MLM Success Holiday
MLM Holiday Success.
Today is Thanksgiving and Jodi and I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!
How would you like to learn an MLM Success Formula especially designed for THANKSGIVING that works ONLINE as well as OFFLINE?
Would that help your mlm home based business?
Thanksgiving is THE START of the Holiday Season, and 2011 is going to be an incredible season. We are going to use the word “Thanksgiving” and use it as an acronym. This will focus you on MLM Success maybe in a way that you have not focused before and give you some nuggets that will help you during the holiday season.
I plan on doing a series of posts that will focus on Holiday Business Building and consider this the beginning of those posts.
Let’s take the work “Thanksgiving” and use each letter as a Secret of Holiday MLM Success.
T stands for “THANK YOU.”
Always thank the person for their time and willingness to chat with you. Make sure they know you appreciate their time and interest in what you are doing.
H stands for “HELP.”
Your goal is simple. It is TO HELP PEOPLE solve a problem. Focus in on helping someone with an issue they may have financially, health wise, skin wise, or whatever your products benefits bring to the table.
HELP stands for “Holiday Energy Lifting People (UP!)” Make sure your energy and attitude is always powerful and success soaked.
A stands for “ASK.”
You get 100% of what you do not ask for. And that would be NOTHING.
Always ask people during the holidays about next year, family, and plans for the holidays. It works and draws them towards you. Ask for their help in locating talent or customers for your business.
N stands for “NON- THREATENING.”
Always be non-threatening. This will insure that people will listen to you. If people feel you are too pushy, too much pressure, or too focused on what YOU GET, not what you can GIVE-people may feel somewhat threatened by you. Be relaxed, easy going, and enjoying life while you are working your business. It will make things go a whole lot better-online or offline.
K stands for “KEEP IT FOCUSED.”
On them. It is NOT about you. It is about the mlm prospect. Keep it focused on THEM and their dreams and goals, and you will always achieve yours.
S stands for “SOLUTION.”
That is what recruiting is about-solving a problem and someone wanting to help others solve a problem and get paid for it. Focus on SOLUTIONS to people’s problems and you will find you will not have many problems in your own home based business. It will be rocking.
G stands for “GIVE.”
GIVE stands for “Gain Influence Very Easily.” Give something for FREE. Give something away. Give a kind word. Give SOMETHING and plant a seed. There will never be any fruit, if there has not been a seed planted. Hello.
I stands for “IMAGINE.”
You MUST get the prospect to IMAGINE what their life could be like, working with you. Paint a powerful picture in their mind of a lifestyle they could only dream of, and then make it possible with your business. Imagination is one of the most powerful mlm recruiting tools that exists.
V stands for “VALUE.”
It is ALL about Value. It is ALL about VALUE. It is ALL about Value. If you have any doubt what this business is about, read the last 3 sentences again. Value reigns SUPREME with a home business prospect and if they do not sense VALUE in what you offer, you are not going to recruit them.
I stands for “INCREASE.”
In some way, show them how their life and income is going to increase dramatically working with you. Increase the possibilities in their life and the potential of their future. Increase ENLARGES everything.
N stands for “NEGATIVES.”
If someone is negative with you, then thank them. You read that right – thank them.“I appreciate your input, but I do not think that way. I thank you for your willing to give me your opinion. I personally believe that we have an amazing Greatness inside of us, and I want to unleash mine into the world. What’s your plan for unleashing yours?”
G stands for “GREATNESS.”
Help others realize the Greatness that is inside of them. Focus on their gifts and talents. Focus on what they have to offer the world. And focus on Destiny- not just the future. “I wish you could see you through my eyes. You would see a greatness that would blow your mind.”
This is the Thanksgiving MLM Success Formula. Take these points and adapt them into your business. They will make a HUGE difference in your holiday mlm home business success.
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- “Social Recruiting Power”-over 50 recruiting secrets!
FREE Prospecting 101 webinar- Watch it Now FREE! Over 50 secrets revealed!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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