mlm home business closing
MLM Closing Tips.
Do you struggle with your “closing” as many people call it for their network marketing business?
Do you have a “pat” way that you close your prospect or do you try different things in your home based business?
What would be your closing ratio for your network marketing business when you ask for the order?
Many distributors struggle and do not need to.
First off, I do not call what most call “Closing the Prospect” Closing.
I really shy away from it, as it has a tendency to cast a negative message unknowingly to yourself. When you use the word “Close” it has a tendency to be a win or lose proposition.
You win.
You lose.
Nothing much inbetween. You either CLOSE them or you do not.
I prefer something more…well…GENTLE and something that will not be seen as a “transaction for MY gain” as often it comes across like that. I have seen “closers” that ALL they focus on is what THEY can get out of the prospect, not what the prospect can get to improve their life.
In network marketing, I have found throughout the world in my travels, EVERYONE feels the same way about this- they DO NOT want to FEEL like they have been CLOSED.
I had a leader out of Perth Australia recently say that the biggest complaint he hears from his team’s “closing” is that is was way too MANIPULATIVE and pressured.
That is how many distributors/consultants come across. They are trying to manipulate the prospect into their business and do it quickly.
You are going in a losing proposition that will never build a long term home based business.
Ok, then what can we do to close the mlm home business prospect?
We came up with what we call The “You are Probably Waiting” Navigator.
What is a Navigator?
Great question.
I do not like to call these phrases or questions “Closes” as it is NOT what they are. They are “Navigators” that navigate the prospect to the decision that is right for them.
Closing ENDS things.
Navigating CATALYZES and OPENS things to happen.
So what did we come up with that was so powerful?
A very simple question that lays it out and the mlm prospect appreciates your honesty.
Here it is:
“You are probably waiting for some fancy, well rehearsed, manipulative close….something that is really tricky. That is not who I am. I respect your decision and want only what is best for you and your family. Look, either you see this or you don’t. Question is, do you believe we would make a GREAT TEAM if we started working this together?”
That’s it, ands has worked wonders through the years. Online as well as offline. And I would suggest that you spend some time practicing it, and getting it down in your own words.
If you do, don’t be surprised if you start seeing some amazing results in your mlm network marketing work at home business.
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FREE mlm mp3 download- The 7 Biggest Mistakes made in Network Marketing NO ONE will tell You”
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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Doug, that Navigator Question is very Magnetic.
As I read the question visualizing myself speaking to someone, I could see them stop dead in their tracks, look up at me… like a cow looking at a new gate!
I just became UNFORGETTABLE! They have never ever had anyone respect them like that, I only want what’s best for you and your family…
I love your article and couldn’t agree with you more! Closing often leads to closing the door on a possible future business relationship. Just as you suggested being the “navigator” I tell prospects to think of me as their “tour guide”. This really helps to OPEN rather than Close the conversation and the relationship and puts the prospect at ease as they collect enough information to make an informed and educated decision. I want informed and educated people in my business at that’s a process, not an event. Thank you for opening this subject! It’s such an important distinciton and makes a huge difference in creating long term success! 🙂 Tracy Monteforte
tarcy- You SO ROCK! And with your wtpowers.com site, you are serving the profession so amazing.
And your NEW show on Home Business radio Network is one of THE BEST content soaked shows
on the network. Please frop by again and again and lets talk cold market calling! doug
Well Doug, it’s been awhile!
As usual you come out with the best!
Lots of wisdom in what you say.
I have been out of marketing for some time…..and now am forced back in.
I will look to you for what works today.
I have a ‘closing’ technique that I would like to share with you.
It worked for me for years……will it work today?
If you read this and are interested……I would love to re-connect!
Hey Jim! Thanks for your note and lets connect: dfirebaugh@gmail.com
Tell Sandy hello and lets connec this week- email me your number!!!
Wooohoooo so glad to hear from you. doug