Archives for May 2012

MLM Training – I Will Not Be Denied Attitude

I Will Not Be Denied!

Are you tired?

Are you tired of people trying to stop you in your business?

Is it time that you made that decision taht you will not be denied?

Is your home business worth fighting for?

No matter what happens… YOU WILL NOT BE DENIED!

Keep pressing in!


Doug Firebaugh

MLM Prospecting- 2 Cold Market Voice Mail Scripts that Get Call Backs!

mlm cold calling

mlm cold market voice mail

MLM Cold Market Prospecting Voice Mails.

Are you leaving voice mails for your cold market leads for your home business?

Do you leave cold market voice mails and no one ever call you back?

Would you like to learn HOW to leave mlm recruiting cold market prospecting voice mails?

1)  Cold Market Voice Mail Message 1 – “You requested me to call.”

“My name is Lisa, and you requested me to call you–as I understand it, you had requested some information from our company –ABC,   and I want to make sure that we get you get the information you need. We are now holding initial conversations with some potential Leaders. I am not sure that this would be something right for you –or you for us, but would love to chat for a minute. The possible income potential for the person we work with is significant. You can call 1.800.555.1212 for some preliminary information. Looking forward to it. My number is 1.555.1212.

2. Cold market Message Voice Mail Message- “I am returning your Request for Information.”

My name is Doug and you requested some information from my company. As I understand it, you had requested for someone to give you a call and I am doing that. I would like to chat for a minute to see how I can help get you some information and then you can review it. Thank you for your request and I look forward to getting you that material and answering any questions. My number is 555.1212 and please feel free to let me know when you have 5 minutes and we can connect. Thank you and look forward to connecting.

The cold market is something that is fickle and you can leave 200 messages and NEVER get a call back, or you can get 190 call backs.

It depends on what you say, how it FEELS to the prospect and what they perceive you want from them.

DO NOT want anything FROM THEM but have something to give something TO THEM.

Like a FREE sample.

Like a FREE ebook.

Like a FREE video.

Like a FREE online course.

And IF you want them to to call you back….

Sound like somebody they would want to MEET.

Be friendly, but a Leader.

Be nice, but an Authority.

Be magnetic, but sound Powerful.

And sound like you are someone that is WORTH meeting and spending time with.

If you do this, and decide that you are going to recruit in the cold market, you will find that when you leave a voice mail, BE YOU. Do not be anyone else as they will sens you are a fake when they start a conversation with you.

It is not that hard, and with a little practice you can be doing amazing in leaving cold market voice mails in your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 recruiting secrets.

MLM mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will Tell You

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts

5 Powerful MLM Prospecting Scripts

A Powerful Social Media Recruiting  Formula

MLM Recruiting- What To Say When You Leave a Voice Mail



MLM Voice Mail Message Training.

Do you ever get a voice mail either on a cell phone & when you use your office line or even skype in your mlm prospecting for your home business?

Have you ever just hung up on your mlm prospect because you did not know what to say?

Would you like to know some things you can say that will PULL the prospect towards you?

Many people when they hear a voice mail…


They simply do not know what to do- especially with their warm market. They do  not want to look foolish by leaving a silly message, so what do they do?


What is THAT costing you with that ONE ACTION?

A Lot.

Here are 4 powerful things you can do when a voice mail comes on.

OK- what happens if they are not home and this VOICE MAIL starts?

Here is a thought:

You may want to leave a Voice Mail Message.

Here is a Golden Nugget:

Make it short, energetic, and arouses curiosity.

1) Warm Market Voice Mail Message 1 –“Need to chat with you.”

“Casey, this is Len. Do me a favor- please give me a call. I need to chat with you for a minute. Thanks!”
“Karen, this is Mary. When you get in, please give me a call as I need some help and need to chat with you. Thanks and looking forward to talking.
“Jennifer, this is Jodi. It was so good seeing you last week. Please give me a call as I need to chat with you for a minute as I need a little help if you would. Thanks and look forward to chatting again.”

2) Warm Market Voice Mail Message 2 – “Question to ask you.”

“Hey Lisa, this is Susie. Do me a favor-please give me a call.  I have a question to ask you. Thanks.” (***The Question you have- Do you know anyone that is suffering from______? I would like to talk to them”)
“Hi Terry, Don here. When you get in please give me a call. I have a question to ask you. Look forward to talking.” (***Question: Who do you know that is looking for more income?”)
Hi Dale, this is Barry. Listen need to talk as I have a question. Please give me a call when you can. Thanks and look forward to talking.”

3)  Warm Market Voice Mail Message 3- “Curious about something.”

“Lou, this is Rob. Do me a favor – give me a call. I am curious about something. Look forward to chatting.”
“”Alice, this is Frank. Please give me a call when you can. I am curious about something and want to chat. Thanks.
“Steve, this is Rika. When you can, please give me call. I am curious about something and want to ask you a question. Thanks and looking forward to it.”

4) Warm Market Voice Mail Message 4- “Could use your help on something.”

“Denise, this is your friend Ashley. I sure could use your help with something. Please give me a buzz-thanks!”
“Harriet, this is Gary. Do me a favor- give a call- I could use some help on something and thought you may be able to. Thanks.”

Practice these daily, and you will find that they will accelerate your mlm recruiting success for your home business.

FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets!

FREE mp3 download- the 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will tell you”

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related Posts:

5 MORE Powerful MLM Prospecting Scripts

A Powerful Social Media Recruiting Formula