mobile marketing recruiting mlm
Have you ever been with your mlm home business on your phone and looked up something and the screen was way too big for your screen?
Have you ever seen these ads that say “text ##### to this number?”
This is known as Mobile Marketing and is becoming one of the hotttest marketing focuses in the business world. Everyone seems to be at least starting to look at the possibilities that this marketing model offers the customer as well as the marketer.
It it accelerating the ability to market 100 fold.
It is bringing possibilities to the marketing arena that have never existed before. And it is creating a buzz unlike anything since social media in 2004.
What if YOU could turn Mobile marketing into a Recruiting Power unlike anything you have ever seen?
This is what I am talking about. In your home business, being able to market in a way that literally you can recruit at will- anyplace, anytime, with anyone-over your phone.
Sound too good to be true? READ ON!
Mobile Recruiting I predict will redefine how lead generation is viewed and practiced.
The basics of mlm home business lead generation will always be the same. But the power to do it has dramatically shifted with the FUSION of Mobile Marketing and MLM Home business.
Mobile Marketing + MLM Home Business = Mobile Recruiting.
That is why there are 3 main reasons why you MUST embrace Mobile Recruiting and learn it. It is EASY, SIMPLE, and FUN.
1. It Allows You to Recruit to a More Targeted Prospect.
When you focus in on Mobile Recruiting- you will find that the prospect is more targeted, as they are NOT just surfing the web. They are totally focused on looking for something as well as seeking answers.
2. It Allows You to Get in their PERSONAL Zone.
There is no more personal space then a cell phone screen. It is carried with the prospect, used dozens of times a day, and stays on them. Some people even sleep with their phones next to their bed. THIS is HUGE for recruiting.
3. It is “Microwave Recruiting.”
People are “micro focused.” They want everything NOW. Mobile Recruiting allows them to get the information NOW and then take them to another part of the recruiting process NOW- no waiting.
Mobile Recruiting is Mobile Marketing on STERIODS! And YOU need to be a part of it for your home based business.
THAT is WHAT Mobile Recruiting is and why you MUST be a part of this -or BE LEFT BEHIND in your mlm home business.
Learn How You can Get a FREE “Mobile Recruiting 101″ CD Training Series!”
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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