mlm online team building
Have you ever considered, for your home business recruiting online, but yet when you thought about building a team, you shut down as nothing seems to work?
Did you ever recruit someone in your MLM and then from time to time tried to work with them online- and you got frustrated as they were never available for you?
That is normal for a lot of MLM leaders that work online. There are many mistakes made when building a team online, and we have seen a lot of those being done.
This really can make you feel like you are inadequate and cannot do this business right.
Well, you ARE adequate and there is NOTHING wrong with you.
But there are some network marketing home based business team building secrets that you may want to consider if you are going to build an online team across the country. It might serve you well to take example from the success had by the Thailand team building from TeamXL. There are quite a few things to prepare for and having all the foresight to do so without examples is a stretch. Do yourselves a favour and read about how to do it properly.
Many software companies out there do offer great tools to find people via the internet, and recruit people online.
But here is THE Million Dollar Question:
How do you KEEP people in your mlm home business team? How can you reduce your attrition, which normally online is enormous?
Well, I got some good news for you.
Here are 3 secrets to building online that will help you MULTIPLY your team, versus lose your team on a monthly basis, or so it seems like.
1. Create a SYSTEM of training that is sent to them for at least for the first 14 days.
The first 2 weeks are CRITICAL.
You are being “tested” by your team and you do not even know it. We have found that the first 2 weeks of a new team member’s journey are the most important. They need to be EDUCATED, MOTIVATED, and ACTIVATED to go out and work their new home business.
Get an account with www.aweber.com and learn the system. It is an autoresponder system and you are going to have to have one to grow a team online.
Assume they know NOTHING. Start there. Give them the very basics of this business, including what IS network marketing. Make it so basic that even a 5th grader could understand it.
The cover the actions they need to be doing and send them an email or social mail covering each action one day at a time.
Then give them GOALS to achieve everyday that are obtainable. Focus them on GOING and SHOWING and not just Learning and Yearning.
2. Create an Online Success Environment with a daily webinar for 10 minutes.
This “Focus Webinar” helps focus the new people and get them GOING and SHOWING. It will display your Leadership as well as your commitment.
You do this everyday for 10 minutes. It can be in the morning or at lunch time. But do it DAILY.
Why daily?
It establishes a great CONNECTION with your new members, builds momentum, as well as shows them they need to do the same thing for their new people.
You can get a great free webinar software to do this at:
Spotlight each new member in the webinars, and congratulate them for their efforts.
Give them daily a LEADERSHIP QUOTE and one tip for building their business. Give them a chance to ask questions as well. This will create a community feel to it. Then tell them how much you are looking forward to them walking across the stage as a top earner.
3. Send “Encouragement Texts” daily and let the new people know you appreciate them.
These are simple one or 2 line messages stating you believe in a person and that keep up the great work as every top earner in the company started the same way.
Feature them on social sites and make them feel like a super star. Tweet about them. Post about them. Youtube about them. Cinchcast about them. And more of the same on other social sites.
If you do these things, you will see that your new team members STAY LONGER, WORK HARDER, and GROW BIGGER in your MLM network marketing home business.
Prospecting Secrets for the New Person?
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2011 all rights reserved
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