mlm network marketing
MLM Home Business.
What is one of the most powerful mlm home business tools do you have in social media?
What would it do for your business if you could discover a powerful revelation that could turn your business into a success inferno?
Here is a Rule for Home Businesses that will rock your world:
It’s No Longer just about Surpassing Volume- but SUPRISING VALUE.
What do people value in their life?
Obviously family, faith, friends, security and the like. But they also Value things that Improve, Increase, Enlarge and Empower their life and lifestyle. People today have so many more choices than they used to.
Turn on the TV.
Turn on the radio.
Open up a magazine.
Connect to the internet.
You will find the eyes and mind inundated with messages that are trying to sell them or get them to do something and create Volume and revenues for their company.
Nothing wrong with that.
But which companies and home Businesses today are rocking their bank accounts – while others are racking their brains – trying to figure out what they are doing wrong?
The companies and people that are focused on bringing a message of Surprising VALUE to the consumer and potential distributor are the ones that are setting themselves apart from the crowd. They are bringing Value so powerful and so strong with their message and products, that it is unexpected and surprising the consumers at the amount.
Take Apple Computer, Take Fast Company Magazine. Take Best Buy. Take Dell Computer. All are focusing on VALUE front and center, and then volume second, if they have done their job. THAT is the New Rule for Success-and you.
YOU must bring Surprising Value to people that they do not expect – as an expert in your field. Then show how your products and business bring Surprising Value to the prospect and then – go beyond that
Include things that are not expected.
Throw in an extra product. Give them a free e-book or download.
Give them a half off discount just as a surprise.
Package your products in something special and make it seem like they are opening a gift.
Make your prospect’s jaw drop by the value they get-just by doing business with you and being connected with you. Go overboard with Value.
That is the New Rule for the Future Millionaires in Network Marketing. Surprise them with Unexpected great Value- and they will spread that word to everyone they know about your MLM home business.
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blessings…doug firebaugh
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