MLM Recruiting…Are You Recruiting?

home business recruiting


Another MLM distributor falls through the cracks of failure again…and it was the 6th this month!!!! Ever happened to you?

Man….when I first got in this business, I had that happen a lot, and it was really frustrating, and quite discouraging…


I discovered something that helped me tremendously in my recruiting efforts…

And if you GET IT, then it will help you see that maybe you have been too liberal in your recruiting selection…


The MLM Secret of Selectivity.
Being SELECTIVE in your recruiting will eliminate a LOT of heartache and frustration…bringing in the wrong people and expecting them to explode, and they only fizzle…that is tough.

Recruiting has always been and always will be a SEPARATING Process…

A process that separates the people that are open to a new idea, and people that are not…

It is called PHILOSOPHY.


All recruiting is in a nutshell is looking for folks who are of the same philosophy that we are…and if they are not, make them a customer and get referrals..

Network marketing is a philosophy of Personal Growth, Increase, Success, Helping others, Making a difference, Wanting the BEST out of life, and being open to new ideas and cutting edge thinking.

Most folks are not even close to that…they simply drift through life….

Why should it be any different in this business?…

They simply drift………through MLM…

My good friend Richard Brooke, (Mach II with Your Hair on Fire author and CEO-Oxyfresh) says…

All Network marketing is, is Personal Development disguised as a business. TRUE!!!

It all boils down to…. Philosophy…

And the question is….are you recruiting people that share that same philosophy, or people who really don’t?

For a HOT Training Resource- “30 Second Flat MLM University”

Look at the last 5 people you have recruited…

What have they done?


Are they working diligently?

Are they growing?…Or stagnating…like a pond that has no fresh water in it?

Do they have a philosophy of working hard…or hardly working?

Do they show up for everything….or put down anything?

Do they give a good effort….or a bad excuse?

Who You Look for in MLM.
You need to start looking for people who have the same focus, desires and philosophy as you…

People who have a focus of the Future, not the past… People who have a focus of Increase, not Decrease… People who have a desire to Grow…not to Gripe… People who have a desire to Change….not to Stagnate People who really Care…not try to Con…

People who have the philosophy of Win/Win…


The One MLM Recruiting Question.

Check out who you are recruiting and ask them one question…

What is your philosophy about Success?

Their answer will reveal a LOT about their chances in this business….

Oh…I know…. The “Throw it up against the wall and see who sticks” crowd will not give a hoot about this article…(smile) But it really is a WHOLE lot easier to build a business with folks with the right philosophy….

And the right heart….

Why do you think the attrition rate for downlines is so high industry wide?

It just makes sense to have a “Vision Match” with your new recruit… They share the same Vision as you ….and a like perspective about Success in Life…if you recruit those kinds of folks…

You don’t have to keep re-building your downline…over…and over…and over…and over…and over..and over…..and…


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005-2009 All rights reserved.

Network Marketing Top 10 Prospecting Tactics to EXPLODE Your Business

A home business has rules.

A home business has it’s laws.

A home business has it’s MUSTS!

All three of the above are rolled into one phrase:

You gotta have people to talk to!!!!!!! 

INFERNO Secret:   You drive by more people in a week than you could possibly recruit in a year!!  

So….here is the question….do you have enough folks to talk to???   If not….READ ON!!!! 

These tactics are what we have found to be extremely effective in creating MLM leads and consistent people to call on.

There are hundreds of ways to Prospect…these are just a few to get you started and on your way. Take one which appeals to you…and start immediately…. 

The Ten Prospecting Tactics for Network Marketing.
1) ‘People that care about you.’  

A warm or Hot MLM market is a great place to start…but ask yourself a question…   who really cares about my success and future?

Start there and ask for their help.   You will be surprised how emotions can be of benefit to you…If they do care about you,   They will listen to you and try to help…… 

2) ‘People you truly care about.’  

 Who do you truly care about and want to see have a great life? Start there.   Your compassion and caring will come through and impact in a positive way.  

People liked to be thought of, and this is a way to make that happen, and also to   show your feelings towards their future and Life…… 

3) ‘People that you know that care about the same things… ‘ 

  Who has a commonality with you in caring for the same things? Maybe in a club or church, or an association…..

You have already established that you have something in common that matters to you both…..and your business would be a great way to expand that relationship…… 

Follow Your Dollar in MLM Prospecting.

4) ‘Follow your Dollar.’ 

  Who do you do business with? Who do give money to on a regular basis…   whether it is shopping or getting something repaired….or simply paying to have something done…

Who did you buy your car from?

Who sells you your clothing and groceries….  

Follow your dollar…there is a gold mine their in contacts and potential sales…..they may be hesitant about joining you …but ask for Network Marketing referrals…they owe them to you. 

5)’The Goldmine on your desk.’  

 Most folks have some form of a Rolodex or card case on their desk, or in their planner….but most have a listing of who they have gathered cards from…even in their palm pilot…Most Business owners have a great Rolodex…but less than 10% of the cards produce revenues for them….

Turn your or their Rolodex into a Goldmine that produces a secondary revenue source for them, by contacting the cards in the rolodex, and increase the value of their contacts…..   ‘What percentage of your rolodex is currently producing you any type of revenue source?   2%? 5%?   If there was a way to increase that to 15-20%…would you want to know about it?’ 

6) ‘Referrals.’ 

  This business is not for everyone…but everyone knows someone who it is for..   Ask. And it really depends on how you ask, that determines the response…….

‘ Obviously this isn’t for you….but if you were me…who would be the first 2 people you would call to share this with? …..’…and then call them….’ Hello Mary? My name is Doug…and I promised Tom I would give you a call…….to share an idea he thought you would enjoy…….’about a home based business… 

7) ‘Business owners you know…or someone else knows them.’  

Business owners, especially small business owners are always looking for ways to increase value to their employees, and to increase the bottom line to their company.

A lot of business owners have found Network Marketing to be a great secondary profit center for their business……..and they all have associations they belong to….with other business owners……

Good way to prospect them is to ask for their advice on Marketing…..and their help. Don’t forget the Goldmine on their desk. 

The Power of Stay at Home Moms in MLM and Home Businesses.

8)’Stay at Home moms.’  

One of the fastest growing sectors in MLM is the stay at home mom….many women professionals are starting to leave their jobs and careers to spend time with their family…

Values seem to be changing, and with that comes a great opportunity to help them reclaim the income they lost……and they already have proven themselves in the workforce… 

And over 70% of all network marketers… are women…… 

9) ‘Chamber of Commerce.’  

Every city has a Chamber…and most are all business minded….a goldmine for sales and referrals, and even some distributors…..join your chamber or at least attend some functions and get a listing of members……   and here is an INFERNO Secret to recruit….establish a relationship and ask for their help…….and refer business to them…

10) ‘Civic/Charitable organizations.’  

 Join a Civic group to first make a difference in your city…..not just to network. And become known as a go getter and helper, and as you do these things, ask for people’s referrals…..and maybe a time you could let them try your products…….

But understand…..FIRST make a difference in the group, and then you will have a better chance of making a difference with them with your business… 

The Master Secret in MLM.
INFERNO Secret…….. 

Become a Master Networker……..

Get a book/tape on Networking and how to do it……the secret is not who you know…….


Networking is an art…and if you Master it, you will never run out of leads or folks who want to help you   …..

Networking is about bringing value to others First…then let them bring value to you…… and help you explode your home based business.


doug Firebaugh PassionFire Intl

© 2005-2011 All rights reserved


MLM Training-The Secrets to Seasonal MLM Recruiting

Seasonal MLM Recruiting. 

T hat is a very powerful concept in MLM….are you aware of it?

It is when a particular season in the year can bring an awareness of something that timing may be bad for in other parts of the year… l ike right now….  right now….one thing is especially on people’s minds: 


It is the new year, and for the next 6 weeks or so, many people will be looking to make changes and to not repeat last year…this year! A nd it is a wonderful recruiting time….and you hold what we call a ‘Seasonal Conversation’ with folks…

The Secret to A Network Marketing Business.
We all know that the secret to this Network Marketing business is EFFECTIVE CONVERSATION….and Communication…we are in the business of Communicating with people… and you can hold a ‘Conversation of Change’ with people right now that will go hand in glove with their thinking…

It is a fact that the first of the year that Gyms get a flood of memberships…that last for maybe 60-90 days, and rarely seen again….that is human nature…but you can help people keep that change in their life…whether they want more money, freedom, time, security, control, or whatever… 


By asking some simple questions and making some statements during a conversation…

The MLM Business Building Concept.

Turn a Conversation into an MLM Business Building Tool…

When you are chatting with someone…here are some ‘MLM Magnetic Questions’ you can ask:

1)’What about last year are you not going to repeat this year?’ 

2)’In one word, how would you describe last year?’

3)’This year, what are you planning on doing different than last year?’

4)’What would be the one thing you would want to change this year in your life?’

5)’What would be more appropriate for you and your family this year? Feeling better about your future than you ever have…or making more money than you ever have?’

  6)’I am not going to let this year be like last year…thank God it’s over…how about you?’ 

7)’You looking to change anything this year about your life?’

8)’How would it impact you and your family to have the best year financially this year than you have had in a long while with a Direct Sales business?’

Success Possibilities in Direct Sales and MLM.
This will lead you into a ‘Conversation of Success Possibilities’ with you and your potential prospect…and push a Hot Button that may be cooler the end of February…

After the question or statement:  ‘You know, I have run across something that is going to help me create the change in my life this year…and it possibly could help you…can we chat?’ 

If you are going to be talking to folks anyway…why not do some ‘Seasonal Recruiting?’ 

This is the season for CHANGE…. 

I suggest you might change what you are doing and talk to people about what is on their mind…and what they want to…..CHANGE. 


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005-2009 All rights reserved.

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MLM -Your MLM Downline is Not Doing Anything? – Part 2

home business training smile

home based business face

“Do they have ‘Focus Targets'”? What is that? Anything that Focuses your group to work towards something…it is a Target to shoot at and aim for…

It can be:

An Event….NOTHING focuses distributors like a Major Event…


It gives them a REASON to focus and energize their activity…

A Major Conference call…These are HOT….schedule one with a successful upline or someone from corporate, and have them congratulate the up and coming stars…

A National Conference….


If you can get someone to a National Conference, they will be a YEAR ahead in this MLM usiness than where they are now…I know from experience…

The Event Marketing Secret in MLM.

This is a business of “Event Marketing…”

You market all events as the most IMPORTANT event…whether conference calls, or…

Live Super Weekend events…or the weekly event…Those that understand that and engage it get incredibly successful…

4)”Are you ‘locking arms’ or ‘letting go'”?

If you are going to get your group SIZZLING….you must Ignite the Fire…


Average distributors in MLM recruit someone and WAIT for something to happen…

Leaders in this business recruit someone and MAKE something happen…..

You need to Lock Arms and get into the trenches with your people and create a Sense of “Success Destiny” in this business…NOT Let Go of them after on training and expect them to figure it out…

Paint Word pictures of Success in their minds and keep them there!

Create a “Power Path” for them….a Step by Step Pattern to follow…ALL PassionFire training is based on a Sequential Model of Success….


If left to figure out this business…95% of your folks won’t…Have you left them to figure it out…or locked arms with them to create figures on a paycheck?..(CLUE!!!!)

5) “Are you making them Co-Dependent?”

A lot of “Leaders” in this business need to be the “star” and do everything that needs to be done for their people…and what happens is…they become not INDEPENDENT…..but Co-Dependent…on each other…

You need them to make you feel like an MLM star…and they need you to create them a paycheck and do the business……

The MLM Independent Distributor Reality.

There IS a REASON why the agreement you signed is called the “Independent Distributor” agreement…

Here is a MILLION DOLLAR Secret:

The Wealthy in this business create and develop Independence IN their people… and then they stand behind the spotlight and keep it aimed ON their people…


Read it again!

You must through Leadership foster and build Independence in your group…that is why we have the Leadership programs and Tape Re-Sources…to train you on how to create an OnFire Army of Independent Maniacs that go out and Ignite the World while you lead them to Success!

That is why we put together WisdomFire…to ignite YOU daily as well as your group…and train you on leadership…

That is why we put together the SCORCHING MLM Training Library together on the site and in the ebooks…

That is why we provide the Resource section at the end of this ezine…

That is why we provide Turn Up the HEAT calls…

That is why we are constantly letting you know about new ezines and trainings…

The MLM Fire.
You MUST STOKE the MLM Fire!

What better scenario can you have?

If your downline is not doing anything…you can do 2 things….

1) You can provide the Leadership and Support they need and then get in the trenches and work with those who DESERVE it….or…

2) If you have done that, and they still are lifeless…go get new people….


It is a whole lot easier to give birth….Then raise the dead… 


doug firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005-2011 All rights reserved.

MLM Frustrated – So… Your MLM Downline is Not Doing Anything? – Part 1

MLM Home Business LeadershipMLM Frustrated? So… Your MLM Downline is Not Doing Anything? – Part 1


We all go through it…the inevitable….we get some folks in our MLM group…and we get all excited…and we think…

“This is gonna ROCK!”

And they turn into a Rock.




Sets there.


All of them.

Sound familiar? And you get to the point that you wanna scream…AAAGGGHHHH!

Been there?

Well…I got some good news and some not so good news….The not so good news is it’s partly your fault….The good news is …is that it can be fixed in a lot of cases…

There are what we at PassionFire call the “5 Downline Reality Questions”…and they reveal what you really need to take a look at when this happens…


If you are in Network Marketing….It WILL happen to you in some shape or form…it’s all part of Leadership in this business…

The Leadership Factor in Network Marketing.
As a Leader, and sometimes it’s tough being the Leader you need to be, you must ask yourself these questions and be honest with yourself…

I taught this in our group and sometimes we are more focused on blaming others for our weaknesses than ourselves…

“I have a weak downline!” “I have a bunch of Losers…” “I cannot believe I lucked out with such a sorry downline…”

I have heard it all….and even said some myself…we all get frustrated in this business and it is the Leader that is not afraid to ask these questions that can turn it around in a lot of instances…

The MLM Leadership Questions.
Here they are:

1) “What are you NOT doing?” A lot of times, we look at what our downline is NOT doing…and not us…and in reality, they are duplicating us…we get into a “management” mode…and expect the folks to go out while we sit on our “butts”…


It’s the “buts” in this business that will kill you….

Are you Prospecting? Are you Contacting? Are you doing Presentations? Are you Following Up? Are you Getting the Decisions? Are you Training your people?

Are you providing a growth Environment for your folks?(CLUE!!!) Are you sitting on YOUR Behind too? Take a look at what YOU are NOT doing, and then see if you have been duplicated…in most instances…you have…

2) “What is Missing?” What is missing in the Success Formula? Prospects? Activity? Focus? Belief? Follow Up? Resiliancy?

Does your downline have adequate training?

Does your downline have adequate support from you?

Does your downline have the Tools they need?

Does your Downline have the system they need to recruit?

Does your downline SEE YOU and HEAR YOU in All Out Massive Action YOURSELF?

Oh…I understand…you are too busy “helping” your downline to LEAD THEM…..(CLUE!!!!!)

The MLM Success Model.

You LEAD in this business by setting the Success Model and Path and Role so they can do what you do….are they missing in their business what you are?

Most of the time…when a downline is NOT doing anything….

What is missing…Is NOT them getting off their behinds…or getting them to DO More….



doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005-20011 All rights reserved.

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Home Business Success, MLM Network Marketing Training Article, Network Marketing Success Training, MLM Leadership Training, MLM Recruiting

MLM Leadership: 5 Types of MLM Downline Distributors – Part 2

home business socialite

home business socializing

4) The Socialite.

There are many folks who join a company for what we at PassionFire call “The Peripherals of MLM”…What are they?

Folks who join to …

Belong to Something…To Feel Included in Something…To Make New Friends…To Make a Difference To Have Fun…To Have a Meaning for Life…To Become a Better Person…To Become a part of Something Bigger than Themselves…To Join a Cause or Crusade…

The List is numerous…but these folks can be a great thing for your MLM group, as they know other folks that possibly can be of help to your Home Business group…

They rarely will bring guests, so you must encourage them to introduce THEIR FRIENDS…to YOUR FRIENDS…and make the meeting a social place to meet people and when they show up with someone, you take the lead…

The Socialite can be valuable if you work with them right…but once they have proven to you to really not be interested in doing the business, only “Being At” the business…

Time to move on to more serious players, and coach the Socialite with work at home trainings, but only in groups with the other non-producers…

The Amazing Disappearing MLM Distributor.

5) The Amazing Disappearing Distributor.

This one cracks me up…someone who comes into the home business, gets all excited, tell you they are in it for the long haul, attend some meetings, and conference calls, and all the while, saying all they have going on…and then…

Where did they go???

They not only have dropped out of sight from any web forums, conference calls, or events…they have been sucked into the abyss in their house by the “MLM Monster of Mediocrity”…

They no longer answer your phone calls, they no longer return emails, voice mails, or any other communications….

And they are nowhere to be found…

But…When you eventually run into them (and you will)…they give you a dozen excuses why they had so much “Pressing Business matters” to attend to, that they had to “Temporarily” suspend their participation…


 They’ll be back!~!

Time Waster.


Don’t even waste your time…tell them your business is going great, and if they need you, they know the number to call you…don’t hold your breath…

The ADD is simply looking for the Lottery in MLM, and when they didn’t find it…and discovered the dreaded thought…

“AAAGGHHHH!! This is WORK!!!”..

POOF!!! They become Invisible…God blessem…but move on….

Those are the 5 Types of Downline distributors you can have in your group…

The MLM Percentages.

The Socialite, The Talker, and the Amazing Disappearing Distributor will make up a large portion of you group…

Builders may be less than 10 %…and Retailers less than 30%…so what do you do?

Spend 90% of your time with the Time you have allocated for Leadership with the Builders, and Retailers…and work with some of each individually…and the others?

Spend the remaining 10% with your non producers in groups…maybe they know someone who will produce…there is always that chance…for your home based business.


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005-2011 All rights reserved.

MLM Leadership: The 5 Types of MLM Downline Distributors – Part 1

home based builder

home business builder

As an MLM Leader, you will find when you start building you MLM group, you will have forming in your group a melting pot of different people that will help create the Vision as a leader you share with them.

And that is a great thing, as a varied group can be very fun to work with…and frustrating.It all falls on the MLM Leader many times as far as getting things done for the group, and you must go beyond people and Time management…

The Secret of MLM Empowerment.


You must practice “MLM Empowerment Management” with your network marketing group… to make sure you maximize the Power in your group, and to maximize you ability to lead them.

What is “MLM Empowerment Management?”

It is understanding WHO you can Empower…and who you cannot…It’s understanding WHY you can Empower one group, but it’s a waste of time for another…

And most importantly, it’s knowing HOW to Empower your Direct Sales leaders that are building their groups strong….

What are the 5 types of Downline distributors?

After nearly 12 years of being a part of, and studying relentlessly this business, we have found there are basically 5 types of folks you will find in your group….

1. The MLM Builder.

2. The MLM Retailer.

3. The MLM Talker.

4. The MLM Socialite.

5. The Amazing Disappearing Distributor…(A.D.D.)

Let’s cover these and how to Empower each….

The 5 Types of MLM Distributors.

1) The Builder.

This is your MLM Leader in training…your people who “See It”, and are on a one way track to Success…

They don’t realize they aren’t supposed to succeed because few others do, and they go out and build a great business…while others watch them do it…in amazement.


Spend 70% of your time you allocate to leadership (working with your group) with these folks…this is one of 2 places where your GOLD lies in your group…and you want to make sure they move at the pace they want to lest they get bored…

The Builder is a great person to work with, but some of them want to be left alone…

If that’s the case…let the Stallion run, and try to be there for them once you have trained and solidified their knowledge of this business and your particular company…

Encourage them constantly…and always release “PowerFire” in their business…

How do you do that?

You will learn that next week….

2) The Retailer.

This is your home business Insurance for a residual base…and thank God for the Retailer…as they are the ones who can grow up and be Superstars if believed in…

INFERNO Secret::

You spend 70% of your time with the Builder, you spend 20% of your time with the retailer…edifying, celebrating, and challenging them to greater heights…

Aand let them help out with a conference call or meeting…make a BIG deal about the great Sales job they are doing…and what an Inspiration they are to the rest of the group…

Always with the Retailer keep checking with them for possible distributors they might have with their customer base. Offer to call the really GOOD ones as a GIFT (CLUE!!!!) for them because they deserve it, and you want to make sure that potential superstars are not getting away…

Have a retailer of the Quarter…and every 90 days recognize the folks who are out everyday selling…

This is the second place you will find GOLD in your downline…give me 10 retailers over one flash in the pan anyday…

The Challenge of Talking Too Much in MLM.

3) The Talker.

This is the person who always either talks about what they are GOING to DO …or making excuses and whining about what isn’t working…


Most talkers are great folks, and usually well meaning. Their best asset for your business are the people they know and who you can help contact with the talker, or at least contact yourself to make sure you don’t lose a potential superstar. Spend the rest of your time left…10%…with the rest of this list.

The Talker will rarely do much, and can become over time very negative…this is when you must cut the cord, and suggest maybe this business isn’t for them, or they need to focus more on personal growth first…(CLUE!!!)

Talkers can be a great asset as far as motivating your folks, and they love to be in the spotlight…

The MLM Spotlight.


Put those who DESERVE to be in the MLM spotlight…in the spotlight…That is who has the MOST IMPACT on your new folks. for your home based business.


Doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005. All rights reserved.

MLM -3 Things in Your Home That Can KILL Your Home Business -Part 1

home business shock

home business shock

My Home Based Business is WHAT?

The fact that you have decided to build a home business is awsome!

And I congatulate you on a great choice…

But…let me ask you a question…

If you have spiders or bugs in your home….do you get rid of them?

Of course you do…and we all know anyone else would as well..

There are 3 things in your home that can KILL your Home Biz if you are not careful, and many times that happens…unknowingly…

An MLM home biz is a great way to build a future…but if you build a home, you surely don’t want to let termites eat the wood and destroy it…would you? of course not! You would get an exterminator for it amd make sure the house isn’t destoyed…

Isn’t your future more valuable than a home? So let’s take a look at what will KILL your MLM -home biz, and what to do about it…

What will Kill Your MLM Home Business.

1) “Life’s Distractions”…

 Life can be so distracting…with all that happens in a day..but most of the distractions are ones we can control…but usually don’t…I call them “Time Termites”…

They are what happen on a daily basis that eat away at our time and keeps us so busy with ‘Life” that our business suffers…if you are part time and working a home business, this is even more important!

Because time is money and if you are too distracted to work your business, then the “Time termites” show up and eat away at your b usiness…and your self uimage…

You know you should be working…but yet you have things that you need to do…that somehow take you away from your phone calls from friends, kids, home duties, etc…

You need to put a weekly SCHEDULE of when you are working, and let people know that you are not available for them (unless emergencies) and you will call them back, or get back to them…

If you don’t, then the “Time termites” will eat away at your business, and you will only have yourself to blame….

2) “Being BUSY…but not building”

….Is your MLM business a priority in your life? Is it something that you work DAILY?

I can tell when I coach someone that if they are working their business on a daily, and consistent basis,but not much is happening, then their Network Marketing business is in motion…but not movement…..

If there is a lack of effectiveness in your home biz, then you have been invaded by what i call “Busy Bugs”…

You are BUSY,…..doing all the wrong things that will not build your business…because it is not a priority nor a passion…

The Pretend Factor in Working a Home Business in MLM.
You may “pretend” to be working…but you are not really…you are simply acting out the motions, and fooling yourself into thinking you are building a direct sales business…

If you are not talking to new people everyday and following up everyday, you are BUSY…but not building..and that produces not much of a paycheck..

Building requires activities that communicate, market, and recruit…if you are doing everything else, then you are letting “Busy Bugs” eat away at your business, and soon your foundation of what you are building…will be weak…

3) “Doubts that this REALLY will work…”

 Do you REALLY believe that you will succeed in your home biz?


That alone will determine a lot of what happens in your home business…I call them “Doubt Daubers”….

They are the “Wasps of Weakness’ that can cripple your home business, and invade your mind and sting your thinking with the Venom of Victim…not victory…

You must think in your home business that it WILL work…because many spouse are negative because they sense youa re not 100% sold on what you are doing, and if you are not…

Why are you doing it?

“Doubt Daubers” can actually build nests in your home business…with the Mud of Mediocrity…in your mind…

And it will truly “Muddy Up” your business..Is that what you want for it?


Take control of your home business and get the pest control Police out…to kill the ‘Doubt Daubers’…

And the best way is to read, listen to, learn all you can about what you want to happen…

Success…if you study MLM success, then your home will have less of a chance to be invaded by the pesty ‘Doubt Daubers”!


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl http

(c) 2005-2011/ all rights reserved

MLM Network Marketing Training- Create an Emotional Connection


home business emotional connection

home business connection

Home business


“Emotional Connection”…

You must create an Emotional Connection with the MLM prospect…



You focus on what they want to change for the better or add to in their life the most, and then show them how your direct sales business and products can help bring that into their life..(Did you GET THAT???)

They must develop and emotional connection to the product, or the Home business, or you as a Leader…and you must create the possibility that what their life is missing can be obtained through you and your company…and then show them how…

With an EFFECTIVE Communication called a PRESENTATION that shows VALUE…


“Let me ask you a question…

Would you buy a car that had no value to you?

Would you buy a house that had no value to you?

Would you buy a pair of shoes that had no value to you?

Of course not…Guess what?

The Value Factor in Network Marketing and Direct Sales.
Your home business prospect will never start moving towards you as long as they don’t see VALUE in what you are offering, what you are doing, and who you are.


You MUST show Value to the prospect in everything that you do and say…..How? Find out what THEY VALUE in their life, and show them how your MLM Business, Products, and YOU can help increase that in their life…I call it the “4 Major Wants of Lifestyle”…

People are looking today to




4)EMPOWER their and their family’s life..and you simply must show them how you can help them do that…

What you spend your time doing in MLM.



Training ?

Being BUSY?

How about getting EFFECTIVE at Exposing your business and products, and let all of the above be a FRUIT of your actions…not the sole focus?

If you do that, your results will blossom abundantly like fruit on a tree…a MONEY TREE….

And your growth will be UNSTOPPABLE in this business…


Doug Firebaugh

PassionFire INTL
copyright 2005-2011  All rights reserved.

MLM Cold Market- 10 Commandments MLM List Recruiting – Part 1

In every call there are certain principles that must be adhered to….and followed.

These are what I call “The Ten Commandments of MLM Cold Market List Recruiting”….after making 75,000 phone calls, I found that these are lessons learned the hard way, and definitely written in stone…

The Ten Commandments of MLM Cold Market Recruiting
1) “Thou shalt transfer Energy that the prospect is drawn towards….not repelled by.”

Energy is a MUST in MLM calling cold market lists….because that is the MAGNETISM you display and the prospect feels….It must come out in your personality that you are INTENSELY MOVED by your opportunity, not just excited.

You cannot move anyone towards you if you are not moved yourself…and I am not talking about hype either…Hype comes from the mind and is temporary….

Network marketing recruiting ENERGY comes from the HEART…and leaves a residue on the prospect after you hang up….

Your energy also is a fruit of your SERIOUSNESS…and the prospect will never be anymore serious about your Home Business offer….than you are.

2) “Thou shalt have BIG EXPECTATIONS.”

What you expect to happen with your business….generally does. Calling lists is no exception. What you expect can be heard in your voice, your tone, your inflections, and your words.

You expect big results, then you will be working towards that… You expect small results….you get small results. But you must expect CONSISTENTLY and PERSISTENTLY.

There is a learning curve in calling lists, and you must go through it…so if your results are not where you want them…then you are right on track….as your MLM business is growing and so eventually will your results…if you expect BIG!

3) “Thous shalt NOT just Recruit….but BEFRIEND.”

Your job in calling lists is simply to make a new friend. Why? It’s easier to recruit a friend than it is a stranger. And your goal is to make that prospect glad you called, regardless of the results that happen.

Most everyone likes making new friends,and your MLM list that you have is nothing more than a list of friends that you have not met yet! Making friends is a different energy and focus and is perceived totally different by the prospect…than a recruiting focus….

Yes…your goal is to recruit them, but first make a friend and increase the odds of them listening to you and liking you as well…


Doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005-2009 All rights reserved.

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