mlm home business netowrk marketing prospecting
MLM Prospecting Tips and training.
Do you know what prospecting REALLY IS for your home based business– online or offline?
Are you aware that your perception of prospecting will affect your Success in your network marketing lead generation?
Is there a definition that you like to use for your work at home mlm business?
After a long time in this profession, I have come to the conclusion that there is a thing what I call your “Prospecting Lens.”
And this “lens” will determine what kind of prospecting success you have or DO NOT HAVE. The Lens of Prospecting is a very powerful “filter” that you use that will impact your prospecting paradigm and perspective tremendously.
Many folks do NOT have a “Prospecting Lens” but a “prospecting blindfold” that blinds them to all the possibilities of leads that they have available. Social sites often are the worst “blindfolds” because of the distractions and social culture on the net.
This is NOT how prospecting really needs to conducted. If you are prospecting ONLINE you must be aware that there are MILLIONS of people out looking for you. You MUST then “put yourself in front of that traffic.”
And you do that with the AWARENESS of WHERE your prospects are, and how they need to be connected to. You can use PPC, or Facebook ads, PPV, or a host of other different kind of traffic generation methods, but here is the secret from as psychological view:
If you “Prospecting Lens” is not FOCUSED on those places where your prospects are, then it does not matter. You may as well be whistling “Dixie” as we say down south. The Lens of Prospecting must make it CLEAR where you look and what you do to find your prospects and most do not have that clarity nor the focus to engage that. And many if they even do, do it from a place of “hope this works” vs “this is going to be HUGE.”
There are 4 parts to the “Prospecting Lens:”
If prospecting is NOT a high priority in your business, you will always struggle with lead generation.
You MUST be aware of who is online, the software available to you online, who is AROUND YOU, and how many prospects you have in the recruiting funnel. Take a look at this Aspera software that allows you to move critical files and data sets of any size at a maximum speed over your existing infrastructure and worldwide IP networks.
Consistent engagement is the key. If you engage consistently in prospecting, you will make a fortune.
You MUST have a support system that will keep you accountable in your prospecting efforts. Often putting a “Sniper Team” together works really well. What is THAT?
“Supporting Next Initiative (for) Prospecting Exploding Results.”
So….If you decide to put on your “Prospecting Lens” then you FIRST must know WHAT prospecting REALLY IS.
Prospecting is simply locating suspects for your business and then turning them into prospects by finding out if they are right for your business and products- or not.
It has been taught, a person is a SUSPECT first, then a Prospect if they are who you are looking for, and you and your products are who/what they are looking for.
Prospecting according to Webster’s Dictionary is “looking for GOLD.” SWEET!
Here is a “Lens of Leadership” Secret to Prospecting:
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