mlm mobile leads
Mobile Lead Prospecting.
Do you use your mobile to prospect for your network marketing home business?
Have you ever considered mobile prospecting as part of your mlm lead generation process?
How would you like 15 powerful reasons why Mobile Lead Prospecting is a GOLD MINE?
Mobile Lead Prospecting is THE COMING FLOOD of unlimited EASY lead generaation in mlm home business!
Here they are: (These facts were found on the internet)
In 2011, there were 835 million smartphone users, 5.6 billion feature phone users (Mary Meeker, Kleiner Perkins, Morgan Stanley Research via Business Insider)
Global internet usage will more than double by 2015, and most of these users will be mobile (Boston Consulting Group, Mary Meeker, Kleiner Perkins, Morgan Stanley Research, Berg Insight via Business Insider)
64% of mobile phone time is spent on apps (Nielsen 2012)
13.4% texting, 11.1% browser, 5.5% social networking apps, 5.4% dialer, 5.3% email/IM, 2.3% music/video, 1.1% camera, 55.8% other apps (Nielsen 2012)
Adults spend more media time on mobile than newspapers and magazines combined (eMarketer December 2011)
On average, it takes 90 minutes to respond to an email, but 90 seconds to respond to a text message (CTIA)
61% of customers who visit a mobile unfriendly site are likely to go to a
competitor’s site (Karim Temsamani at IABALM
2012 via IAB)
At the end of 2011, nearly 1 in 5 smartphone users scanned product barcodes
and nearly 1 in 8 compared prices on their phones while in a store (comScore 2012)
(BY THE WAY- Check out Mobile Lead Prospecting– this will help EXPLODE your leads using your mobile. THIS IS HUGE!)
In 2012, the U.S.saw a 55% increase in smartphone subscriptions to make for 98 million smartphone subscribers, representing nearly 42% of all U.S. mobile users. (comScore 2012)
In the U.S. alone, there were more than 400 smartphone devices on the market at the end of
2011 (comScore 2012)
In 2011, smartphone adoption increased 99% among 6-person households, 98%
among those making less than $25,000, and 92% among retirees (comScore 2012)
Apple and Android represent more than 75% of the smartphone market (comScore 2012)
QR code scans increased 300% in 2011 over 2010 (ScanLife)
QR code usage jumped 617% from January to December 2011 in top 100 Nellymoser)
Mobile email opens increased 34% while opens on webmail and PCs decreased by 11% and 9.5% from April to September 2011 (Return Path)
It does not take a rocket scientist to see that Mobile Lead Generation is huge and only at the beginning.
You can literally have a MILLION eyeballs looking at your home business on their mobile with mobile prospecting. I would suggest that you take a SERIOUS LOOK at mobile lead prospecting as it truly is:
THE Coming MOBILE Prospecting STORM!
We have coached many folks on mobile lead prospecting and the results have been amazing. And it is simple to do. That is why I encourage you to check out Mobile Lead Avalanche.It will help you learn and explode your leads. Mobile prospectingg will change the game of home business network marketing.
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blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) 2012 all rights reserved
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*** Mobile lead prospecting is amazing! Thanks Doug! *** Andy Magee