home business linkedin recruiting
Doug Training
Your personal Home Business Success on LinkedInoften can be elusive if you are not doing the right things. Often when prospecting, you do not realize that other people actually are looking at your LinkedIn profile and considering doing business with you.
It happens daily. And it happens to a Private Client of mines.
Her name is Madelyn.
She lives in Tampa. And she was having a challenge with Lnkedin as she did not know what to do with her talents, education, and profile. She had created a linkedIn profile but left it there.
She was told: “Build It and they will COME!”
Errrrr…not really. You must be VISIBLE on LinkedIn to be seen.
She emailed me asking a question as she had been on some FireCalls on monday night. I eventually got the email and called her as she was asking about becoming a Private Client. She was very bubbly and energetic. We agreed to work together and started the journey.
I suggested on her social sites that she make some changes, especially on her LinkedIn profile. She was not where they needed to be. She made ONE SMALL CHANGE and people started contacting her about her skin care products on LinkedIn.
And she used the LinkedIn 4 step recruiting process. And the next thing you know- she got her FIRST RECRUIT from LinkedIn!
By the way- THREE DAYS LEFT until the LinkedIN Recruiting 101 webinar! September 22! And if you are reading this after the fact, there is a Replay available Discover from the # 1 Coroporate Recruiter in the Nation for a Recruitment firm his secrets to recruiting on LinkedIn! They have been especially adapted for home business!
Clike Here to Learn more about it!
How did Madelyn recruit 9 people in a single week on LinkedIn? (She did that the last week in August 2011.)
She resarched the keywords that people were looking for, concerning her product line benefits, and then created what we call a “Magnetic Profile.” She started PULLING people into her profile and converting them. And she does that almost weekly today.
She followed the Magnetic Formula for her Profile Keyword mix, and then created the EXACT Profile she was told to. She started getting contacted about helping professional women answer their skin QUESTIONS on LinkedIn as well as educating them. She even got some conference call offers to speak to wonen about skincare.
Her business started to increase – a lot.
The keyword formula is simple. But it MUST BE EXACT.
It is 10%-7%-5% keyword mix – and in that order.
This will come very close to maximizng your profile’s search power the LinkediN search tool seems to like. And you will be seen on LinkedIn as a “Go To” Profressional that LinkedIn loves and promotes on their search tool
And YOU can have that happen to if you just use the Magnetic Formula for keywords and search terms. You will learn the secrets of creating a profile that PULLS people toward you at the LinkedIn Recruiting 101 webinsr.
BECOME HIGHLY VISIBLE on LinkedIN with your home based ml.m business and products!
BECOME a RECRUITING MAGNET on LinkedIn with your business!
Experience the results that Madelyn did and others have! Put your business on auto pilot with LinkedIn!
Then you will find that you too will be recruiting 9 people in ONE WEEK with LiinkedIn for your MLM Home Based business!
blessngs……doug firebaugh
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