mlm prospecting
Prospecting in MLM is something that MUST happen everyday.
In social media, online, internet, offline, and any other way that it takes to find quality prospect for your home business.
But many do not look at the mlm prospecting process from the PROSPECT’S point of view.
That is a MUST.
ALWAYS consider the prospect’s point of view and what they are thinking.
THAT is critical as it is the PROSPECT that must be motivated to move towards you. And knowing what they are thinking will pay handsomely down the road in your mlm prospecting.
Imagine this…
There you are.
You are right in the middle of this great mlm presentation and then suddenly the network marketing prospect seems to drift off, and you are losing them. They eventually come back to you, but there for a minute you were a little worried about what you were doing wrong.
You were doing nothing wrong.
They were just walking into THE QUESTION.
There you are.
You are in front of 50 people, and rocking the house with a great mlm prospecting presentation and everything seems to be going incredible. And then suddenly, one by one, the mlm prospects seem to be somewhere else, and not with you. HELLO! You look, and one by one, they are returning. You question what just happened.
They were just walking through THE QUESTION.
Every home business network marketing prospect that you have talked to, or ever will talk to, asks this question sometime during the path to the Decision in Network Marketing. We all make it, and we all think it with every thing we look at doing or buying. It is done everyday.
Many times, we ask it quietly, and other times we will drift off and think about it, and feeling what answer we can come up with.
Especially in MLM and Network Marketing and Home business.
“What kind of VALUE do I feel this has for my life, and is it enough Value for me to bring into my life?”
You may not think those exact words, but you will think them in some form.
VALUE RULES in making decisions to change, add, or delete anything in your life.
It is the same in Home Business Network Marketing and MLM.
The Next time that you are presenting to a prospect, make sure you POUR ON THE VALUE.
These are questions that your mlm prospect will be thinking:
How will this create Value to the prospect’s future and family?
How will this create more Value in their lifestyle?
How will this bring more Value than what they currently have or doing?
How will this bring Value to their Dreams?
How will this bring Value to their life and future that they cannot get anywhere else or from anyone else?
VALUE is the KEY to unlocking the MLM Success Doors.
Are you turning it in your MLM and Network Marketing home business or are you missing it?
The MLM prospect MUST feel that what you are talking to them is of EXTREME Value, and if it is, you will find your business soaring in your MLM and home based business.
How did THESE Prospecting tactics turn into a Billion Dollars worth of Business?
Blessings…Doug Firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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