linkedin recruiting home business
Home business mlm training for the most part if you are marketing online, is focused on “funnel marketing” and the like. I believe that can be a powerful way to market, but the attrition is unbelievable when it comes to keeping people on your team.
Christopher Dittemore, an internet marketer and network marketer says that the problem often when you use only a “funnel” system is the number on team members you lose can be enormous.
That is why we focus a lot on social networking, as our Private Clients are having great success with LinkedIn. Yes they are using funnel marketing as well as traditional methods. But we are finding that LinkedIn is an incrdible site for recruiting people who are looking for 2 things:
1. To network with others.
2. To take their career and life to a better place.
You can PULL these people towards you by giving away something FREE.
How would you like to know a little secret that hardly anyone knows that will allow you to us ANCHOR TEXT in your profile and create a live link to a free report or ebook?
How would THAT work for your hme business?
How would that happen?
I will tell you in a minute, but I want to ask you to check out a webinar that we are doing on September 22 (or you may be reading this after the fact and you can still check it out as there is a replay of it) called LinkedIn Recruiting 101.
It is a Powerful webinar with the secrets of a #1 Corporate Recruiter in the nation for a recruitment firm. He shares his secrets then we applied them to the network marketing profession. This webinar will ROCK YOU BUSINESS.
Check out LinkedIn Recruiting Secrets!
So how would you put an anchor link (three are allowed) that offers something free?
1.Go to the “edit” section on your profile for websites. It is under your “Connections” link.
2. Click on “edit” for the first link. This will take you to the edit link page. In the drop down box next to “websites” you will find it lets you put a link in for Personal, Company, Blog, Rss feed, etc.
3. Click “other.”
4. A new box appears to the right of it that allows you to put text in the box instead of the word “blog” showing or “RSS” showing. Put in something that would cause a prospect to click on it.
“FREE ebook on recruiting- 101 secrets!” Or what you feel would work.
Then go to the next link below it and repeat.
Then go to the next link below it and repeat it again.
This will allow you to have anchor text show up on your LinkedIn profile with a LIVE link and a compelling offer to take them to a page to possibly get them to opt in.
This little known secret is quite “ninja” and I believe will explode your potential lead capturing from LinkedIn.
Like this little secret? This is the type of LinkedIn training you will get in “LinkedIn Recruiting 101.”
Our Private Clients are CRUSHING IT with LinkedIn.
They are recruiting like crazy. You can too! Just join us September 22 at 8 pm EST for the LinkedIN Recruiting Secrets 101 webinar. If you missed it, you still can get it! Just check out the link and see how you can become a recruiting magnet on LinkedIn.
It will teach ou how to recruit on LinkedIn Powerful professionals for your home based business.
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
Social Network Marketing Endless Leads? How? Read this.