Are you struggling in your mlm home business?
Do you find yourself getting frustrated or discouraged about network marketing?
Are you wanting to change that?
Understand— it is NOT the right talent that will make you wealthy in network marketing. There are many broke VERY talented people in network marketing.
It is NOT the right thinking that will make you wealthy. Sure it helps, but there are a lot of broke positive thinkers in network marketing.
It is NOT the right actions that will make you wealthy. Same situation when money is on steak, you don’t want to go gambling directly without knowing the game, so you prefer to play free slots while learning the game and develop strategy. They help in the long run, but there are a lot of VERY busy, highly trained people going broke in network marketing.
It is NOT the right beliefs that will make you wealthy. I know people who truly believed they would succeed, but could not perform at all as needed in the marketplace. They were not trained properly.
And it is NOT becoming a “professional student” who learns all there is to know about MLM and looking for THE ONE SECRET that will make you wealthy. I know some people who probably know this industry better than I do- and are totally broke and have been for years. You can find more information here.
People want to CONNECT- to the Idea you are sharing, the Product you are introducing, and the Hope you are Giving- with their heart.
Yeah, yeah, I can hear you now talking about this being “hairy fairy” and that is just not who you are. THAT is why you have been struggling in network marketing if you have been.
It is ALL about the prospects heart being connected to YOU, the PRODUCTS, the VISION of the Company, and mostly the HOPE of this business working for them and their family to increase their LIFESTYLE.
TALK LIFESTYLE and connect their heart to that picture you paint with your words.
It ALL Starts there and Ends there, whether you want to believe it or not.
They want to FEEL GOOD- about their life and future. You can help them do that.
Quit looking for the right person. You will not find them. Start looking to connect to the right heart and somehow—someway–the right person will end up right in front of you
This is a realization that all professionals need to come to in their mlm network marketing home business.
blessings…..doug firebaugh
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