MLM Network Marketing Training- Create an Emotional Connection


home business emotional connection

home business connection

Home business


“Emotional Connection”…

You must create an Emotional Connection with the MLM prospect…



You focus on what they want to change for the better or add to in their life the most, and then show them how your direct sales business and products can help bring that into their life..(Did you GET THAT???)

They must develop and emotional connection to the product, or the Home business, or you as a Leader…and you must create the possibility that what their life is missing can be obtained through you and your company…and then show them how…

With an EFFECTIVE Communication called a PRESENTATION that shows VALUE…


“Let me ask you a question…

Would you buy a car that had no value to you?

Would you buy a house that had no value to you?

Would you buy a pair of shoes that had no value to you?

Of course not…Guess what?

The Value Factor in Network Marketing and Direct Sales.
Your home business prospect will never start moving towards you as long as they don’t see VALUE in what you are offering, what you are doing, and who you are.


You MUST show Value to the prospect in everything that you do and say…..How? Find out what THEY VALUE in their life, and show them how your MLM Business, Products, and YOU can help increase that in their life…I call it the “4 Major Wants of Lifestyle”…

People are looking today to




4)EMPOWER their and their family’s life..and you simply must show them how you can help them do that…

What you spend your time doing in MLM.



Training ?

Being BUSY?

How about getting EFFECTIVE at Exposing your business and products, and let all of the above be a FRUIT of your actions…not the sole focus?

If you do that, your results will blossom abundantly like fruit on a tree…a MONEY TREE….

And your growth will be UNSTOPPABLE in this business…


Doug Firebaugh

PassionFire INTL
copyright 2005-2011  All rights reserved.

MLM Cold Market- 10 Commandments MLM List Recruiting – Part 1

In every call there are certain principles that must be adhered to….and followed.

These are what I call “The Ten Commandments of MLM Cold Market List Recruiting”….after making 75,000 phone calls, I found that these are lessons learned the hard way, and definitely written in stone…

The Ten Commandments of MLM Cold Market Recruiting
1) “Thou shalt transfer Energy that the prospect is drawn towards….not repelled by.”

Energy is a MUST in MLM calling cold market lists….because that is the MAGNETISM you display and the prospect feels….It must come out in your personality that you are INTENSELY MOVED by your opportunity, not just excited.

You cannot move anyone towards you if you are not moved yourself…and I am not talking about hype either…Hype comes from the mind and is temporary….

Network marketing recruiting ENERGY comes from the HEART…and leaves a residue on the prospect after you hang up….

Your energy also is a fruit of your SERIOUSNESS…and the prospect will never be anymore serious about your Home Business offer….than you are.

2) “Thou shalt have BIG EXPECTATIONS.”

What you expect to happen with your business….generally does. Calling lists is no exception. What you expect can be heard in your voice, your tone, your inflections, and your words.

You expect big results, then you will be working towards that… You expect small results….you get small results. But you must expect CONSISTENTLY and PERSISTENTLY.

There is a learning curve in calling lists, and you must go through it…so if your results are not where you want them…then you are right on track….as your MLM business is growing and so eventually will your results…if you expect BIG!

3) “Thous shalt NOT just Recruit….but BEFRIEND.”

Your job in calling lists is simply to make a new friend. Why? It’s easier to recruit a friend than it is a stranger. And your goal is to make that prospect glad you called, regardless of the results that happen.

Most everyone likes making new friends,and your MLM list that you have is nothing more than a list of friends that you have not met yet! Making friends is a different energy and focus and is perceived totally different by the prospect…than a recruiting focus….

Yes…your goal is to recruit them, but first make a friend and increase the odds of them listening to you and liking you as well…


Doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005-2009 All rights reserved.

For More MLM Training Resources Click Here

MLM Cold Market- 10 Commandments MLM List Recruiting – Part 1



In every call there are certain principles that must be adhered to….and followed.

These are what I call “The Ten Commandments of MLM Cold Market List Recruiting”….after making 75,000 phone calls, I found that these are lessons learned the hard way, and definitely written in stone…

The Ten Commandments of MLM Cold Market Recruiting

1) “Thou shalt transfer Energy that the prospect is drawn towards….not repelled by.”

Energy is a MUST in MLM calling cold market lists….because that is the MAGNETISM you display and the prospect feels….It must come out in your personality that you are INTENSELY MOVED by your opportunity, not just excited.

You cannot move anyone towards you if you are not moved yourself…and I am not talking about hype either…Hype comes from the mind and is temporary….

Network marketing recruiting ENERGY comes from the HEART…and leaves a residue on the prospect after you hang up….

Your energy also is a fruit of your SERIOUSNESS…and the prospect will never be anymore serious about your Home Business offer….than you are.

2) “Thou shalt have BIG EXPECTATIONS.”

What you expect to happen with your business….generally does. Calling lists is no exception. What you expect can be heard in your voice, your tone, your inflections, and your words.

You expect big results, then you will be working towards that… You expect small results….you get small results. But you must expect CONSISTENTLY and PERSISTENTLY.

There is a learning curve in calling lists, and you must go through it…so if your results are not where you want them…then you are right on track….as your MLM business is growing and so eventually will your results…if you expect BIG!

3) “Thous shalt NOT just Recruit….but BEFRIEND.”

Your job in calling lists is simply to make a new friend. Why? It’s easier to recruit a friend than it is a stranger. And your goal is to make that prospect glad you called, regardless of the results that happen.

Most everyone likes making new friends,and your MLM list that you have is nothing more than a list of friends that you have not met yet! Making friends is a different energy and focus and is perceived totally different by the prospect…than a recruiting focus….

Yes…your goal is to recruit them, but first make a friend and increase the odds of them listening to you and liking you as well… 


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl

© 2005-2009. All rights reserved

For More MLM Training Resources Click Here

Home Business Success – MLM Network Marketing Training Article

MLM Success Training / MLM Leadership Training / MLM Recruiting

MLM Recruiting Training – MLM Recruiters…The 5 Types

home based business eagle

home business eagle

A Home business

  has many types of people in it.

A Home based business also has many types of dostributors in it, whether they are working social media or traditional methods.

It is amazing.

Every where I have the honor of speaking, I see over and over the 5 types of recruiters in MLM….and they all remind me of animals.

Animals have a particular way of creating in their habitat what they need to survive and live on…and to become what nature meant for them to be…

Network marketers are a lot like that too…

Last week I was deluged with emails about the article on “Recruiting the Wrong People.” My good friend John Milton Fogg emailed me and said he was putting that article up on his Greatest Networker site…

“Wow Dougie! I am stealing this article for my site! Catch me if you caaaannnnn! Great stuff!”

Thanks for the kind comments!

So…. This week’s article explains a lot of WHY folks recruit the wrong people, and you may even see yourself in one of these Recruiting Animals that run rampant in MLM…

There are 5 Types of recruiters in MLM.
The first:

1) “The Snake”.

This is the type of recruiter that deceives and takes advantage of folks and is a cancer to this great industry. This recruiter has one focus…. to TAKE and do whatever it takes to recruit you…including unethical things and practices…

Why? Who knows, but they are out there, and it is a shame… A snake slithers around the ground silently and looks for prey… Sound familiar? Know anyone like that? If you do…stay away from them as they are bad news…

2) “The Hyena…”

This is the person who simply cannot shut up during an MLM recruiting meeting or call…. they are focused on themselves and talk about themselves and like a hyena, run their mouths and laugh a lot all in the name of “look at me…and what I have done…”

Give me a break…


People come into this mlm business for THEIR reasons…. Not yours…

Keep the conversation focused on them and not you…don’t be like a hyena and dominate the meeting…

Don’t be like a hyena and look foolish to the prospect…

Don’t be like a hyena and constantly be engaged in bringing attention to you… Keep your attention on them, and you will have a much better chance of recruiting someone…

The “Chew Factor” in Network Marketing.

3) “The Cow…”

The Cow is the “Lay around all day and do nothing and chew on CUD…” recruiter… These folks are the less-than ambitious people who wander around in MLM and chew on “Failure Grass…” and it ends up CUD…. Cows chew CUD daily…

What does “CUD” stand for?

“Consistently Unproductive Daily….”

That’s what Cows do…they do nothing and get nothing in this business…

Brutal? Yes.

The Truth?


Are you a Cow in MLM recruiting? Do you MOOOOO? (As instead of working, you end up watching MOOOOvies?) That is called a CLUE!!!!! GET BUSY and quit chewing Failure Grass and CUD! Success Grass tastes 1000 times better!

4) “The Beaver…

” These are the folks that are teachable, and are eager to work and are excited about their Home business. They have a great work ethic, and a great mental focus, and they are into one thing: BUILDING.

They are into Network marketing to BUILD and build more…they like to build DAMS….

DAMS are what create success in MLM…

The DAM of Belief… The DAM of Action… The DAM of Results… The DAM of Consistency. The DAM of Prospects….

You know what DAM stands for?

“Doing All Methodically….”

And that is what they do…. ALL…what ever it takes, and they do MLM Methodically, step by step, daily, and never give up…

They prospect, contact, present, follow up, get the decision, and train DAILY! Till they have built a DAM and reservoir of SUCCESS!

Soar in Network Marketing with Your Home Business.

5) “The Eagle…”

The Eagle is a recruiter that is in a class all by themselves… They soar above the crowd when it comes to recruiting, and they are sharp and focused in their efforts…

They are totally professional, and have great Leadership skills…they are sharp in many ways and have great communication and building skills… They recruit from a “what is best for you. Not best for me” standpoint, and always puts the prospect first and foremost. The eagle knows whom they want to recruit, and doesn’t bother with anybody else…

Eagles look for other Eagles, or those who aspire to be… Eagles search out for the BEST in people…and then when they find it, they know they have something to build on…and to recruit. Eagles are head and shoulders above most in recruiting in their actions, consistency, attitudes, and work ethic…

OK…. Where are you in the 5 Types of recruiters?

I hope and pray at least the Beaver…


Many a Beaver has grown and evolved into an Eagle over time…

Where are you evolving? Your answer has just painted a picture of your recruiting destiny in this industry…


Doug Firebaugh

PassionFire International

© 2005-2011 All rights reserved.