mlm personal branding
MLM Home Business Personal Branding
How would you like to discover 3 secrets of Personal branding for network marketing that will skyrocket your home business BRAND?
Would you like to know how to accelerate your brand beyond what most people could imagine?
Well, that is the reason for this post. To help you with your Personal Branding efforts as well as results that you can achieve a few small tweaks.
Personal Branding is critical today in your home business marketing. But there are three CRITICAL Rules that you MUST adhere to if you are going to create a powerful brand. Most that attempt to create a powerful brand often end up with less then the power they wanted, and sometimes are still invisible.
THAT is simply not acceptable!
I have been building a brand online for 15 years, and have been blessed with a brand that is very recognizable in many arenas of our profession. You can do the same thing embracing and engaging these 3 Branding Secrets I am talking about.
And the power of these secrets have proven to create a brand of STEEL that will last and endure over time. And it DOES take time for Personal Branding in MLM to take a hold and create the visibility you are looking for.
That is why we teach “CORE” Secrets with Personal Branding.
What does CORE stand for?
“Consistent Ongoing Relentless Elevation.”
That says it all as far as your brand and what you need it do ot for you.
Here are 3 secrets that helped us build a 7 Figure Brand:
1. Relentless REPETITION.
The Power of Repetition is one of the most powerful “branding irons” that you can have. It will mark an IMPRESSION in a person’s mind, and in their memory as well. You MUST REPEAT your “Branding meme” over and over and over. This is part of the Personal Branding Track that you must travel.
What people see REPEATED can create “mental hook” in their minds, and they will REMEMBER more of who you are and what you do.
WHAT do you and your Brand represent? What is your MESSAGE and what is that supposed to DO with people? What kind of EMOTION do you represent in your brand? What kind of PICTURE does your brand represent and paint in the prospect’s mind?
What is the WHY that is represented with your brand? WHY should they listen to you? WHY are you someone they SHOULD listen to?
Representation will catalyze motivation.
3. Rock Solid REPUTATION.
One of the fastest growing segments of the managing of brands is what is called “Reputation Management.” This is where you manage what is being said about you, and for you.
What kind of reputation do you want your brand to have? What are your plans to create that reputation? What are your objective and goals to reach that level of pristine reputation?
Reputation is the GOLD of a Brand and is worth more than words can say.
You should strive to have a:
Honest Reputation.
Leadership Reputation.
Effective Reputation.
The BEST Reputation.
Unshakable Reputation.
Repetition, Representation, and Reputation.
ALL 3 of these are CRITICAL in your Personal branding. Make sure that you embrace and engage these in your mlm home business personal branding.
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blessings…doug firebaugh
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blessings…doug firebaugh
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