MLM Network Marketing Training-The Essence of MLM Prospecting

MLM Network Marketing Training-The Essence of MLM Prospecting

by Paul J. Meyer

In the PEOPLE Business.

You have a great job! You’re part of a great company! You have a great future! You are in the people business!

I wish all people in business knew that they are in the people business!

Therefore, when if comes to prospecting, begin immediately to dedicate yourself in the idea that people are no longer people — they are all prospects for your company’s services.

When this idea is firmly implanted in your head, you will be amazed at how differently everyone appears. Before long, your new insight, attitude, and belief about people will create an even more remarkable change…a totally altered reaction toward what you had before considered “just a crowd.”

What am I saying?

I am saying that the people you see in cars, on the sidewalks, in the theaters, at restaurants, in sports arenas, and in various groups at holiday parades…they are no longer anonymous, faceless masses.

Rather, they are all prospective customers for the MLM services that you now offer.

Here’s something even more important:

Once you establish this truth, that “people are prospects…and prospects are people,” you will notice an even greater change in yourself. Prospecting will now be of paramount importance.

You instinctively and intuitively will be arranging your day, your time, and your life to see and talk to more and more new people until it becomes a dynamic drive, a force, an obsession. When this happens, you are on your way to a permanent and successful career in Network Marketing.

Because you now have a prospecting awareness, a prospecting consciousness, and a prospecting attitude, you are fast on the way to developing the prospecting habit.

Why is prospecting so important?

Because the whole process of selling is aimed at bringing together a product or service and the people that can benefit from its use…your clients.

The MLM Observation.

I have observed over the years that companies spend an enormous amount of money teaching their sales people and marketing consultants all sorts of skills and abilities:

How to dress, how to act, the history of the company, how to make sales presentations, using high-tech equipment with audio, video or computer displays, etc. Frankly, it’s all for naught. Because, without prospects, that person will become just another statistic.

Improving talent is meaningless without mastering the art of prospecting. In other words, you must develop a continuous flow of people to see, on a consistent basis, or it’s impossible to sell anything or any service.

Here is a list of a few of the methods of prospecting:

  1. Cold Calls
  2. Cold Canvas
  3. Observation
  4. Endless-Chain Referral System
  5. Old Customers
  6. Nests of Like-Minded People
  7. Centers of Influence
  8. Leads from Corporate Advertising

How many methods of prospecting are you taking advantage of?

And please understand that the more you know about them — your prospects — the more qualified buyers you will develop, and the higher your closing averages will be.

Set your goal today to make prospecting the most important part of your entire professional consulting, selling, and Network Marketing career!

Because I would rather be a Master MLM Prospector than the Wizard of Speech and have no one to tell my story to any day…

To your success,
Paul J. Meyer

Copyright 2001 by Paul J. Meyer
Used by permission. All international rights reserved.

Presented by PassionFire Intl


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

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About Doug Firebaugh

Doug Firebaugh is the CEO of PassionFire International, a success and leadership development company for the Home Business industry. Doug is one of the most sought after speakers / trainers / authors and consultants in the Home Business / MLM profession. With over 25 years of Success and experience, plus a Billion Dollar Success story, his trainings and coaching have helped CEOs and Presidents of Home Business corporations to experience unprecedented growth. He has coached numerous organizations and downlines worldwide beyond their barriers and limitations, to a level of success they only once dreamed of. What can Doug Firebaugh DO FOR YOU?

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