facebook events for home business mlm
In home business mlm social media, there are many sites out there to choose from. and it grows daily it seems with all the new social networking sites out there that are perfect for mlm recruiting. I keep a list of all the new sites just for fun. I want to be sure that I can coach people on how to work the sites and the best parts about them.
Many social media mlm sites out there are ignored.
The reason?
One name:
Seems that everyone is wanting to market on facebook somehow someway. Now I like facebook a LOT and we do LOT of business on it. But like any other sites, there are special parts to it that make it not only perfect for doing business, but also connecting with new prospects and people.
Google + has come on pretty strong and they are still in beta as far as this writing date goes. It may be a player in the future, but right now, it is still all about facebook.
Ok..with that in mind, let’s look at one of the BEST ways to market and recruit on facebook for home business:
Events are a powerful way to get your message out there is a professional manner. There are new apps out that now you can do facebook webinars-ON FACEBOOK. And it gets even cooler than that with a lot of the other newer apps.
But EVENTS RULE as far as marketing your home based business on facebook. And I think that once you get the fact that facebook events have BENEFITS to them for more than just exposing your business, things get exciting!
One of the most powerful tactics in marketing that Facebook has are Events.
Events are powerful marketing vehicles and something that can do three things for YOU Personally:
1) Facebook events for MLM can establish you as an Expert in your field.
It is focused on featuring you and your message. It will help maximize your exposure and also introduce you to new people via the News Feed. This will help you become more visible as well as branded.
2) Facebook event for Home business can help push your message out as worthy of Listening to.
I hope you know–This is critical. Many people have great messages, but do not really “get out there” enough to be heard. Facebook events can help alleviate that challenge. They can create WIDE EXPOSURE on the facebook wall and also for all your friends to see and join in.
3) Facebook events for multi level marketing can start a Connection process with people who are checking out your home business.
These events are GREAT for people who need an additional or even an initial exposure to to your company.
Ands here are 2 critical marketing moves:
1) Have someone host it for you.
Here is a little TIP: It will add more credibility with what you are doing. People seem to pay more attention to a Facebook event when it is hosted by someone else and promoted by someone else.
2) Have other people invite their friends for you.
This ia a great way to expand your reach with facebook home business Marketing. The secret is to let others become the broadcasters of the event, and you become the “conversation” that is talked about. You then can build your brand beyond where you are, and get it out past where you are currently.
We call this “3rd Party Broadcast Marketing.”
A third party broadcasts your event to as many people as they possibly can, and then broadcast again. Broadcast it across the social media landscape. On Twitter. On Google+. On LinkedIn. And then let the viral marketing start to happen by putting up a youtube video, cinchcast, and a podcast about the facebook event.
Facebook events are a powerful platform to start building your brand, especially if you are NEW to the network marketing arena. I would suggest that you come up with a topic that people would be interested in concerning your products, and then put an event together for it. make the topic focused on VALUE to the attendee as well as give something FREE away.
Facebook events for a home business is one of the most powerful way and how you market on facebook and Social Media Marketing for your mlm home business.
Social Recruiting Secrets of a # 1 Corporate Recruiter in the nation-adapted for HOME BUSINESS?
blessings…doug firebaugh
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