mlm home business recruiting
MLM Recruiting Leadership.
Do you understand what LEADERSHIP is in a home business team?
What are some of YOUR Leadership recruiting questions for your network marketing business?
How do YOU lead the prospect that you are trying to recruit in your mlm efforts?
MLM Leadership is one of the most powerful but rarely taught parts of our business. And Recruiting Like a Leader is even MORE RARE. This is an incredible article that is PACKED with insights and secrets to not only Leadership but recruiting LIKE a Leader.
This is an interview that blew me away (I read a LOT) and wanted to share with you.
Take notes folks- THIS ROCKS!!!!
This interview with Kevin Liles, founder and C.E.O. of KWL Enterprises, a talent management and brand development firm, was conducted and condensed by Adam Bryant.
Corner Office
Every Sunday, Adam Bryant talks with top executives about the challenges of leading and managing. In his new book, “The Corner Office” (Times Books), he analyzes the broader lessons that emerge from his interviews with more than 70 leaders.
Q. What are some important leadership lessons you’ve learned?
A. I’ll start with one of my early failures. I wanted to be the host of a new hip-hop show, and I didn’t get the job. I was the biggest guy in the marketplace. Given what I’d done, that should have sold me. But I didn’t sell myself. So, after that, I realized that no matter what I have done before, I had to learn the art of selling. I had to learn the art of explaining my value proposition when I show up somewhere. How do I differentiate myself? I know who I am. I’m very clear. If I’m meeting someone, I’m very clear about their value proposition, and I know what my value proposition is. So as long as we do what we’re supposed to do, we’ll get everything done.
Q. Let’s say I’m about to start working for you as a direct report. What do I need to know about the kind of boss you are?
A. Well, the reason I’m hiring you or having you directly report to me is because I want to be influenced by you, period. No. 2, there are things I love to do, things I’m great at, things I’m good at, and things I’m bad at. The things I’m bad at and the things that I don’t love to do, you should learn to really do. Because I want you to become an asset, not just somebody like me. And that is what I constantly push any new hire to do — “You cannot be like me. You can’t outdo me. I’m the best at what I do. But the reason I want you on my team is because I think you add something different to the team.”
And I constantly push myself and I push the team. Don’t be the same person you were yesterday. If I’m not helping you grow, if I’m not helping you put a new tool in your toolbox, then I’m not doing the job, and you shouldn’t be working for me. Because I have to inspire people when they’re with me, and I have to be inspired.
Q. What kind of behaviors do you have zero tolerance for?
A. Lack of commitment. Lack of passion. I would never fire somebody for a mistake. I would fire them because they don’t have passion, and they let me knock them off their point of view too easily. If you love something, I’ve got to let you do it. That’s how I came up. I allow people to make the mistake — not to the detriment of the company, but to a point where they feel like they have ownership of it.
I’ve always felt that whatever I did, I owned it. I mean, call it arrogance. Call it passion. Call it taking the weight of the world. Call it responsibility. The point is, you were not going to outperform me at something that I felt I owned. It’s a mentality. It’s a way of life. If I’m the intern, I’m the president of interns. If I’m a regional manager, I approach the job like I’m the president of regional managers. But that’s every day in anything I do. I don’t get involved in things halfway. I create foundations. I tell people I’m going to change somebody’s life because I really feel that I’m going to change their life. I take ownership in it. It’s not about having a share in something; it’s about taking ownership of every single thing you do.
Q. Do you see that quality much in other people?
A. You don’t see it a lot. You’re starting to see it more because people have no choice. Because they’re starting their own businesses. They’re coming up with different things. And the Internet has given us an opportunity to be Generation E, for entrepreneurs, empowerment and education. So I think you’ll start to see a lot of it more. But what I’m talking about is where you’re willing to sacrifice everything for what you believe in. Everybody doesn’t have that.
Q. Tell me more about how you prospect, recruit, and hire.
A. I don’t look at a résumé. I go by referrals. I go by people I trust. I’ve always said, there’s something about a résumé. You can make it say what you want it to say. But if I go to war — and we are at war, with our industry transforming itself — I need people who are going to go to battle every single day. They don’t want to sleep. They want to figure it out. I want to work with the kind of people who hurt when something’s not right.
Q. So when a job candidate sits down with you, how does that conversation go?
A. I’ll ask them, “What made you consider that I could help you with your goals in life?” Because I never look at it like you’re coming to work for me. I only want to provide a platform for you to be greater. And I’ll have the conversation where I ask them: “What’s your value proposition? What are you going to do for my company that we’re not doing already?” If they can’t offer me a value proposition, it doesn’t matter.
Q. Are some people thrown by that?
A. Absolutely. I’ll tell you a story. I hired one girl on the spot. We were wrapping up, and I said: “Well, thank you for coming out. I appreciate the conversation.” She said: “Mr. Liles, you asked me about my value proposition. But I’d like to ask you a question. What would make you not hire me? I’m qualified.” I said, “I don’t know. You’re hired.” I wanted her to want it. I look for things like that in people.
Q. What are your other favorite questions for job interviews?
A. “How do you feel about philanthropy? What is your purpose in life? Tell me about your family.” I believe a great father is a great employee. I believe a great mother is a great employee. I believe someone who’s willing to give up their free time to help others is a great employee. I believe that if your weekends are spent on yourself, then you’re not going to sacrifice for the company.
These have been some powerful recruiting questions you will ever hear for for your mlm network marketing home business.
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blessings..doug firebaugh
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