mlm home business secrets
I recently in my home business mlm education, ran across a 1932 article on advertising in an old magazine scanned and uploaded online on a website featuring old marketing material.
It was amazing. I love the article and the feel of it. It was REAL and honest writing.
I learned so much.
And it taught me something that I believe can revolutionize your MLM content writing for your network marketing business.
Have you ever read something in home business that you COULD NOT QUIT READING?
Did the content keep you so ENGAGED that you simply were forced to continue reading because of the flow of it?
Did that network marketing content PULL you in and keep you interested?
Odds are you were being PULLED by what I call “The 4 Eyeball PULLING Anchors” of writing content.
These 4 anchors were taught and applauded in the 1932 article I read, and I wanted to share them with you.
Again, I love reading about the marketing secrets of the past that ran successful businesses. It really can teach you the foundation of a lot of what and why we do what we do today.
If you are a content writer for your home business mlm, then you need to have a template that can use. This 4 part template must have been used back in the 30’s or even 20’s but it WORKS.
And I would advise for your home business to use this on blogging and article writing.
Here are the simple 4 Eyeball PULLING Anchors:
1. What I have for YOU.
This is a simple approach. What do you have for me? You answer that right off the bat.
BUT- make what you have for them a SOLUTION Driven WHAT.
“This is a powerful resource that will help you step by step learn how to get your body back in amazing shape no matter what shape you are in.”
2. What this means for you and how you GAIN from it.
This is about VALUE and BENEFITS. Make sure that you write it perfectly clear what the Value and benefits are to the reader.
“You will not only feel better and gain more energy, but you will not believe how amazing you will look in the mirror. Your body will look like a magazine cover.”
“Included in this powerful resource are 4 DVDs and nutritional education that will change your life and also outlook on life. It will help you look at life in a whole new way.”
3. Who YOU ARE.
Let them see you as a person, not some shadow behind a computer. Let them see you in a video, or some photos with your family they can RELATE TO and think, “This person is like me.”
If you get them to see you are a REAL person like they are, you will find them coming back day after day to check out your content.
4. Here is what you DO Next.
Lead them to n action that will continue the flow of communication. Give them something to download. Give them something to watch. Give them something to read or listen to.
But whatever you do- KEEP THEM ENGAGED by leading them with an ACTION that contains VALUE and BENEFITS for them.
Give them something FREE. That seems to always work.
Use the 4 Eyeball PULLING Content Anchors when you write, and see if the do not increase your readership and results of your mlm home business success.
Social Network Marketing Secrets for YOU!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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This is great information. I know you only have a few seconds to attract someone to your article, and the headline and the first paragraph have to grab the interest of the reader. I heard you mention on a call that questions were also a great way to get the attention of the reader.
Thanks for sharing.
Warm Regards,
Charles Burleigh
Thanks Charles!!!! Kind words and YOU ROCK!