- mlm recruiting network marketing
MLM Recruiting.
How would you like to talk to someone or send out a message and within 30 seconds your prospect would be wanting more information about your home based business?
Would that make a difference in your success in your network marketing?
Here I am, it is Saturday night and has been a busy day with seminars. And I am excited about the incredible power of “Power Blitz Recruiting.”
What in the world is that you may be thinking…
Mobile Recruiting.
I think you would agree that we live in a microwave fast paced world. Mobile Marketing is starting to become more and more focused on. We recently did a webinar called “Mobile Recruiting University“ which teaches you how to not only quicken the pace of your recruiting, but also your relationship building. And of course, sponsor people from your phone and mobile devices.
Many leaders in our great profession have NOT connected to, let alone embraced this concept which I believe will transform the very core of how network marketing is done within the next 3 years. And of course, those that are embracing it NOW will be so far ahead of the curve, you will be saying to the crowd trying to catch up:
And rightfully so.
Our research has indicated that Mobile Recruiting will become the most dominant force within the next 5 years as far as building momentum. Many cannot see that as they say that it will always be a belly to belly business.
I agree.
But HOW you get to the belly to belly conversation will change dramatically. I believe that home business recruiting will change in many ways as far as the APPROACH to it, but not the foundation of it.
Speaking of foundation, do you know what the Three Foundational Elements are in MLM Recruiting?
These 3 elements will determine 99% of your mlm recruiting success. These 3 elements will influence ALL you do in this business, and will create a LOT of momentum in your home business, or no momentum if you do not follow the Success Path that theses foundational elements offer.
Consider these Foundation Elements a “stepping stone path” that walks you through the actual path of network marketing recruiting. It could be considered a “roadway” or a “trail” that you follow to get to the end of the recruiting rainbow. And it does not matter if you are practicing MLM ONLINE RECRUITING…or offline.
This Success Path works on ANY form of recruiting.
MLM Network Marketing recruiting has always revolved- and always will revolve- around three things:
Let’s take a look at each one quickly…
You MUST get the attention of your prospect and you do that – online or offline- by doing what I call “Creating a Disturbance.”
No, I am NOT asking you to go out and get rowdy!
Creating a Disturbance is where you are disturbing the prospect with a question, comment, or idea that takes them OUT OF THEIR COMFORT ZONE and into your Uncomfortable Zone.
You are creating an “Emotional Touch” with your communication to MOVE THEM some way on the inside.
For example- focus on a COMMON PROBLEM in what niche you are working in and bring it up- with a question, or some kind of a comment, or a third party story of someone struggling with it and ask them if they can relate to that. And then Disturb them some more with telling of other people’s pain and how you can relate to the pain as well. AMPLIFY the problem.
THIS will get a LOT of people’s ATTENTION.
By creating a problem, you are disturbing them and taking them to a place in their mind of some form of anxiety. But you then say, “I have helped a lot of people with that and I can help you…let me share an idea with you…”
By offering a Solution, you are PULLING them towards you as they are looking for RELIEF from the anxiety that you have introduced to them with on a squeeze page, video, audio, social post, tweet, or article, or any other form of communication.
A strong CALL TO ACTION is a MUST in your mlm recruiting efforts. The CTA will PULL the person to relieve that anxiety in their life and DIRECT them to what they need to do- NOW.
Here is one of the strongest but simplest CTAs that exists:
“Here is what you need to do…NOW.”
This will direct them to the place or relief and solution that they so much want to find.
How would THAT feel knowing that sponsoring someone is only THREE STEPS AWAY in your home based business?
If you use these Three Foundation Elements in your MLM Recruiting, you will find that your home business will explode in your network marketing recruiting efforts!
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook- “Social Recruiting Power”- with over 50 recruiting secrets!
FREE MLM Recruiting 101 webinar- Watch Now FREE!
blessings….doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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