mlm network marketing duplication
Do you know how to duplicate your success efforts in your home business?
Are you struggling with building your network marketing mlm business?
Could you use some help in your leadership strategies for duplication?
There is nothing more important in Leadership in your home business then Duplication. Nothing happens until something is duplicated and the results are locked in.
But many in network marketing struggle because they do not know how to duplicate and drive depth in their team nor how to teach it.
We are going to go over the secrets to duplication and making it happen in your team with a 4 step process.
And if you learn this process and master it, you will see your business grow in a manner that most never will. Duplication is the secret to building Leaders and building your business.
This 4 step process is a simple but powerful success process. It has been taught before, but it still works- online or offline.
1. TELL.
2. SHOW.
3. TRY.
4. DO.
Lets start with:
1) TELL.
TELL the new team member what they are supposed to know and do, and make sure that they learn it, and get it done. This is called education. Tell them step by step and action by action how to do it. Here is also where you want to ROLE PLAY! ROLE PLAY! ROLE PLAY! Practice with them what you have told them to do. And practice, drill, and rehearse even more. Let them get a feel for what they are going to be doing.
2) SHOW.
SHOW the person how to do it LIVE and do it RIGHT-online or offline. Show them step by step. And if you are marketing online, get them to the site Join.me or a goto meeting for LIVE “this is how you do it” training with them . Whether offline or online, let them SEE YOU DO IT. Take them on an appointment. Get them on some calls or webinar with you so they can listen amd learn. Let them hear you talk to a prospect. Let them see you do a presentation online and offline. Let them hear you close someone. Let them SEE what you do and how to do it.
3) TRY.
You need to “ACTIVATE” them. You need to get them IN ACTION and let them start the engagement process themselves. They may make mistakes at first, but do not scold them. Encourage them, and compliment them for the attempt if they are not very good at first. Most people bring skill sets to this business that are ill prepared for Success. You must help them develop the skill sets that are necessary and let them learn and get better with each attempt at the actions and process of doing this business.
Let them TRY what they have learned, have seen, and have heard with you watching. After they have tried what they saw you do and heard you do, then you need to COACH them to Success. Coaching requires you to be watching for the mistakes and then gently telling them about those mistakes, and then encourage them to engage again until they do it correctly. Discuss with them what they did that was great- and again, what needs to be improved. And then let them try it again and again and again, until they have the process and actions down successfully.
4) DO.
And then they eventually will be DOING it by themselves- and ready to teach and EQUIP others with this simple philosophy of training.
You may be asking, “How long does this take?”
Simple. No more than a week or 2 of effort. People are smarter than you think if you do training RIGHT.
Even in social media- if people are not engaged in talking with people, connecting, doing events, going local, and all there is to do, they will be wasting their time. YOU have to get them on the computer and SHOW them how to set up a facebook profile or twitter account. This is SHOWING- not just learning.
There are many educated people with a home business that never get started. Do NOT make that mistake. Use and teach this 4 step process and you will find that duplication is taking place all through your team for success in mlm network marketing home business.
FREE mp3 “2013 Recruiting Secrets”-over 25 secrets- with Doug and Diane Hochman
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2013 all rights reserved
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