mlm questions for home business
MLM 5 Questions to Give Away Daily.
Have you ever wanted to tap into an 11 Billion Dollar genius in the home business profession?
What would that mean to your network marketing business and Success?
Are you looking for some answers from someone that has set records and has had over a million in his downline?
That is what this post is about. Tapping into the mind of a bonafide genius in this business and finding out his secrets to REAL network marketing success. How would that feel if you did that?
He is a very sharp man with a NO LIMITS approach to life and I can tell you, he HAS NO LIMITS when it comes to this business. Neither should you!
My friend everyday gives away 5 things and without fail, always does. He is a fanatic about it and he believes in the “sowing-reaping” principle of Success and practices it everyday.
Recently he and I were talking and he mentioned these 5 things that he gives way daily and I was quite intrigued about it. They were simple and fundamental, but yet profound. And I was quite taken back that here this 11 Billion Dollar producer, set for life- no- set for SEVERAL life times in money, and he still gives away these 5 things daily.
“These 5 things have been the seeds to my massive harvest,” he said. “And anyone can do the same thing and reap a massive harvest if they simply do it.”
And he said that his reason to give these away are to SEED into barren soil in a person, and let them know that they can become successful no matter the background. And seed he does!\
Now understand, you can give away yhese 5 things online, on social media, in mobile communications, and more. So this is NOT limited to offline but it is also an online GOLD MINE of an idea that if you simply give awy these 5 things everyday, your business will EXPLODE just from the echoes of your efforts.
Truly what you SOW you shall REAP!
Ok…what ARE these 5 things that he gives away?
1. A Kind Word to Someone that seems to Need One.
“A kind word can change a person’s life,” he says. And his words have changed millions of lives.
“Everyone wants to feel good about themselves, and deep down, many do not. I just help them see that they are a good person and I would love to see how that I can help them if possible. And it has seemed to pull people my way for over 35 years and counting. Words are sweet in season and when someone is hurting they don’t want to hear about my business. They want to hear about that things are going to be ok, and you are there to listen if nothing else. And it is amazing even if they are in top of the world, what that word can do for your business over time.”
2. A Compliment that is Authentic and Real.
“it is amazing what a compliment can do when it is done for no other reason then to compliment. And agenda focused compliment can be felt and often rejected by the listener. You need to be aware of what you can compliment people with sincerity and then do it. You will be surprised how they respond.”
“A genuine compliment will MOVE the person on the inside and they will FEEL it, not just hear it. That is what you want- a compliment that is electric and has power.”
3. A Chance to help Someone Somehow.
“I just helped this lady carry her groceries to her car yesterday and I am 78 years old and she was younger then me. But I told her that I needed the exercise and she just laughed and said go right ahead. So I pushed her cart to her car, unloaded her groceries and smile and then pushed her cart back to the store. No conversation about anything except let me help you. How can that NOT work in your for somewhere down the road?”
“Could I have recruited her? Yes, for sure, but then it would have been agenda focused. I gave her a 10$ Starbucks gift card with my number on it, and said have a coffee or tea on me. And that was that.”
“She called me the next week and asked if I would like to meet her and her husband for tea, and of course I said yes. She said that she was interested in my sizzle call that she had listened to I had left on the envelope with the card. ”
4. A Question about Someone to Show Interest.
“People love to be asked about themselves. Ok. I do. I ask about their kids, where they work, what they are doing for the weekend, and any other thing that will focus on the person, And when we start talking about their job, whether social media or face to face and yes I am on social media! And when I ask them what they really would like to be doing, then the conversation usually turns to what is possible in life.”
5. A CD of “The Strangest Secret” by Earl Nightingale.
“I have given this away for years and now I send an mp3 via email if I get their email so they can listen online. Earl was one of the original pioneers of the Personal Development industry in the 60’s and he was amazing. When people listen to this amazing recording they often are stunned from it’s profound wisdom and power. I recommend anyone that is serious about life and Success to listen to it and start recommending it. Oh, I have my name and number on it telling them to call me if they would like more secrets of success.”
Here is the Billion Dollar question: What would happen to YOUR BUSINESS if you would give 5 things like this away? Can you say KAAABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM?
These are 5 things an 11 Billion Dollar gives away daily for his mlm network marketing home business.
FREE audio mp3 “2013 Recruiting Secrets” – over 25 secrets with Doug and Diane Hochman!
blessings…doug firebaugh
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