mlm home business
MLM Personal Branding.
Are you doing anything to help you in Personal Branding for your mlm home business?
Would you like to discover some Personal Branding Secrets for your work at home business?
Would that help your mlm network marketing business?
You MUST understand the Power of “Connection Marketing” and the Power of Personal Branding today.
This is so important.
Used to be that you could set yourself apart just from your product you were selling.
You know- ding-dong-Avoncalling.
But those days are gone. Today you must be so much more sophisticated in your approach to your marketing. And you must be aware that you are marketing 2 products:
1) WHAT you market to the consumer.
2) WHO you market to the consumer.
And there was a time that used to be that the product was more important than the marketer.
THAT has changed.
Even mlm recruiting and mlm prospecting have changed as it has become more technology driven, and software driven in many instances. But the secret to powerful recruiting and prospecting still lies within the perception and initial emotion that folks are getting about you and feeling from you.
Your personality weighs heavily in the mix. Over time, things in direct marketing seemed to have moved from the message – to the messenger. Yes, the message is THE reason you are in business, but the messenger is becoming more and more of what determines the actual business success. Network Marketing is becoming a messenger driven model of Leadership, with the brand of the messenger being the dominant factor.
Today, the marketer is as important if not MORE important than the product.
Good question. With the advent of technology, there now is so much more importance on WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU ARE KNOWN FOR than used to be. Products used to be enough.
Not now.
The concept of Personal Branding has taken a hold and the social media has helped in bringing that to the forefront.
Your reputation, your image in people’s mind, your emotions that you catalyze when people think of you, and how they perceive you in the marketplace before you get there is your Personal Brand.
Let’s listen to what my mentor says:
“There was a time that the product was everything in Network Marketing and that was all you needed. A good, solid product that would do what you said it would do. But then things changed, evolved, and transformed. More and more information became easier to get to – and get to quicker– concerning the products and what they REALLY do. It became available via technology like the fax, voice mail, and then came internet.
“And because of that, checking people out became easier as well. WHO the person was became valuable information for the consumer if they had any questions. And the old adage consumers buy the person first – THEN the item, is so true. Reputation became ultra important. It was later transformed into what is now called Branding. Branding is a nice word for the reputation and image that you want have in the marketplace. And that has become one of the single biggest marketing factors to hit the scene in years. And there is even an industry birthed from it with ‘branding coaches.’ Things have changed. And that is why the future millionaires in our industry are going to be great at branding themselves and products into the marketplace.
“When people think of you, there are three things that they will be paying attention to:
1) What they are FEELING then they think of you.
2) What picture they SEE when they think of you.
3) What past EXERIENCES they have had concerning you- either in person or from a third party source.
“From these three things, they must FEEL good about who you are and your product, they must SEE you in a very powerful light. Whatever information they have EXPERIENCED about you, heard about you, or read about you, it must impress them to want to know more.
“In social media, you must brand yourself as an expert, and as someone who has the answers, and knows the questions. Branding yourself on the internet is finding your niche to separate you from the crowd, and then driving that niche deep into the online community through new strategies and tactics.
“And if you do not know HOW to create a million dollar brand like that, then you need to get the training so you are not left behind. It is so much easier to market and recruit when you are perceived as an expert in your field or niche, then if you are simply seen as a distributor. Developing that brand out in the marketplace makes your prospecting and recruiting so much more powerful and magnetic in nature.”
If you practice Connection Marketing- you will be surprised at the success you will find in your network marketing home business.
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- Social Recruiting Power- over 50 secrets
FREE mp3 download- “The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made in Network Marketing NO ONE will tell You”
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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Doug, I am totally with you on this one!
While I am totally new to Social Media, just began applying since the second month of the Mastermind, what I learned from you and implemented, has shown outstanding feedback and positive responses that bring a huge smile to my face!
The Branding of WHO you are perceived as, is so Important, it simply cannot be overstated, along with WHAT you create becoming KNOWN for.
Personal Branding is so much more than colors on your business card, flyer and webpage… so much more!
God is good Tim!!! thank you for your kind words.