home business mlm begging
MLM Success Tips.
Are YOU working yourself out of your home business?
Are YOU unknowingly getting ready to exit network marketing?
How will you know what you are doing with your mlm business?
There are many distributors in our home business profession that actually are slowly working themselves OUT of network marketing and mlm- and they have NO clue they are doing it.
Are YOU?
Let me explain….
We all have heard it.
It echoes over and over and over.
“Work hard and you WILL Succeed! Be a busy beaver! Put the hours in! Hard work is all you need! Who needs sleep?”
But yet, many network marketing work at home distributors work very hard and long hours and do not ever succeed and end up leaving this business.
I know thousands of people that actually worked themselves OUT OF THIS BUSINESS!
How did this occur?
1) These distributors were working very hard and very long hours and became totally exhausted with little results to show-so they left.
2) These distributors were trying to be in too many places doing too many things at the same time-and got burned out.
3) These distributors were talking to people who were not really interested –and led the distributor on- which started creating resentment for the industry from the distributor.
4) These distributors were trying to find people who would talk to them—not find prospects that were looking for them.
5) These distributors were trying to “keep the plates spinning” so none would fall and break. But they were not aware that they were spinning the wrong plates – the wrong way.
6) Theses distributors were being way too busy, spending way too many hours – “working this business, being BUSY”- but not BUILDING this business.
7) These distributors were listening to the WRONG PEOPLE in their upline – who were not willing to do what they were asking OF THEIR DOWNLINE.
And I could list another dozen reasons…
These distributors attempted many of the right things for success—but did them totally wrong, totally exhausted, or totally discouraged.
They became frustrated, and many even became desperate.
And they ended up practicing in their business, without even knowing it, something that
creeps up on you and takes over your business:
“Net-BEG Marketing™”
They end up begging people- without even being aware of it – to give them some time or to
join their business. So if you want your own business InventHelp is there to assist you at anytime with many researchers, illustrators, writers as well as customer service representatives and other staff.
This business is Net-WORK Marketing. It is NOT “Net-BEG Marketing.” You do NOT have to spend your time begging people for an appointment, or to buy something from you, or even to listen to you. There are MILLIONS of people looking for you and want to talk to you, but you must be where THEY ARE and Visible in that Market,
You move into “Net-BEG Marketing” slowly, and quietly. I have seen many people move into it their first couple of years, and someone had to steer them out of it-IF they could. You lose your power in this business and come across with a “NEEDY focus” — not a power focus.
You end up NEEDING the prospect, not the prospect needing you.
The prospect feels it and backs away. And it eventually gets to the point that many folks are mentally “on their knees” begging people for their time and money, and not even aware they are doing it.
They literally are “working themselves OUT of mlm home business network marketing.”
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blessings…doug firebaugh
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