social media mlm home business
What is your social media mlm profile telling people about YOU and your home based business?
Is it TELLING people something or MOVING people TO DO SOMETHING?
Is it part of your recruiting strategy or just part of your social site?
The answers that you gave are revealing to the overall social strategy you have for your network marketing business or DO NOT HAVE.
A profile on any social site is the first thing that most people check out. If yours is just a plain old profile with NO PULLING POWER then you are missing an incredible chance to engage someone with your home business.
A social profile will either:
Introduce your name and where you live.
Move people to get to know you.
Move people away from you.
What is YOUR social profile doing in your social sites that you are engaging conversation with?
In social media mlm marketing, the profile is your calling card. It is on just about every social site that is out there. There are so many social sites out there-over 4000-and everyone is a chance for you to BILLBOARD who you are to the world that people will not forget.
Your profile should be a BILLBOARD of Magnetism that gets people to DO SOMETHING– not just read something.
Give something away free on your blog. Give a free ebook away. Give a free video away. Give them a REASON to move closer to you with their email so you can market to them and build a relationship.
But WHY do you need to have a profile that is magnetic and “pulls” people in to look at it?
1) A Magnetic Profile will build your Brand quicker, as it will be TALKED ABOUT if it is of VALUE and GIVES VALUE at the beginning of the budding relationship.
When people visit your facebook site, or twitter page, or youtube page, or what social site you are registered on, our profile will either get them to want to know more about you, or click away.
If you GIVE something to them as a result of visiting your profile, they will be more willing to listen to you in the future to your message about your home business.
2) A Magnetic profile will be recommended – but the Value Given will be Virally Marketed.
People will recommend a profile to other people if they think that person has something to offer of value, and comes across like a premier provider. Make sure that your profile will make people send it out to others.
But if you GIVE something of VALUE- then the Viral Monster starts to kick in. People will pass it around – NOT just recommend it. And then it will take a life of it’s own. I have seen this happen not only to my profiles, but a TON of other marketers as well.
3) A Magnetic profile will give you an opportunity to introduce yourself as a TRUE AUTHORITY- not just another marketer, blogger, or person trying to sell something.
Draw people in by establishing yourself as an Authority and HOW you can help people with your expertise. If you are going to establish yourself as an AUTHORITY in your niche, you MUST give content away that PROVES you got the goods. There are many ways to do this, but give Little Known Content. Give highly searched content. Give SOLUTION Content. Give USEFUL content that most do NOT give to set yourself apart. It works and I have done it for years, and it DOES set you apart over time.
Here is an example::
“Doug is an expert in the social media field and helps people turn their social sites into profit centers that never stop and can help you create that. Click here for a FREE Video: 5 Ways to Create a Social Strategy that will Create a Six figure Income”
This is HOW you can create a BUZZ about your profile as well as your True Authority.
These are three reasons why you need a magnetic profile in your social media marketing efforts for your mlm home business.
How Do You Recruit 3 Professionals a Day on LinkedIn?
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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