mlm recruiting tips for home business
11 MLM Recruiting Tips.
Have you ever wondered what the REAL mlm recruiting tips are that REALLY work when you are with someone?
Are you willing to keep your mind open and GROW a little here?
These 11 recruiting tips are GOLD as they Will tell you what you will NOT learn elsewhere, and yes, online recruiting is great. But Offline recruiting is getting to be HOT again, so here are some tips that I KNOW will help dramatically improve your online and offline recruiting in your network marketing home business.
1) “When with a prospect, when meeting with them locally, keep your body language open.”
I have found that many times, we have a tendency to cross our arms, as well as our hands, or even cross our legs, because we are nervous and often come across as guarded. Folks, it sends a totally wrong silent message to the prospect that is sitting in front of you.. It makes the prospect more guarded and often more nervous.Whatever you do, keep your limbs open and a smile on your face, and tell the prospect silently but powerfully that you are glad they are there.
2) “When you are talking to a prospect on the phone, simply match their pace of talking. This will do wonders makng the prospect more comfortable.”
If you have put someone in the funnel online, and then get them on the phone, when someone is a slow talker, slow down your talking a bit. But on the other hand, if they are a more rapidfire talker, speed yours up a little bit. This is what is called “mirroring” the prospect, and draws them towards you quickly and quietly. Psychologically, matching their pace of speech feels ten times more comfortable to the prospect in your MLM recruiting efforts.
3) “When you call the people on your warm market list, have only one name in front of you at a time. It will intimidate you a whole lot less, as well as it can totally focus you on your recruiting efforts.”
Here is a tip: When you are calling someone, keep the name of the prospect you are calling written down on a card. And have that card – and NOTHING ELSE – sitting in front of you. And as you talk with them then take notes of what they are saying, so you can remember. If you are making a call, and see only one name to call in front of you, you will not get overwhelmed with a long list of numbers sitting in front of you. Plus you will be solely and totally focused on the mlm prospect. You can also use your computer as well to do this. It is a great way to keep on track and improve your recall of the talk.
4) “If you are doing a public meeting, look directly into the eyes of who you are talking and is sitting in front of you. Don’t look past them and talk over their heads. Keep your presentation personal and warm.”
When doing a public presentation, many times we have a tendency to focus more on the presentation, than the prospect. You can keep the prospect “with you” by one little secret: Look in their eyes when you are talking, no matter how large the group is. And then move on to the next person in front of you and talk to them, looking into their eyes as well. Touch everyone you can with your eyes if at all possible.
Here is a Million Dollar Secret: Hold a conversation WITH the crowd, don’t just do a presentation. TO the crowd.
5) “When doing any type of a public meeting, start using the prospect’s/guest’s name. You need to introduce yourself to the prospects before the meeting begins, or have them wear name tags and call their name out during the presentation.”
Nothing in the world keeps the audience more focused than calling out their names in a Network Marketing recruiting presentation. The prospects will all take notice and sit up and be especially attentive, as they realize that ….you may call on them! This even works ONLINE as you read the name of the attendees. This little tip keeps the crowd focused, and more importantly–listening- for THEIR OWN name to be called out and recognized in front of the whole crowd.
6) “No matter what- NO EXCEPTIONS: NEVER carry your own issues and life problems into a recruiting event -online or offline. You are NOT there for YOU–but there to provide a SOLUTION for THE PROSPECT’S problems.”
You may not be aware you are doing this–but any kind of Negatives -spoken or unspoken from you -will quickly and absolutely shut down a prospect. Many home business professionals do it. Here is a secret: Stay UP, Stay Totally Optimistic, and always answer about how things are in your life: GREAT! Remember: The prospect has his/her own life challenges, and has come there looking for powerful life changing solutions, not more problems. Hello.
7) “When you are making a phone call or doing a presentation of any kind–Always be polite and tell them why you are there, or why you are calling.”
“Here is what I said for years- and I made over 100,000 phone calls: The reason I am calling…” It is a very powerful, professional and super clarifying phrase. Another great phrase is: “The reason I brought this up…” It is a great statement to transition someone into more of a recruiting focused conversation. “The reason I wanted to share this with you is I have run across something that truly is amazing” is one of the greatest ways to come totally from a place of help and service.
8) “Even if the prospect wants the call or conversation to go longer, never ever let any telephone call go past 15 minutes….no exceptions and no matter what.”
Understand the psychology behind this rule. If the call or conversation goes longer than 15 minutes, you are quietly sending the signal that it takes a lot of time and a lot of words to do this business. You MUST show respect for their time, and make yourself as well a lot more productive when recruiting. Set another time to call them back if they show an interest. And here is another secret: No matter what–Don’t come across as you are NEEDY and you just happen to have a lot of time on your hands. Come across as VERY BUSY, VERY ENGAGED, and you have other calls to more people to make.
9) “Whem you are meeting someone- online or offline –never let an appointment or presentation go past 45 minutes….no matter what- NO EXCEPTIONS.”
If an appointment or presentation goes past 45 minutes,, you are saying to the prospect that it takes a TON of time and EFFORT to succeeed in thus business. I personally never had an appointment EVER go past 30 minutes and rarely 20. I made them value MY TIME as well as theirs. Even if they wanted to enroll right them and there, I always asked for more time with the prospect. “I would love to fill out the paper work and get you enrolled…but I am going to have to take a few more minutes to get that dine…is that ok?” If you show that you value their time, they will totally value your presentation.
10) “If you are online or offline doing a presentation, make sure you understand This ONE THING: They are looking to find out how your business is going to bring VALUE to their life and family. It is ALL STARTS WITH VALUE.”
I have a question for you: If you were shopping for a new pair of shoes, would you ever buy a pair of shoes if you saw no value in them? Of course not as it would be a waste of money. NOTE: The home business prospect will not take action either without seeing VALUE in your offer. Put VALUE Front and Center: “How this brings a lot of Value to you is…” “What this truly means to you and your family is….” “How this business will improve your life and income is…” “The Value to your family’ future and lifestyle would be…” Use what we call “Value Building Phrases” in every presentation and conversation- online of offline.
11) “The Rule of BWPA: Be Where People Are. You MUST network where people are, NOT where you happen to feel more comfortable going.”
Million Dollar Tip for working offline: There are more number of prospects in one offline Networking meeting at the Chamber of Commerce meeting then 25 movies you will ever take the time to go see. You MUST take the time to fish where the whales are, not where the minnows swims and plays. It is just common sense: recruiting smaller minnows is easier and they can make great wholesale customers. But lets get REAL: Big Enormous Whales don’t get tossed and lost with every daily change of the tide.
BONUS TIP: “If you are looking to build a business and team FAST–don’t just recruit your prospects. That is how most lose their people. DO THIS: Powerfully Connect their heart to the Amazing Possibilities of your business…. and then sit back and let them recruit themselves. Paint a Picture in their mind of where you are going to take them”
Million Dollar Recruiting Secret: All recruiting is and ever will be, is connecting the prospects focus and heart to the Hope and Possibility that they CAN live and enjoy the lifestyle they have always dreamed of for them and their family. Your job is to help them create it with your Network Marketing products and company. It is that simple.
These are 11 MLM Recruiting Tips that I believe will help you in your MLM Home business team building efforts.
LinkedIn Recruiting- 2 professionals a DAY? HOW?
blessings…doug firebaugh
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