linkedin recruiting mlm profile
LinkedIn for a home business social media mlm is an incredible social media networking tool.
It offers so much to the home business professional that I could spend hours talking about it. But that is not possible in one post or even a series of posts. Social media mlm is something that is growing, and growing fast. And it changes it seems almost daily. And I could never do justice to even begin to cover that in multiple trainings.
But there is one truth that we will cover today:
No matter how great a networking site LinkedIn is, if your are not visible and cannot be found in the search tool, then you are hidden.
And you must be FRONT and CENTER with your PROFILE to be found in the search results when people are looking for what you market. It is that simple.
No Visibility = Little “Findability.”
How does that happen in your profile?
By creating a “Magnetic Profile.”
What is that?
It is creating a profile that PULLS people towards you from 2 places:
1. Search Results.
2. People who look at your LinkedIn profile
You can look at my profile at:
You can see that the keywords and phrases have been optimized for the search tool. You can search on LinkedIn any type of keyword: mlm, network marketing, mlm training, home business, home business trainer, Home based business, or most any other like search term and my profile comes up usually at # 1 or 2. It has been optimized to do that.
But there is a secret:
You cannot “spam” the profile as then LinkedIn will not include you in the search results. And knowing how to create the Magnetic Profile with the proper balance is CRITICAL.
“Front Loading” your Profile with the proper mix of applicable keywords and phrases is important. But you cannot create a profile that does not make sense and tell people what you do. It MUST make sense and easy understanding for the person to know what you do.
The profile is one of the single most important marketing tools you will ever have, as most professionals today are on LinkedIn. YOU must come across as Professional but at the same time MOVE THE PROSPECT to contact you.
If you create a Magnetic Profile with the proper keyword structure, then not only will you PULL EYEBALLS TOWARD YOU, but they will be moved to contact you.
To take your profile to a higher level and it become a Prospecting Power for you, and create an ‘eyeball pulling” profile, then you may want to consider this:
It is something that will literally show you how to create an avalanche of leads on LinkedIn and find the professionals that you TRULY want to sponsor in your home business social media mlm.
Social Recruiting for LinkedIn -Endless leads
blessings…doug firebaugh
(c) all rights reserved
Prospecting that produced a BILLION Dollars in Volume? READ THIS!