mlm recruiting no thanks
How would you like to take your mlm recruiting and prospecting through the ROOF?
What would it mean to your business if you could TRIPLE your recruiting ratio- OVERNIGHT?
Yes, you read that right. You can take your recruiting in network marketing to the moon by one simple tweak in your efforts.
Many home business professionals today are making a mistake that is doing 5 things:
1. Stopping people from listening any further.
2. Making people upset and not willing to even entertain the possibility of working with you.
3. Forcing your home business prospect to make a decision based on emotion and not facts.
4. Creating an environment that encourages the word NO and not the word YES.
5. Making you look like a foolish amateur and then amplifying that result.
Not a pretty picture for your multi level marketing huh?
I have seen a lot of good people that have tried to recruit and just absolutely blow it because they were making this huge mistake. I made it and you probably are as well. I can tell you that I have made just about every mistake in the book and not proud of it.
But I hung in there and finally got it to work.
But this only happened after I made the decision to fix what was broken and stop making stupid mistakes as I had been. What does a million dollar mistake cost you?
A million dollars.
And it cost me more than that. And it may be costing you more then that as well. I figured out something that really rocked my world as well as rocked my business. I figured out that I needed to stop DOING something. And I did. Cold turkey. And you need to as well.
What was it that I stopped cold turkey?
You read that right.
I stopped mlm recruiting cold turkey. I refused to do it anymore as that had become a thorn in my side, as the Apostle Paul would say.
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING you say! Nope. I quit recruiting and never looked back.
And my business EXPLODED.
Ok…why did I quit network marketing recruiting?
It was not working. And I changed it and it started working. Hello.
I quit recruiting….and started HELPING PEOPLE.
Read that again.
Helping people.
2 Powerful words that will change your recruiting overnight. If you focus on HELPING versus RECRUITING…
Your whole Presence changes in your mlm recruiting efforts and people will sense about you that you are that to HELP not TAKE.
Do you get THAT?
Help….NOT TAKE. And that is why when I started asking one question my whole recruiting efforts exploded. People can sense if you are there to GET SOMETHING vs. GIVE something. Make them feel RELAXED and at EASE by not coming across like you are trying to recruit them whether online or offline. This question can relax and set people at east INSTANTLY…
“What is the ONE THING I can help you with that would help change your life?”
How simple. How profound. Here is another question:
“How can I help serve your dreams?”
“Can I help you achieve those dreams you have been talking about?”
These are POWER Phrases that are MAGNETIC and do not come across like you are there to recruit them- but HELP THEM do in their life what they have not been able to do.
How simple. How profound.
I would advise you to QUIT RECRUITING in mlm and start HELPING people to explode your mlm home business recruiting success.
FREE 56 page ebook on Social Media Recruiting- “Social Recruiting Power”- click here
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c)2011 all rights reserved
LinkedIn Recruiting Secrets- READ THIS
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