE of a Leader that catalyzes people to achieve Successful outcomes they did not think they could ever achieve.

 It is a FORCE that radiates from them. It is a passion that burns inside of them. It is
a DRIVE that pushes the Leader to move forward. It is a VISION that no one else
sees that the Leader MUST move towards and accomplish. It is a MAGNETIC EMOTION that PULLS PEOPLE towards you. It is going to the very top of the mountain and taking a whole lot of people with you.

Leaders MOVE people.

They move people through the Power that is inside of the Leader and gets their team and
even customers to accomplish what they normally would not or even attempt.

 Leadership is about moving people towards something much bigger then what average people dream in life, so your people can live their dream throughout their life.

That is more of an “Inspiring” definition of Leadership. Now in order to have a more
rounded and well versed understanding of Leadership and what it is, let’s get to a more “technical definition” of Leadership. This will help you understand the Tactics of Leadership when we cover them.

Leadership is a set of skills, strategies, attitudes, and beliefs that we engage consistently, daily, and fervently for everyone’s benefit.

To define it specifically for Network Marketing:

Leadership in Network Marketing is boldly taking on the responsibilities and commitments of creating an empowering environment and a path to success that people willingly follow.

This is a powerful observation of Leadership for your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download – “2013 Recruiting secrets” – over 25 secrets- with Doug and diane Hochman

blessings….doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

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