mlm online video recruiting
Are you recording videos in your mlm home business efforts?
Are you aware that videos get indexed quicker than any other form of online communication?
How would that EXPLODE your results in your network marketing recruiting success?
I have been recording videos for quite sometime. But they have become more and more important in the overall SERP results with the google panda updates and with bing and yahoo.
Videos are the most visited pages and the most popular pages on the internet. And with that in mind, then you should be focused on using videos for your mlm prospecting and recruiting efforts.
The power of video can be seen in many sites, including network marketing pro. It is a powerful way to TEACH and TRAIN.
But what about RECRUITING in network marketing?
What if you could learn some mlm video training tips that would rock your home business recruiting?
Videos are a powerful MAGNET that can say more in 30 seconds than many written blog posts can say in 3000 words.
So that is the reason I believe that you should be using videos to recruit and enlarge your home based business. They work and they work powerfully.
I suggest that you use youtube for hosting your videos, although there are over 300 more video sites that you can use as well.
Another powerful resource for learning how to recruit with video is:
what are 5 ways to use mlm recruiting videos for your home business success?
1. Use them as 30 second messages asking for help with your friends.
This is a powerful tool and tactic. Our Private client have been using this for several years. Simply record yourself on a laptop camera or a FLIP video camera, and ask your friends for some help.
“The reason for this video is I could use some help. I am looking for some talent in your area, and you know who i am looking for as I am building there. Could you please go to < url> and take a quick look at how you can help and I will be in touch soon to see who you might think would be a fit. I m thanking you in advance for your help.”
2. Use an mlm recruiting video in your blog posts at the bottom of your post.
Simply put on top of the video: “Please help me. Watch this 1 minute video and see how you can.”
Many people will watch the video and at the end ask them to view another short company video and refer some talent to you that they think would be a fit.
3. Use your mlm recruiting video in an online recruiting brochure.
Are you aware that you can make online brochures? Here are two:
Some of the available software will allow you to slip a video in the brochure as well. You can also do this in a PDF format which can be a great way to recruit by sending it out and asking people to look at it and see how they can help you.
4. Use your mlm recruiting videos on other people’s blogs as a guest post.
You can post a great written article on someone else’s blog at the end of your article, post a video. Use the video to thank the person for allowing you to post an article, and then ask them to possibly help you locate some talent in their area and give them a way to contact you. (With that verbiage.) You will find that you will get people emailing you or contacting you with suggestion and even interested themselves.
5. Get a featured video spot on Youtube.
There have been many network marketers that have gotten a ton of leads using this. Youtube allows you to be be the featured video for the day (yes there is a cost) and you get seen by millions of people. Make the video a “tips” video on something. Tips on skincare. Tips on travel. Tips on weight loss. Tips on marketing. Tips on social media marketing. Whatever you think would fit your niche.
Then at the end of this short video, ask them for some help as you are looking for some talent in their area, Tell them you are looking for a leader who you can lock arms with and build a business statewide. This has proven to drive mlm online leads to you like a hurricane. I have seen it do amazing things with only one video.
These are 5 things that you can do to increase your mlm recruiting using mlm recruiting videos.
FREE ebook on Social Media Recruiting- “Social Media Power” with over 50 recruiting secrets!
blessings…doug firebaugh
Mobile Recruiting Secrets- Recruit from your phone–READ THIS!
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