network marketing closing prospects
Network Marketing CLOSING.
Have you ever tried to ask your prospect to join you in your home based business and they just had no interest at all in your mlm home business?
Did it ever cross your mind maybe you are trying to CLOSE them– and not OPEN THEIR minds and heart to live in a place they never thought possible in their life?
I want you to get this next MLM Success Secret– whether online or offline. This little network marketing tip will help you in understanding how to PULL someone into your business. And if you MASTER this little secret, you will find that your mlm business will explode.
Here is a Million Dollar MLM Closing Secret:
80% of “closing” is Psychological and whether they join you or not will depend on the picture of VALUE in their mind their emotions have painted.
“Closing” is easy.
It is the getting there part that seems to be so hard in most people’s mlm network marketing business. YOU can close anyone you want-IF YOU KNOW HOW.
What would happen to your ml business if you could close your prospect in FIVE SECONDS?
Yes…you read that right.
In a recent series of posts, I went over “How to Recruit Someone in 30 seconds.” These series of posts got really viral and it seemed to hit a nerve in a lot of people. WHAT IF as part of that 30 Second Recruiting — there was a 5 Second Close?
And there has been for about 5 years. We have been teaching this tactic to our Private Clients and it has proven to be quite effective in getting people into your home business. Some nay-sayers that you cannot “close” someone in 5 seconds.
Well, we see it done everyday. And it has changed a lot of people’s business results.
Ok…how do you do that? How can you close someone in 5 seconds when it may take weeks to get them to look at your business?
You prepped them wrong.
If you DO IT RIGHT– you can prepare the prospect for the close from the very beginning. It works and works well.
There is a word that has proven to be a powerful magnetic “closing” tool:
And we have crafted over 25 “5 Second Closes” that have proven to be very powerful using that one word as the anchor word on the close.
Here is one of the most powerful 5 Second Closes that we have discovered and it works incredible- AS LONG as you have prepped them by painting a picture of partnership and partners working together.
Here it is:
“Why don’t we just go ahead and start working as partners?”
“What size of a business could we build together if we partnered up? Let’s start building!”
This is one of the most powerful ways to PULL people into your business, and works amazingly. I would encourage you to practice these 5 Second Closes and see if they do not explode your mlm home business recruiting.
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- “Social Recruiting Power”- over 50 secrets!
FREE Recruiting 101 webinar- WATCH IT NOW- FREE!
blessings…doug firebaugh
Recruit prospects over your PHONE? Yes- 3 a day! Click to learn how!
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