MLM Training – 9 Magnetic Persuasion Lessons from a 4 Year Old

mlm home business persuasion

mlm home business persuasion

MLM Training on Persuasion and Marketing.

Do you understand how to persuade people in your home business?

Do you use any kind of persuasion skills in your mlm?

Are you open to learning these kind of skills for your network marketing work at home business?

Here is an amazing blog post from Copyblogger, and I LOVE this post. Kudos to Jarom Adair for writing this!


How confident are you in your persuasion skills?

After months and months of providing your most valuable teaching, are you hearing crickets chirping when you finally make your audience an offer?

No feedback. No sales. Earning email list subscribers is like pulling teeth.

And yet other publishers seem to get a tremendous response to everything they do online.

You know who these people are. They get traffic, they get comments, and they get sales. People respond to them.

Tired of eating their dust? If so, allow me a few minutes to show you how a persuasive four-year-old kid might just save the day.

And yes, I wrote that correctly, a four-year-old

Uncovering the secrets of persuasion

Enter Elijah. He’s a child that gets what he wants — almost every time.

How persuasive is he?

He got a woman in the grocery store to open a bag of chips for him that she hadn’t even paid for yet.

He gets an average of two helpings of candy at every door on Halloween.

He randomly picked a stranger at a sporting event and — before I could intervene — got the guy to buy him a large bag of Gummie LifeSavers from a vending machine. I still don’t know precisely what Elijah said to him, but it worked.

These things happen all the time, and I’m so glad he’s my child — because I can ground him for life if he goes to work for a rival marketer.

He’s just that skilled at the art of persuasion. Here are nine things my son has taught me about getting people to do what you want them to do — every single time …

1. The art of the ask

Despite repeatedly assuring Elijah that he would not find cake at the hardware store during a recent trip, Elijah approached an employee anyway and asked, “Do you have cake?”

Instead of turning him away, the employee lead us to the employee lounge where, coincidentally, someone had just celebrated a birthday.

They happily gave Elijah a large slice of birthday cake, and I relearned one of the most basic lessons of persuasion.

Persuasive Tip #1: You’ve got to ask for what you want, or you’ll never persuade anybody to do anything.

And just like asking for cake in a hardware store, there are two common places most writers often don’t think to ask for what they want. They are:

#1 Ask at the end of your article — Any time you’ve given someone something of value (like an informative article on your site), this is a great time to give people a gentle nudge to join your email list or look further into a service or product you offer.

#2 Ask again after they’ve taken action — If someone has just taken action — like joined your email list or purchased something — immediately invite them to take more action. They have action-taking momentum, and it’s a great time to make them an offer they can’t refuse.

Whatever you do, don’t write anything without including a specific call to action.

2. Find the right angle

Elijah has seen Disney’s “Alice in Wonderland” far too many times. So when I told him to do something he didn’t want to do, he declared:

“Daddy — off with your head!”

“That’s not a very nice thing to say,” I said.

Elijah changed his tone. “Off with your head … please?”

Persuasive Tip #2: Any message will become more persuasive as you test different approaches and see what works best. Some effective ways to test your copy are:

  • Split testing: Show half your visitors one message, and show the other half a slightly different version of the message. See which one produces better results.
  • Ask prospects: Find your target market online and ask them to evaluate your offerings and messaging. I’ve found LinkedIn groups to be quite responsive.
  • Complaints: They’re really just opportunities to improve. Complaints about your business or complaints about your competitors are equally useful.
  • Ask customers: Ask each of your buyers what persuaded them to accept your offer, and tweak your message accordingly.

Always test and tweak your copy. Professional copywriters and marketers are fanatics about testing and adapting their messages to discover the most persuasive approach.

3. Break the entire process down into manageable steps

Our collection of children’s DVDs is placed out of Elijah’s reach. After repeatedly asking me to pick him up so he could rummage through them (and getting rejected), Elijah employed a new strategy.

“Daddy … stand up.” I had just repeatedly turned down his other requests, so I obliged.

Once I was standing, he said “Pick me up.” Okay. I picked him up.

“Now stand over there.” He pointed to where the DVDs were located.

I had to laugh. The kid had already gotten me halfway there, so I stepped over to where the movies were, and Elijah started picking through them.

Well played, my son.

Persuasive Tip #3: If people aren’t doing what you want, can you break that process down into steps that people will take?

Can you make a phone call, a free trial, or a special offer? Try this anyplace where people aren’t taking action.

As an internet marketing coach, I found a direct sales pitch to my new Facebook friends doesn’t work.

But when I give them some free advice by email, then a complimentary consultation by phone, then offered a free trial to my program — just to try it out — many of my Facebook friends easily became paying clients, because each step was very simple for them to take.

Try this wherever you’re having a hard time persuading people to do something.

4. Emulate successful strategies

“Lauren!” Elijah yelled across the yard to our next door neighbor “You look gorgeous in that dress!”

“Thank you Elijah!” Lauren called back.

“Mom,” Elijah whispered under his breath. “What does gorgeous mean?”

Persuasive Tip #4: If it works for others, try it out yourself.

Look at your competitor’s websites, join their email list, study their ads, and crash their webinars. What persuasive things do they say, and how do they say them? Does it seem to be working?

Next, look closely at sales pitches and persuasive copy outside of your industry. What do they say that persuades you? What moves you to action? Can you adapt it to your copy?

Whenever someone successfully compels you to purchase anything, ask yourself “How did they do that? And can I adapt it in a way that would make sense for my business?”

5. Collect compliments

Elijah has a pretty high opinion of himself, and has no trouble finding people who agree. He’s heard the phrase “You are SO CUTE!” so many times, he thought it was his name.

He collects compliments everywhere he goes, and you should too.

Persuasive Tip #5: Compliments and testimonials are extremely persuasive if used properly — especially these two types of under-utilized testimonials:

Story Testimonials
If you really knocked one out of the park for your client, write a detailed narrative of what happened. The more vividly you paint that client’s story, the better. Detail how your client felt before, during, and after you stepped in. Story testimonials will really speak to your prospects who are dealing with the same situation as your client — and you’re not bragging because it’s your customer doing the talking.

Comment Testimonials
Did you ever look at the positive comments on your website as a bunch of mini testimonials? I collected positive comments and placed them on my email subscribe page, and I get a 37% signup rate on that page.

What do you think? Do you see how those positive comments work just like customer reviews on a product site? They are sincerely and spontaneously given, so they’re very persuasive.

6. Use rich language

Elijah often tries to lure me out of my office with some kind of “horrible,” “amazing,” “dangerous,” or “exciting” situation that needs my intervention.

Today he pressed his mouth up to the crack under my door and described for me how his stuffed animal was maliciously eating imaginary important documents. “Daddy … Kitty is eating your papers. I’m horrified!”

Persuasive Tip #6: Keep your copy full of energy-rich wording, like “horrified,” and your readers will have the energy to take action when you ask it of them.

Words like amazing, gorgeous, terrible, magnificent, repulsive, exquisite, ultimate, bewildered, immense, tremendous …

Used thoughtfully, these words can add excitement, magnetism, and personality to your writing. If your readers feel energized reading your copy, taking action is easy.

7. Paint vivid pictures for your readers

“Elijah, don’t hang from the refrigerator handles,” I ordered him.

Instead of letting go, he hung upside down from the handles and asked “Will I fall down and crack my head open?”

Persuasive Tip #7: The more vivid the pictures you draw in your readers’ minds, the more engaged their minds become in your writing.

“Crack your head open,” one of many graphic phrases I use, has more impact than the standard parental line “Stop or you’ll hurt yourself.” We don’t think in words — we think in pictures.

So how would you apply this visual persuasion technique? How about walking someone through your ordering process?

Or, for some bonus persuasiveness, how about walking them through your ordering process by using a testimonial?

It might sound something like this …

“I clicked that order now button and filled in my information as fast as I could” your happy customer illustrates. “I flew through the ordering process and immediately downloaded your ebook and couldn’t stop reading it! The information had an almost instant impact.”

If you were to place this at the end of a sales video, for example, your prospects watching that video might visualize placing that order themselves and then reaping the rewards.

If they’ve already seen it in their minds, taking that action in real life is a whole lot easier.

8. Show them some love

Nothing helps smooth over the fact that the recliner is now covered in milkshake like a declaration of affection.

But Elijah doesn’t just say that when he’s in trouble. His secret to persuasion is to express his affection regularly, in various situations.

Persuasive Tip #8: If you want people to do something, show them some love. Short comments like the following will encourage people to do more of the things you want:

Want more comments? Let your readers know, “I really appreciate it when people reply with thoughtful comments. Honestly, it makes my day.”

Want more sales? Before they even buy, say, “Thank you for your purchase! I look forward to working with you.”

Want more Tweets, Likes, and Plus Ones? Try saying, “The greatest compliment you can give me is when you share this with others. I sincerely appreciate it.”

Let them know what you want them to do by telling them you appreciate it.

9. Tell them your hopes

So Elijah walks into the bathroom while I’m taking a shower, turns off the light, and says, “It’s dark!” and I agree with him. Anyway, for those of you who are struggling with a dirt stain in bathroom area, cleaning services chicago like companion maids can help you out.

Then he snickers, “I hope you have fun in the dark, poopy cave!” (which is what, I suppose, a bathroom without light is) and then he closes the door. So I spent the second half of my shower in total darkness.

Persuasive Tip #9: The key phrase here is “I hope,” and the persuasion secret is knowing how to use these two words to let your readers know that you care.

Have you ever written in an article, “Here’s what I hope you take from this article …” and then proceeded to tell them all the things you were hoping they’d learn and experience while reading what you’ve written?

Doing this will make your reader stop and think about you. They’ll realize right that you’re a real human being who has sacrificed your time and offered up the very best of your knowledge in the hopes that they might benefit.

Give it a try. Write a closing statement titled “What I hope you take from this article.” Write it from the heart, and your audience will likely respond from theirs …

These are 9 Persuasion tips for marketing for your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download audio -“2013 Recruiting Secrets” by Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2o13 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

8 Rules of Recruiting Small Business Professionals

How to Ask a Prospect to Attend an Online or offline event

MLM Training- How to Do a Magnetic Three Way- Part Two

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mlm network marketing 3 ways calling

MLM Three Way Calling Training.

Do you do three way call for your team when recruiting for your home based business?

How do you do them in your network marketing mlm business?

Is your work at home business focused on three way calling or not?

Three way calling is CRITICAL to do with your home business, and if you are not doing them, you are missing out on the accelerating power of this tool.

I covered Part One of this Three Way Calling Series in this post- How to Do a Magnetic Three way” and I encourage you to read this if you have not.

Here is Step Two of the three way calling process. Step one is “The Introduction” and then you move to step two of a three part process:

2)  “The Expert” – your NETWORK MARKETING sponsor or upline who is calling with you.

During a three way call, your sponsor will thank the prospects for their time and let them know he is glad to finally talk to them!  He will reaffirm what you have told the prospects, validate you, answer any questions, and give them a larger vision of the big picture of what’s going on with the company.

She will generally talk for only a couple of minutes to respect the prospects’ time. There are many different ways to do three ways, but always ask questions about the prospects, and show you are INTERESTED IN THEM! 

People will find you INTERESTING, if they feel you are INTERESTED IN THEM!

The Sponsor will cover the five points of a three way call here.  Your sponsor will also help get your prospects to the next NETWORK MARKETING company event, conference call, or web cast, and also edify you as a serious player in this business (If you are doing three ways, you ARE a Player!)  Below is a sample template of a three way call, the Expert’s part.

The expert must maintain control of the conversation and limit the call to three minutes or less.  Otherwise, your prospects will think they don’t have time for the business, and you won’t be productive either!

“Hi Lisa, my name is Mary, and I have been looking forward to meeting you.  The reason I’m on the line is because Diane has told me a lot of great things about you and she said you’re taking a look at our company/products, so we thought we’d touch base with you together.  You’re probably busy so we promise not to keep you long. We just want to take a couple of minutes to share a couple of things with you.  I understand you live in Bay City.  I live in Hollywood so we’re really close!  And Diane said you’ve got two little ones, is that right?  What are their names?  How old are your children?  Do you work outside the home?  Are you married?  What kind of work does your husband do?  What do you guys like to do for fun?”  (Make it natural, not like you’re drilling them!  You’re looking for anything you have in common here, to bond with them.  Slip in your commonalities…  “We’ve got a 7 & 9 year old too!”)

 “Let me ask you Lisa, have you had a chance to take a look at the information Diane gave you about our company yet?  Great!  Let me tell you a little bit about what’s happened to me with this company… Since I’ve been involved for the last three years, not only have I found my income has dramatically improved, but I’ve been able to… (Quit my job and stay home with the kids, earn more $, enable my husband to cut back on overtime, work less hours, contribute significantly to the new building for our church, travel the world, retire early, put our kids in private school, put our kids through college, etc.), and we are looking for others who want to do the same and more.  What would making more money mean to you and your family?” 

 “Do you have any questions I could answer for you?  (Answer two or
three)  Lisa, I’m not sure if this is for you or not, but it sounds like you have some great questions and some interest in finding out more about what we do.
I’d love to have you take a closer look at how this can possibly work for you.  What are you doing Tuesday night?  The reason I ask is because all
of the questions you have can be answered at an event/conf call/webinar we are holding, and we would be honored for you to be our guest. Are you
available?  Great!  Why don’t you and Diane just come together.
She can pick you up! (Or she can three way you in)  You couldn’t be in any better hands than Diane’s! 

Well as I promised up front, we don’t want to keep you long but it’s been great talking with you and I have really enjoyed it. I love your personality.
I will turn this back over to Diane so you two can make arrangements.  I can’t wait to meet you tomorrow night Lisa.  I’m going to jump off the line now. Thanks Lisa.”

Success Suggestion:  Write your personal bullet points on an index card by the phone to make sure you include all the pertinent points as the “Expert” during your three way calls for your mlm network marketing home business.

 FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”- over 25 secrets! with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

3 Reasons Why You MUST DO Three way Calling MLM Today

The Psychology of Recruiting Small Business owners

MLM Training- Think Email Marketing is Dead? THINK AGAIN-Part One

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mlm email marketing home business

MLM Email Marketing.

Do you use email for your home based business?

Are you familiar with how email works in a network marketing business?

How often do YOU use email in your business?

There is a myth:  EMAIL is DEAD!

Nope. Not even close. I decided that I wanted to do a series on email. I started researching this and found out some amazing things! Yes, social media is still a juggernaut and mobile recruiting and marketing is the new darling of the marketing world!

But EMAIL still ROCKS as far as the home  business profession! And here is a great article I found that really gets to the nuts and bolts of what is going on with email!

I found this on Social Web Tools Daily.


MLM Email Marketing.

Many businesses have jumped on the social media train, and it’s a good place to be. However, it’s also important not to forget about other forms of online marketing, especially email. Email marketing can provide a business with huge benefits in ways that social media marketing cannot.

Discover more here the reasons why email marketing still gives businesses more of an advantage than social media.

It’s a Larger and More Varied Customer Base

The numbers of people using sites like Facebook and Twitter seem amazing and hard to beat, but the truth is more people are still using email. This makes sense – you need an email to access a social media site. Then, there are all of those people who don’t use social media, but still have an email whether for work or personal purposes. Email gives you a wider audience and a more varied audience. There are fewer older people using social media, whereas email tends to be the main mode of communication for many

Email Is More Likely to Catch Someone’s Attention

A fast-paced world is a hard world to market to. You can update Twitter and Facebook all you want, but chances are, people are going to miss some of your updates simply due to the sheer number of posts and updates they are bombarded with on every social media site. Email is a great way to catch people’s attention, and keep it. A post on Facebook can be ignored or never seen, but an email must be opened, and once it’s opened, it’s usually read. Of course, there’s a possibility somebody could delete an email, but if you keep your subject lines and content engaging and interesting, people are likely to at least give it a look. Find the best Branding Tools on this site.

Email Requires Less Time and Focus

You need to spend time on the content you’re sending out, but that’s not as hard as consistently updating all of your social media platforms. With social media, you’re expected to constantly be available and engaged. With email, as long as you’re producing great content, you don’t have to send out updates every day. An email once a week or bi-monthly should suffice. Email marketing is often looked upon as outdated, but when it comes to marketing there’s no better option. From providing businesses with a larger audience to giving you more time to focus on other aspects of your business, email marketing is the best way to market your mlm network marketing home business.

FREE mp3 download audio- 2013 Recruiting Secrets- over 25 secrets- with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM Training related posts:

10 MLM Leadership Resolutuons for 2013

How to Follow Up and Start the Closing Process

MLM Training- 3 Reasons Why You MUST Do 3 Ways Calls in 2013

mlm network marketing 3 way calling

mlm network marketing home business 3 way calling

MLM Three Way Call Training.

Do you do three way calls for your home based business?

Is your network marketing business focused on three ways calls or are they something you struggle with?

Do you know WHY you must do 3 ways calls for your work at home mlm?

I was in a seminar recently, and someone said that 3 ways calls were a thing of the past, and they did not do them. They were an “online marketer” and did not believe they were needed. I asked them how there business was growing and he said “pretty good.”

I also asked him what his attrition rate was, and he said that his business was a like a turnstile, people come and people go. BUT that was the way the business was supposed to be. I disagreed and told him that my group had less than 20% attrition for 8 years straight back in the 90’s. Some years it had less then 15%.

He just stared at me.

He again, said things had changed in the “new marketing”, and that losing the majority of your people was just the way the business worked and I did  not really understand how the business worked today.  I said “Really?”  I smiled, as all the rest of the audience laughed, and then asked him if he wanted to do the seminar for the rest of the day!

By the way- this ‘expert” had been in the business for — 2 years!!! Never mind that I have been on for 27. And by the way- I am a HUGE proponent of online recruiting. HUGE!!!!!  BUT you still must get them offline and on a three way to insure that your prospect moves through the recruiting funnel and is “closed.”

THAT is a sure sign of why you must do three ways calls. We have found that the teams that do three ways calls, have less attrition then most other teams. And weird, but we found that less than half actually do three way calls with their sponsor. And guess what? Just about all of them were saying that their business was struggling.


Three way calling is a TOOL that you can use that will help train your new people and also lock down your results. It is something that will always be used if you are SERIOUS about building a long term business.

One of the most powerful tools that you can use to build your NETWORK MARKETING business, TELL people more, and create a successful First touch, is a three way call. That is
why I have written this post about it.

To accelerate your home business, you MUST learn how to use and master powerful tools including Three Way Calls, Training calls, and National Conference Calls.

NOTE: It is an industry fact that the average six-figure income earner in the industry has done nine times the amount of three ways than the average distributor.

Three Way Call is a technology and a tool available from your local phone company that allows three people to talk to each other on the phone, or a group of people on a Conference
Line.  We use it to train, validate, and help you “earn while you learn.”  Let your sponsor walk you through these powerful tools. These tools are there to help you and guide you in the early stages of your business.

Why should a Reseller do Three Way Calls? 

 1) It bridges the gap between inexperience and experience!

When people come into the home business profession, they lack the experience needed to build a business. But three way calling can help accelerate their results, as it truly can bring an experienced upline on a phone call that can answer the questions that the new person cannot yet. And it is also a GREAT training tool for the new distributor/consultant.

2) It validates your NETWORK MARKETING product line, business, and YOU.

The inexperienced Reseller lacks the credibility of someone who has been involved for awhile, and this tool helps fill that void. The sponsor will validate the new person and this will help build up the confidence of the new distributor.

3) Three way calling and conference calls are the least expensive, most effective, least used tools available to quickly build your NETWORK MARKETING paycheck!

The people who use Three-way calling consistently to build their business have children with wealthy parents!  If you’re not using it, you are seriously limiting the earning potential of you and your Team.

Order three way calling on your phone from the phone company.  It usually costs about $4.00 a month.


 You will want to three-way every NETWORK MARKETING prospect you have in the pipeline for recruiting at some point in the process.  The main  reason is that they will mirror what has been done with them once they become involved with their own prospects. Ultimately, they are already trained on how the process of how the business works by the time they enroll in your program.

KEY Point:

 It is possible that the three way call may come as a follow up after the Initial approach.  Use your own judgment, but do what works for you. Be certain to include the three-way call at some point in your recruiting process with everyone for the purposes of
duplication!  Rarely will a person do to others something that has not been done to them, especially when it comes to three way calls for your mlm network marketing home based business.

FREE mp3 download “2013 Recruiting Secrets” – over 25 secrets- with Doug and Diane hochman!

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

The Psychiology of Recruiting Small Business Owners in 2013

 How to start the Follow Up and Closing Process in Network Marketing

MLM Training- The 8 Rules of Recruiting Small Business Professionals

MLM Rules of Recruiting Business Professionals.

Do you strive to recruit business professionals for your home based business?
Are you currently focused on business professionals in your mlm?
Do you think for your network marketing business that a small business owner would be good for it?
There are different “rules” of recruiting professionals in 2013, and if you know the rules, and recruit within them, you will find that sponsoring business owners is not as hard as one may think, this is the best way to grow your small business.
I recently did an article recently the Psychology of Recruiting Business Professionals which will help you understand what and how the business professional thinks.
There are certain things that one must adhere to, if you are going to be a powerful recruiter of small business owners. We have found through years of experience that there are 8 rules that we have found true for business professionals and the art of recruiting them.
Many distributors and consultants never try and recruit small business professionals because they think they are out of reach. That is not true. But odds are, many of them have been part of a recruiting process that did not go so well, as some of the rules were broken and turned the professional off of network marketing or a home business. This happens all the time unfortunately.
I had the great blessing of having thousands of small business owners in our group and they exploded a lot of the business we were able to build during that time We had in one leg over 2500 business owners and that leg was amazing. It was a professional leg that acted, thought, and recruited professional.
You can do the same thing if you follow the rules. What ARE those rules?
Here are what we call The “Rules of the Game- Recruiting Business Professionals :”
1) No MLM “ease” or verbiage.

 Many of the folks in a home business use a language that the professional does not understand. You MUST talk the language that a professional understand.
2) They expect PROFESSIONAL.

 Many distributors do not look or act professional. This is often a huge turn off to a business professional. Be Yourself, but make sure that you are professional in your demeanor and speech as that is what they expect and is their world they live in on a daily basis,
3) They are looking for RESULTS.

WHY should a business owner be talking with you? How are their RESULTS going to change? Show them how to increase and multiply their results, and you will increase the odds of recruiting them tremendously.

4) They expect it to be ABOUT THEM.
Make the conversation about the professional. Ask them the story of their Success. Ask them what struggles they had at the beginning. Ask them anything that will get them talking about themselves. This will endear them to you. Yes, many business professionals have egos.
5) Be Relaxed- NO PRESSURE at all.
If a small business owner sense that you are pressuring them, they will close down and end of discussion. There is no reason for pressure. Either they see it, or they do not. If they do not  NEXT!
6) Expect MULTIPLE Conversations.
There will be more than one conversation with a small business professional as that is the normal path they travel in business. Most business dealings are more then one conversation and odds are your recruiting them will be multiple conversations.


7) Focus on their expertise and help.
Small business owners has expertise. Ask them to advise you, and see if they can give you some tips on your success. Most professionals will do this. Ask them about marketing and leadership and Success secrets. This will build a powerful bond to you.
8) Talk to the personality.
Many business owners are DRIVERS. There are 4 kinds of business personalities: Driver, Feeler, Analyzer, and Socializer. Talk to the personality. Talk to the Driver bottom line, and little details. What will your  business do for their business? period. End of discussion. How will your business add to their income. TALK RESULTS with a Driver. Talk making a difference with Feelers. Talk details with Anlayzers. Talk FUN with Socializers.
These are 8 Rules that we have found work well in recruiting small business professionals in your mlm network marketing home based business.
FREE hour long mp3 download: “2013 Recruiting Secrets” with Doug and Diane Hochman-over 25 secrets of recruiting for 2013!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2013 all rights reserved
MLM Training related posts:
5 Ways to Explode Your Personal Production in 2013
How to Ask a prospect to Attend an Online or Offline Event

MLM Training- 10 MLM Leadership Resolutions for 2013 Success

mlm leadership home business

mlm network marketing leadership

MLM Leadership New Years resolutions..

Have you come up with your new years resolutions yet for your home based business?

Are you planning on changing things in 2013 for your work at home network marketing efforts?

Are you locked and loaded for 2013 for your mlm leadership?

leadership in 2013 will be a critical factor in your success and team building. All of us get that. But what about YOUR leadership changes and growth? Are you planning on increasing your leadership or working with your team?

Here is an article from Smartbriefs training letter about 10 Leadership New years resolutions with a few additions. I believe that it will help you and your leadership in 2013.

Here is the home business leadership article:


10 Leadership New Years Resolutions for Home Business teams.

Having trouble coming up with a good New Year’s leadership resolution?

Here’s a list of 10 to pick from. These are things that leaders know they should do but often don’t.

Don’t overdo it — just pick one and commit to it.

Feel free to submit your own in the comments section — there’s nothing like a public declaration to hold yourself accountable.

For 2013, I’m going to:

1. Develop a Mission Statement for my team or organization.

The “charter” will include our purpose (or mission), our vision, our values, long-term (two to three years) goals, objectives, and action plans. I’ll involve my team in the development of the charter, make sure it’s communicated clearly and consistently, and follow up on a regular basis to track progress, revise, and celebrate achievements.

2. Reach out to someone who helped me become the leader I am today.

I’ll write a letter, sens an email, or better yet, maybe even pay a visit, and let them know specifically what they did and why it was so important for me and thank them for their mentoring and caring about my destiny.

3. Schedule and hold regular one-on-ones with each of my team leaders.

We’ll use that time to discuss concerns, opportunities, progress on goals and development; celebrate achievements; or just touch base on what’s going on in our busy lives. If I have a conflict, I won’t cancel the leaders’ meeting — instead I’ll reschedule it.

4. Decide what’s important to me as a leader — what I stand for and why.

I’ll share this with others and consistently act in a way that demonstrates these values and beliefs. This will become my Leadership GPS and my driving force in my life.

5. Be more accountable.

I’ll admit my mistakes, fix them, learn from them, and stop pointing fingers or placing blame. it’s MY team and MY responsibility as a leader.

6. Improve my presentation skills and the way I communicate.

I’ll take a course, join Toastmasters, hire a coach, practice, and get feedback from others. I will read books, listen to the Home Business Radio Network, watch leadership videos, and more.

7. Listen more and better.

I’m going to seek to understand the other person’s point of view and emotions and force myself not to evaluate, judge, or offer my own point of view until I am sure I have understood theirs.

8. Get feedback on my leadership skills.

I’ll take a multi-rater assessment or figure out some other ways to get an accurate assessment as to how I am perceived by others. I will ask my upline to assess as well and other leaders that I respect.

9. Mentor someone.

I’ll make myself available to help someone else become even better than me. If not someone I know in my team, I’ll volunteer my time to an organization or charity.

10. Be more innovative.

I’m going to look for possibilities and ask “why not” and “what if.” I’ll take a course or read a book on what it takes to be an innovative leader, and pick two or three things to implement and practice.

Dan McCarthy is the director of Executive Development Programs at the University of New Hampshire. He writes the award-winning leadership-development blog Great Leadership and is consistently ranked as one of the top digital influencers in leadership and talent management. He’s a regular contributor to SmartBlog on Leadership.

FREE mp3 download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”- over 25 secrets-with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

The Psychology of Recruiting Small Business owners in 2013

How to Follow Up and Start the MLM Closing process

MLM Training- 5 Predictions for the Home Business Profession in 2013

mlm home business network marketing

mlm network marketing home business

MLM 2013 Predictions.

Want to know what I believe is going to happen in 2013 for your home business?

Want to see what 2013 is going to look like for the network marketing profession?

Are you READY for these success predictions for mlm?

I want to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR and a prosperous 2013!  It was a LONG YEAR in 2012 for a lot of folks and most are glad to see the year to be behind them. Are you one of them? I am and I am so glad that 2013 is here!


Things are going to change for the home business network marketing work at home profession this year! And I DO mean change! But not bad change- but GREAT change! And those changes will play out and work FOR the profession, not against. Most leaders would agree that things MUST improve and increase in 2013, and you will see that this year.

Many people I have talked to are in agreement that we are headed into a great year. I believe we are headed into an incredible year. And I DO mean incredible. I have never gone out on a limb before with predicting anything, but this year is different. it is unlike any year that we have seen in our lives and that is why that these 5 predictions will prove to be TRUE for 2013. Why don’t you Visit Discover Magazine to find out how business people use cbd products on their daily life.

Here are the 5 Success predictions for 2013 and what they mean for YOU:

1. Because of the enormous TAX INCREASES coming in 2013, people will be looking for more income and revenues then ever before.

President Obama, agree with him or not, has the single largest tax increase in nearly 50 years to hit January 1. And it impacts 80% of the nation;s households, and this does NOT include Obamacare.  So with those taxes coming and reducing the household income of 80% of Americans, there will be a TON of folks looking for new revenues and more income. This opens up conversations with people that last year were not open to talking about a secondary income or their own business. but they are NOW. And you will find that the anxiety of the tax increases will accelerate people looking for some relief from this enormous burden that will be on households.

Taxes are going up for everyone this year. Though the government insists that all should benefit from these increases, many are afraid that it’s going to make it even more difficult to find and keep good employees. With the cost of living continuing to rise, tax rates need to go up too. And in this situation you need to know how you will file taxes as a private contractor tax.

2. There will be more LAYOFFS in 2013 because of the economy and people will be searching for options and alternative sources for income and security.

There will be a lot of either layoffs or people going part time in businesses and this alone will force people to want to seek more income. This will work in the favor of all home businesses and recruiting will be on the rise . There will be people that will not want to put themselves in that position again and will look at going full time with their own business to create their own security. THIS will be a game changer in 2013.

3. Because of the NEGATIVE MOOD of the nation concerning the economy,  there will be people searching for a more positive culture or environment.

72 % of those polled recently in a USA Today poll, had a negative view of 2013 regarding our economy. The mood of America seems to be in a “funk.” We all know that the culture of the home business profession is POWERFUL and POSITIVE. There will be more people seeking out a more positive environment then what they see at work, and around their friends. What we must do, is to tell prospects that we have a powerful personal development culture that you can double or even triple your income the first year with some of the most powerful people in the world and they need to be a part of this. And this will open up the eyes of those seeking this more powerful space for their life.

4. The BUSINESS MODELS are changing in America, and more and more people will be seeking more updated and social / mobile business models.

Our country is changing in many ways- some good and some, well, not so good. But the changing business models are driving the marketing changes that are happening. More and more people are looking for more updated and ‘today” marketing models and our profession has the opportunity to take advantage of that- from  home. Social media changed the game of marketing, and we know that. but Mobile Media is going to accelerate the marketing scope of what we can do from home, and there will be millions of people seeking these types of more progressive business structures.

5. People are tired of the last 4 years of a down economy and will make a decision that they must DO SOMETHING and no longer wait on Washington to do something.

People are TIRED of being in “economic limbo.” Many people today are going to make a life changing decision for their family, and start a business from home. Studies have shown that people are tired of the path they have been on economically, and are going to do something different in 2013. This is a perfect time for us to move forward and introduce the profession of home business in a more aggressive manner to people that are loking for it.

These are 5 predictions for 2013 for the mlm network marketing home business profession.

FREE mp3 donwload- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”- with Doug and Diane Hochman

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

MLM training realted posts:

5 Prospect Pulling MLM New years Resolutions

Mobile Recruiting Tools and basics

MLM Training – The Psychology of Recruiting Small Business Owners in 2013

mlm network marketing home business recruiting

mlm recruitiing small business.  for home business

MLM Recruiting Small Business Owners.

Do you recruit business owners and professionals in your home business?
Does it not make sense to recruit small business owners for 2013 into your network marketing business?
How would one small business owner in your downline change your mlm? Take a look into Shravan Gupta videos and learn how you can hired real professionals.
The secret to starting to recruit professionals and small business owners is to understand what makes them tick. In 2013, I would suggest that you really start to focus on small business owners and professionals. To develop your  business you need a best marketing tips, At Cofe Winchester you will get different blogs.
Because many small business owners are going to be looking for additional revenues to be making up for all the additional taxes that will be facing small business owners in 2013. Many businesses are getting help from tijuana for better manufacturing in a less cost. And I would suggest that you focus part of your time in giving small business owners something we have call the Small Business Income Mutiplier and it DOES work with a network marketing business attached to their small business. If you need business marketing technique then just visit to Abrc website, here you get all the information about business marketing.
That Income Multiplier is a secondary revenue stream from a network marketing business that connects the professional’s contacts.
We teach what we call the  “Recruiting Professionals Academy” and we train on how to recruit just about any professional and small business owner that exists. We train how to recruit particular niches, and professions using very focused scripts and conversations in 2013
But it ALL starts with the understanding of one thing:

The Psychology of the Professional and Business Owner.

You MUST understand what the small business owner and professional is looking for and wants for their life.
It starts with how small business owners and professionals THINK. But the one thing that has proven to be true about recruiting small business professionals is their thinking:usiness Professionals and Small Business owners are mainly TRADITIONAL Thinkers and marketers.
Most have gone through a lot to build their business so they are protective of it. They know what it took to get to where they are, and they are very focused on not messing it up. They remember the hard times, and many are still going through some hard times with the way the economy is today.
Most Online business owners and professionals are focused on building their business and want no distractions. Anything that distracts them, they resist. But if you show them how you can help them increase their revenues with NO distractions, you will recruit them.
Here are some points to help you understand the Psychology of the Small Business Owner and Professionals and how to prepare to recruit them:
1) Small Business Owners bring A DIFFERENT Perspective to the marketplace and MLM. They understand business, and also how to run one, and have a business attitude when working in the marketplace, not just an employee attitude. They GET the fact that a business must be profitable to continue.
2) Business professionals bring EXPERIENCE to the marketplace and MLM that the average person does not have. Experience in running a business, networking, making things happen, marketing, selling, leadership, communication, crisis management, and succeeding.
 3) Business Professionals bring DETERMINATION and RESOLVEto the marketplace and Network Marketing. They MUST be determined to succeed in their business, and bring the same determination to MLM. often they can get done in a day what takes most distributors a week.

Most small business owner and professionals are very FOCUSED on what they are doing, and determined on where they are going.
4) Small Business professionals bring CONTACTS and NETWORKS to the marketplace and MLM. Most business owners belong to regional, state and national associations with other business owners, and thus, have formed relationships with many other small business owners and professionals, a Gold Mine in MLM.
5) They bring a CREDIBILITY that the average person does not have to the marketplace and MLM. Credibility as an owner, and a professional in the marketplace. This alone is a Gold Mine in Network Marketing.
Their local, statewide, and national Professional Organizations they belong to are a GOLD MINE alone for prospecting and recruiting.
business owners and professionals are incredible prospects for MLM, but unfortunately, can be quite difficult to approach, at least from the normal approach of most Network Marketers. we will cover that in a later post.
This is the Psychology of the Small business owner to recruit them into your home business network marketing mlm.
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2o12 all rights reserved
MLM training related posts:
How to Follow Up and Start the Closing process in MLM
3 Little Known Ways to Make a Sale in Social Media

MLM Training – How to Rate MLM Leads in Your Recruiting Funnel

mlm home business funnel marketing

mlm home business marketing funnel

MLM Leads and How to Score them in  Your Funnel.

Do you use a “funnel”in your marketing efforts for your home business?

What is a funnel to you in a network marketing business?

Are you open to learning about the funnel process in mlm?

Here is a grreat article on how to define if you have a good lead or not from Hub Spot:


By now, most marketers understand the importance of mending the traditional rift between sales and marketing. The mistrust and miscommunication that’s so often found between the two teams can act like an  anchor on your company’s growth rate. In fact, organizations with good  alignment between sales and marketing teams achieved 20% annual revenue growth in 2010, according to a study by the Aberdeen Group By contrast, companies with poor alignment saw revenues decline by 4%. You can have a guide from cherryscustomframing for multilevel marketing.

Often, one of the biggest blockers for sales and marketing alignment is the very different views each team has of the funnel. For example, they might disagree about the number of stages a lead passes through before becoming a customer. Furthermore, they often use different terminology to describe those stages.

But in order to adopt an effective SMarketing (get it?) strategy, sales
and marketing must have a unified picture of the funnel and standard definitions of each stage in the process.

What does your funnel look like? And how  exactly can you make sure both teams are aligned in their definition of the  funnel? Follow these steps to help define the stages of your funnel that both  Sales and Marketing can agree upon and collaborate around.

Step 1: Understand Lead Quality

Focus on the definition of a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL). This is the crucial handoff point between marketing and sales, so it’s essential that the teams agree on the terminology. Every company’s definition of an MQL will vary, but it should reflect a combination of traits and actions that indicate a lead is both a good fit for your company and ready to talk to a salesperson. Here’s one way to examine your funnel to assess lead quality and determine whether a lead is ready for sales follow-up:

Aspects of Lead Qualification

Is the lead a good fit?

Your company might target financial services companies with 5,000 or more employees, or small service businesses with fewer than 100 employees. Or, you may be only interested in manufacturing companies of a certain size or just for a home business.

Within  those categories, you also might identify individual lead profiles, such as title or job description and role in the decision-making process — e.g.,  economic buyer, end user, influencer. How closely a lead aligns with your ideal  customer profile will determine whether and when you hand it over to the sales team.

Is the lead interested?

A lead’s activity can reveal how close they are to a buying decision. For
example, if a lead has only visited your website once, or has just begun  following you on Twitter, they may be aware of your company but aren’t  particularly engaged yet. A lead that requests a demo or views pricing  information is showing a lot more interest.

Where a lead falls within the four quadrants of this matrix dictates the next
step your marketing or sales team should take. For example:

  • Good Fit & Interested: Leads in the upper right quadrant are a good fit for your company and are highly engaged with your marketing. These are hot leads that require immediate follow-up from your sales
    team — usually in fewer than 24 hours.
  • Good Fit But Less Interested: Leads in the upper left quadrant are a good fit for your company but don’t show a lot of interest yet. Perhaps they’ve only signed up for an email newsletter or downloaded one piece of educational content. These are leads that the marketing team needs to nurture.
  • Lots of Interest, But Not a Good Fit: Leads in the lower right don’t necessarily fit your ideal customer profile, but are highly engaged with your brand. They might have subscribed to your blog and email newsletter, downloaded your ebooks, and attended your webinars. It’s worth having a sales rep do a low-cost follow-up with these fans to see if there’s an easy sale to make from a non-traditional customer. Sometimes leads that don’t seem like a fit have a good reason to buy your product.
  • They can also turn into great  evangelists for your products or services, thus providing you with indirect support as non-customers. That’s why you can’t automate the entire sales and marketing process. At some point, a good marketer or sales rep can spot an opportunity that your systems might overlook.
  • Little Interest & No Fit: Leads in the lower left quadrant aren’t a good fit for your company and haven’t shown much interest in your marketing content. They’re definitely not worth a sales rep’s time. Don’t be afraid to take them out of your communication stream.

Step 2: Develop Your Definition of an MQL

Using this matrix as your guide, develop an MQL definition based on the combination of fit and interest that’s right for your company. Some marketers may focus more on fit because they have a tightly defined market; other marketers may have a broad customer base and focus more on interest level. That decision depends on your business model. This Tailwind review does a good job of explaining how to properly use social media marketing tools.

MQL definitions in those two cases might look like this:

  1. A Focus on Fit: A contact with XYZ title or role who has
    filled out a landing page form and works at a financial services company in the U.S. with more than 5,000 employees.
  2. A Focus on Interest Level: A contact with the ABC title or
    role who has requested a product demonstration from a sales rep and works at any U.S.-based company.

Whichever approach you chose, base your definitions on data — not on gut
instinct. Even experienced marketers and salespeople can be way off base in their assumptions about what makes a good lead.

Step 3: Implement Lead Scoring

Using a lead scoring or lead grading program that relies on data from your closed-loop analysis can help you determine the importance of different activities. Here is an example of what lead scoring can look like for you:

Here’s how to implement a lead scoring system:

Examine Behavioral History

Examine the activity history of recent customers and analyze how many actions they took before becoming a customer — i.e., the number of page views or number of conversions, such as downloading a report or registering for a webinar, etc.

Identify Patterns

Look for patters that indicate a lead’s likelihood of closing. For example, if a lead that downloads ten pieces of content from your website or visits your site more than 15 times in one month, she is more likely to close. Consider incorporating frequency measures into your MQL definition.

List Activities

Also, list all the activities that a lead can take before becoming a customer, and analyze the close rate for each one. For example, to determine the close rate for a webinar, look at all customers that had watched a webinar, then divide that number by the total number of leads that originally registered for the webinar. That gives you the close rate for leads from that particular event.

Calculate Average Close Rates

Using the close rates for individual actions, calculate the average close rate for all your marketing activities. Then look for actions that have a significantly higher close rate. For example, if your average close rate is around 1%, you might find a handful of actions that have a 3%-5% close rate.

Add these top-closing events to your definition of an MQL. Any lead that engages in at least one of these activities, and is a good fit for your company, would be considered an MQL. Use those close rates to decide what score to give different activities in your lead scoring or lead grading system.

Step 4: Optimize the Stages of Your Sales Funnel

Now that you’ve identified the different stages of your sales funnel, it’s
important to optimize each of those stages on an ongoing basis. And that means continual analysis of key metrics at each stage of the funnel, such as:

  • Visitor-to-Lead Conversion Rate
  • Lead-to-MQL Conversion Rate
  • % Sales Accepted Leads
  • Lead Work Rates
  • MQL-to-Opportunity Conversion Rate
  • Opportunity-to-Customer Conversion Rate
  • Lead-to-Customer Conversion Rate
  • Sales Cycle Length
  • Average Cost Per Sale

You should be looking at these metrics all the time so you can assess whether you’re slipping in any one area … because you don’t want to suffer a blip in your funnel. If your funnel develops a clog or hole somewhere along the way — and it will, it’s only natural — you need to be able to identify it and fix it to keep your sales and marketing machine efficient. 

And if you are working with multiple different types of leads, these metrics should be considered for each segment of lead, too, so you know if some segments are more valuable to your business than others (or, even better, if some segments have more potential than you once realized)!

This is a great article on funnel marketing in your network marketing mlm home business.

FREE mp3 Download- “2013 Recruiting Secrets”-over 25 secrets by doug and Diane Hochman! Click on this link

blessings…doug firebaugh

(c) 2012 all rights reserved

MLM training related posts:

How to Start the Follow Up and Closing MLM Process

The Power of Leadership vs Motivation in MLM

MLM Training- FREE mp3 Download -“2013 Recruiting Secrets” from Doug Firebaugh and Diane Hochman

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MLM Free mp3 Download from Doug Firebaugh and Diane Hochman!

What are your plans for 2013 concerning recruiting for your home business?

Are you planning a successful year with recruiting in your network marketing business?

How do you think you will improve in 2013 with your mlm recruiting?

Recruiting in network marketing is critical and if you do not do it, your business will never multiply.

Million Dollar Secret: Duplication is important, but Multiplication is IMPERATIVE.

Many distributors do not practice a lot of the skills that are really necessary for Success. they may get one, two, or maybe three ways to recruit, but often those are old and tired ways that simply do not work like they used to. I know. I battled with that for a couple of years when I first got in and found out that you need to really hone your skills in a variety of ways for a more powerful impact in the recruiting zone.

Diane and Hochman and myself decided to do an hour long mp3 on a specific topic and give it away. It is called “2013 Recruiting Secrets” and this is how you recruit for 2013 and IN 2013. It has over 25 powerful recruiting tips that NO ONE else will tell you, as they are unique but powerful tips. And it is a free gift to you for new years and all through the year 2013.

And we have unleashed it upon the world and you can find this on the Home business Radio Network or just click the link below to access:

“2013 MLM Recruiting Secrets FREE mp3 audio by Doug Firebaugh and Diane Hochman.”

Recruiting is simply HELPING.

And I believe that you are meant to help people solve problems, create solutions, and BE A SOLUTION for your mlm home business prospect. This free mp3 training audio will help you in a lot of ways and ever teach you multiple ways to start up a conversation as well as move the prospect from online to offline and start a long term relationship.

So do yourself a favor and download the mp3 here:

“2013 MLM Recruiting Secrets FREE mp3 download by Doug Firebaugh and Diane Hochman.”

Happy New Year and the best of the best for you in 2013 for you and your mlm network marketing home business!

happy New year!

blessings….doug firebaugh

(c) 2013 all rights reserved

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