mlm home business cold calling scripts network marketing cold calling scripts
mlm home business cold calling scripts network marketing cold calling scripts
Have you ever wondered what to say to an mlm cold market prospect when you get their VOICE MAIL when calling for your home business?
What did you say or do- or did you just say something and hoped that it was something your network marketing prospect would like?
Would learning two powerful scripts help your home based business cold market calling efforts?
I made a TON of cold calls when I was running and gunning, and it took some time to learn what worked and what did not- for EVERYONE. There were some scripts I used that did not translate to Success for others as it was for my personality, not others. That was a mistake that I had to deal with and come up with some scripts that ANYONE can use when making cold calls.
Here are 2 powerful MLM telephone cold calling scripts that have proven to work for a lot of home business professionals:
“My name is Lisa, and you requested me to call you–as I understand it, you had requested some information from our company –ABC, and I want to make sure that we get you get the information you need. We are now holding initial conversations with some potential Leaders. I am not sure that this would be something right for you –or you for us, but would love to chat for a minute. The possible income potential for the person we work with is significant. You can call 1.800.555.1212 for some preliminary information. Looking forward to it. My number is 1.555.1212.”
This mlm cold market telephone script is powerful and it bottom line. If you use this, you will find that your prospects are more often open to talking then with using other scripts.
“Hi Lisa, my name is Doug, and you had requested that I give you a call –I am with ABC company. As I understand it, and please correct me if I am wrong–you have been checking out home businesses for yourself- correct? Great- I am calling you simply for one reason- to take a second to learn a little bit about you, tell you a little bit about us, and after that we will both know if we need to talk any further-does that sound fair? We both are busy, so this will not take long as you know what you are looking for — and we know who we are looking for…so let’s see if there are some possibilities here.”
Here are the Talking Points that you can use, and they follow the flow of the script when the prospect answers the telephone. Put it in your own words if you desire:
“Someone requested I call.”
“As I understand it.”
“Checking out home businesses.”
“Learn a little bit about you.”
“Learn a little bit about us.”
“See if there is any reason to pursue it any further.”
“You know what you are looking for- who we are looking for.”
“Lets’ see if there is a match.”
These are 2 powerful cold market mlm telephone scripts that will allow you to be able to leave powerful recruiting messages for your mlm network marketing home business prospects.
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blessings…doug firebaugh
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