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Have you ever said the wrong thing at the wrong time with the right prospect for your home business MLM – without realizing it until later?
Did you just feel like that if you just said something differently, it may have made difference with your network marketing business?
That is where a lot of online as well as offline home business professionals are today. They often say the wrong thing and get the wrong results.
Yes, I know. there is the saying, “You cannot say the right thing to the wrong person nor the wrong thing to the right person.” There is a lot of truth to THAT saying.
But you CAN say the right thing to the right person the wrong way – and it turn that person. off. I have seen it hundreds of times happen. IS that happening to you?
Do you understand the POWER of your words and what DRIVES that power?
The Power of your words are amazing. And in MLM recruiting, they rule. Your words are TOOLS that you use to craft a message and to build a case for your business. These are important tools that you must learn to MASTER.
What DRIVES the Power behind your words?
Whether online or offline, you must communicate CONVICTION in your words. This is the Driving Force or the Destructive Force in your words. It can DRIVE IT with the Power of Belief and Conviction, or Destroy your chance with the prospect with the weakness of doubt and lack of belief.
Where are you with these? Are you DRIVING your business or weakening your business? Are you ENLARGING your business with the Power behind your Words, or minimizing it with the weakness behind them?
Here is the Platinum Rule of MLM Recruiting Communication:
First people FEEL- THEN they hear.
What are people FEELING in social media with you? What are your prospects FEELING with your conversations with them online and offline?
Understand this bottom line:
Your recruiting success will be determined on the IMPACT that your words have on the prospect.
Be Encouraging, Empowering, Elevating, Enlarging, and Increasing the possibilities and hopes of your prospect and let them FEEL your words.
Then you will start to see an explosion of Success in your mlm home business.
How do you create Endless Leads- FREE?
blessings…doug firebaugh
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Mobile Recruiting? Yes- Recruit anywhere anytime anyplace with this!
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