mlm words network marketing home business
MLM Most Powerful Words for Communication.
Do you know what TRUE Success Power is in a home based business?
Do you know what words are the most powerful in a network marketing business?
How do you communicate with people in your mlm?
Power in a business can come from many things. In a home business, it stems much from the words that you say, write, and communicate in trainings and meetings. The words that you choose to use in what you articulate can make or break a business. Most do not pay as much attention to their words as they should.
Words themselves carry a power that can impact a crowd or leave them flat. I have seen this so much as people struggle to say what they desire, but yet they lose the power in their recruiting and prospecting.
And even team building. Leaders have a language all their own. Leaders say things differently then the average as they have a different view of life and business. Leaders come from a more powerful communication base then most, and they often say a lot- by saying a little.
The guidelines set forth by Australia-based agency Edge Marketing show that, the volume of words sometimes is not needed. Often it is the words themselves that carry a wallop with a Leader. I have seen some leaders say more in one minute then some can say in an hour. it is quite amazing. And I have seen other leaders say less in a speech then others say in a single question.
Yes, words can drive or derail your home business and often they do.
Are words that you choose important? Absolutely. I am a “wordsmith.” I love to write and read. And I try and communicate in ways that impact, not just inform. There are better writers out there, and we all learn from them. But I have learned that the less you say, often the more the impact and sway you have in a speech or training.
There are a series of “Most Powerful Words” that I learned quite a while ago that has served me well over the years, and I wanted to share them with you. I hope they help you as much as they have helped me.
Here are the “5-4-3-2-1 Most Powerful Words in Network Marketing:”
1. The 5 Most important words in Network Marketing:
“You did a great job!”
2. The 4 Most Powerful words in Network Marketing:
“I Believe In You.”
3. The 3 Most Powerful Words in Network Marketing:
“You are Amazing.”
4. The 2 Most Powerful Words in Network Marketing:
“You Can.”
The Most Powerful Word in Network Marketing:
5. The LEAST Powerful word in Network Marketing:
The most Powerful Sentence in Network Marketing:
“You have everything you need to Succeed massively in life-let me help you unleash that on the world.”
The Most Powerful Question in Network Marketing:
“Are you ready to start living the life that you have always wanted to – but never have been able to?”
These are some words that I have found to be extremely powerful in mlm network marketing home business.
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blessings…doug firebaugh
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