social media overexposure
Social Media MLM Training.
What is one of the worst things that you can have in social media and a home business?
Are you aware that it can destroy your brand and even your business over time in network marketing?
What is this devastating poison called that harms your social media home business?
It is called “Over Exposure without Value.”
Ok- fair enough…but what is that?
“OEWA” is when someone is constantly being seen trying to sell or recruit in the social media zone and is NOT bringing any Value to the social conversation and people in social networking circles start getting tired of their selfish messages.
It creates something that I call “Social Visibility Fatigue.”
Much like with President Bush or President Clinton, and now somewhat with President Obama, the US got TIRED of the nonstop talk, images in the media, and chatter about them and people just wanted these guys to just go away. And true, as always, politics may have played some into it, but even staunch Republicans got tired of Bush and diehard Democrats got tired of Clinton.
That what happens as well in sociao media, with an Overexposed message with seemingly No Value.
There are some folks that you see everywhere on social media, but people do not ever seem to get tired of them. You read their posts daily, watch their videos constantly, and talk about their current message powerfully.
Why in the world does this happen?
There are certain social media folks thay bring Extreme Value to everything they say and do and contribute to the social media word. They do it without a selfish motive and YOU CAN FEEL IT, as well as sense it.
There are a LOT of social networking folks that bring great VALUE to EVERYTHING they do, and people on facebook, twitter, pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, and other social sites look forward to hearing from them- again and again and again.
And they keep coming back for more!
What makes these folks special, is they do not “pitch” you on their products or trainings every time they hold a conversation online, text, broadcast a message or say something in a video. They constantly bring a more powerful conversation into the community with powerful ideas and concepts that ADDS– not tries to take from the whole.
Their message in social media BRINGS VALUE– not tries to be SEEN as VALUE. People are savvy enough to tell the difference today in social media.
And folks, that ONE THING is the difference between powerful and enduring Successful Social Media professionals- and the ones that are not so successful.
It appears that Successful professionals in social media seem to focus more on being Valuable and BRINGING Value to people’s lives daily, – while it comes across that less than successful folks seem to focus more on being Visible.
Valuable vs. Visible.
Your ONLY goal in social media as a network marketing professional should be to provide Jaw Dropping Value FIRST and be Visible SECOND!
Extreme Value FOR Social media will ALWAYS bring HIGH VISIBILITY IN social media!
You must understand that there is the critical distinction between people looking Forward to your Message, and people being Tired of your Message.
Over Exposure Remedy.
So here is the Million Dollar Question: What can you do to powerfully market your home business message and NOT become a Victim of Overexposure?
Here are 5 things:
1) One secret is to give away something for FREE regularly and make it WORTH something and Usable
Do NOT make the mistake that a lot of people make…they save their best content for their CDs and webinars. If you want to gain High Visibilty, then give something away that has TRUE VALUE and can be used.
2) Another secret is to Solve problems for people.
Find out what challenges that your prospects have. Ask them. Give them multiple solutions and ideas and resources that will help solve that problem, and then connect with them in your own webinar.
3) Start to Reveal Little Known and Little Taught Information.
What you need to start doing is research and find GREAT information that most people do not know exists and then help them discover it through a free download. That process of helping people and showing them the way is called “Social Media Leadership” –guiding, directing, and leading folks to new possibilities for their life.
4) Become a Powerful Resource…Suggest other people’s webinars, PDFs, ebooks, CDs, blogs, downloads, and content.
Why in the world do you think I am always pointing folks to other people’s content on EVERY blog post? ? Social Media Leadership. And it HELPS folks discover new messages, products, content, soultions, ideas and personalities in MLM they did not know exists that has made a HUGE difference in my life.
5) This is a MUST in all you do: Ask a very powerful but simple question- “Where’s the Beef?”
You may remember Clara Peller in that famous Wendy’s commercial. It became a national slogan for even a presidential election. It should be YOUR slogan in your social media marketing efforts. Yes, you can hold powerful conversations and keep it personal, and Value is within the CONNECTION . But in your marketing broadcasts, “where’s the beef?” Make sure that the Value is:
Constant VALUE.
VALUE that Makes a Difference.
VALUE that is USABLE and Teachable. (Much of what is out there is NOT.)
Are you making this HUGE Mistake in your network marketing home business of Exposure without Value?
I would highly suggest that you check your tweets, posts, notes, texts, mobile communicaiton, Direct Messages, IMs, and marketing efforts and BEEF UP the Value in your social media marketing for your netwpork marketing home business.
FREE mp3 download: “the 7 Biggest Mistakes made in Network Marketing NO ONE will tell you”
FREE Social Media Recruiting ebook: Social Recruiting Power-over 50 recruiting secrets!
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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Priceless is right Andrew! This is a common mistake made in social media!
It won’t cost us anymore Andrew!
You’ve got a point there Andrew! Our mistakes can and do cost us money and possibly a new client! We can’t afford either! Doug’s message gives us another golden nugget!
This information is outstanding .Thanks Doug
Right on, Bill!
Absolutely. People are looking for answers to problems and for things that add value to their lives. We can create a lot of harm by being highly visible in a spammy kind of way and not contributing anything that gives a benefit.
Thanks for the great information Doug! Value trumps most everything in life. Why would it be any different in social networking. Makes perfect sense.
I agree, Julie!! Everything in life is measured by value. Social media is a great asset if used appropriatly…..otherwise, it can be a downfall.
That is so true Julie
That’s right, Julie! The amount that we reap will be determined by the value we sew to others!
Timely message for me! I’ve always know there was a “fine line” and balance in social media and network marketing….but never really knew what it was. I have been reading “Emily Posts’s Etiquette – 18th Edition – Manners For A New World” – there are 7 chapters devoted to social and network marketing that has been helpful as well. Thank you Mr. Firebaugh!! ~ Vanessa Crosson
Thanks for the reference, Vanessa!
That “fine line” creates a world-class online presence that people appreciate instead of avoid or ignore.
Now that’s something that adds value to our lives. Thanks, Vanessa.
They say that a picture is worth 10,000 words! That’s certainly the case with the picture of the baby at the beginning of the article. How many adults have you seen making that same face? How about when there are too many callbacks to people to buy your product when their non-action or silence should give us a clue that they are not interested.
I love this article because I never thought about over exposure on Social Media sites. But, I can see how the reaction would be the same as with too many callbacks. Again, Doug, you’ve taught us to place our prospects and customers first….That’s all that matters! As I grow in Social Media outlets, I’ll remember that offering value and/or solutions is the name of the game. We should interact on a few good Social Sites and always remember that our messages on each site should be geared towards a solution, a gift, or both. Then, we can watch our prospects perk up and pay attention to our messages with interest.
I know someone that’s been doing that on Fb and I just brought it to her attention.
Hopefully she don’t take it the wrong way because she is very driven. Some
folk just don’t know any better. As a newbie I was the same way but not to that extent.
Thank Doug for your article.
I am truly focused more on being Valuable and BRINGING Value to people’s lives on my social media sites!
AMAZING is right!
Amazing is right…..just like your training nugget last Thursday on the Mastermind. I could not login to the live class and just now listened to the recording. You did a great job!! 🙂
Amazing they are! Makes perfect sense!
Thanks for the great Tips .